10 Best Questions To Ask A Woman When You Are Trying To Know Her

10 Best Questions To Ask A Woman When You Are Trying To Know Her

Do you want to know the 10 best questions to ask a woman when you are trying to know her?

Before I met my wife, I had already written in my small pink journal the 10 questions I would ask her.

This helped me to know who she is, what she loves and what she dislikes.

These questions are going to help you also to know the woman you want to date or marry. 

You don’t have to spend years with her before you can know who she really is.

In this article, I will share with you the 10 best questions you should ask the woman you’re trying to know. 

Read also: 15 Traits Every Woman Want In Her Dream Man (Best Qualities Revealed)

Let’s go on now.

10 Best Questions To Ask A Woman When You Are Trying To Know Her

1. What is your favourite meal? 

This is going to let you know the kind of food or cuisine she loves. 

It is very wrong not to know what meals she loves. 

If you know this you can know what kinds of food to surprise her with or which type of restaurants to take her to.

2. What is your favourite travel destination?

This will let you know the kind of places she wants to visit or where she wants to live. 

This will equally help you know her future travel plans, and to know if you fit into her plan.

3. What are your best childhood memories?

Ask her about her happiest and worst experience while growing up.

Most people normally grew up with their childhood memories, both the good and bad ones. 

Someone who was raised without love may not love you or appreciate your love. 

It is not their fault, that was how they were raised. 

This can be corrected by a counsellor or therapist. 

If they have good and happy memories when they are growing up they will do well in relationships and in marriage. 

4. Who is your favourite celebrity?

Any celebrity she admires is going to affect her lifestyle. 

Like the kind of dress she loves to wear, jewellery and handbags. 

She may likely ask you to buy her things that her favourite celebrity uses.

You will also know her hobby when you find out which celebrity she loves most. 

If she loves a soccer star, her hobby may be soccer. If she loves a music star, her hobby may include music.

5. When do you want to get married?

Unless you are dating her for fun, if not you should ask her when she wants to get married. 

To be sure that you are not with another man’s wife. 

When I was dating my wife, I asked her this question and she told me the exact year she wanted to get married. 

And we worked towards that, today we have been married for ten years.

6. Do you like saving more than investing?

Finance is very important in relationships. Ask her which of these she prefers, savings or investments. 

This will tell you the kind of person she is when it comes to money.

Either saving or investment is good, it depends on what you want. 

Personally, I prefer investment over saving. My wife and I invested in real estate which gives us good returns monthly. 

7. What is your personality type?

Introverts don’t like going out or socialising, just like me. 

Extroverts always want to go out and be around many groups of people. Ask her where she falls into. 

But first of all, understand your own personality type before you can ascertain if both of you can blend well. 

This largely depends on what you want. 

Since I am an introvert, I decided to marry an extrovert so that we can blend and complement each other. 

And this also helped our kids to be mixed up in their personality types without them being on one side.

8. Can you tell me about your mom and dad?

Ask her this to find out if her parents were divorced or still together. 

If they were divorced, you should ask her what her thoughts are about divorce. 

Because she may see it as a normal thing anyone can do. 

But if you don’t want to marry her, you may skip this question. 

9. Do you have a child?

Find out if she is a single mom. If she is a single mom you should also love her child as you love her. 

Statistics show that single moms love men who love their kids. 

If you accept to date a single mom you should also care for her kids.

10. What do you want in a man?

Ask her what she wants in her dream man. This will tell you if you are with the right woman or not. 

If you don’t have the qualities that she desires in a man, let her go. 

You shouldn’t waste your time with a woman who doesn’t value you. 

She may pretend to love you but within her she knows that you did not have what she wanted. 

This is the reason why you shouldn’t impress any woman, especially on the first date. 

If you try to impress her with money she will pretend that she likes you just to be getting money from you.

How To know That A Woman Doesn’t Love You When Talking With Her

You can find out a lot of information about someone when you are talking with him/her, whether face to face or over the phone. 

• If she is not looking at you whenever you are talking with her she may not love you. 

Women admire men they love so much and you can figure it out by the way they look at you when talking with them. 

• If they are always in a hurry to end the conversation with you. 

If she always gives excuses just to end your conversation. 

She may not love you. Women like talking a lot with the men they love.

If she gives short responses, it shows that she is not enjoying your conversation. 

And this is a sign that she didn’t love you. A woman that loves you will bring up a topic even when you have nothing to say.

• If she is not laughing at your jokes. If she didn’t love you she may not laugh when you say something that will make her laugh. 

• If she is not relaxed. She may be restless because she wants to leave you and go.


You can easily know all about her if you ask her the 10 questions we discussed above. 

Please don’t ask these questions the same day. Don’t be in a hurry. 

Asking her all these questions the same day shows that you are desperate. 

And she will leave you if she finds out that you are trying to choke her up with questions. 

Do it gradually, one after the other. 

You can ask her one of the questions in between your conversation with her, and you do it the same way another time.