10 Best Tips For Maintaining Faithfulness In Your Relationship 

Do you want to be faithful to your partner and not cheat on them? Or do you want to help your partner to stop cheating on you?

My wife and I have lived for ten years, and we have not cheated on each other. 

Faithfulness in marriage is something you can achieve if you really want to.

Cheating can  be stopped. It is not something that you should be proud of and continue doing. 

You are hurting your partner if you are still cheating on him or her. 

In this article, I am going to share with you 10 best ways to avoid cheating on your partner. 

Read also: How To Identify A Cheating Partner (The Proven Strategy)

Let’s go on now. 

Here Are The Ten Best Tips For Maintaining Faithfulness In Your Relationship Or Marriage

1. Delete your ex contact: Your ex should not be part of your life again. 

You don’t need his or her contact in your phone or contact list any more. 

There is a higher chance of having sex with your ex if you still keep his or her contact info.

2. Let your partner know your friends: Your partner is supposed to know your friends so that you won’t fall into temptation.

Cheating thrives in secrecy.

3. Stop flirting with the opposite sex: Don’t flirt with the opposite sex. You only need to flirt with your partner. 

4. Stop accepting gifts from the opposite sex if your partner doesn’t know about it: Gift is one of the easiest ways to get someone’s attention. 

If someone is giving you gifts, tell your partner. Stop hiding it from them. It is going to help you to be faithful. 

5. Stop clubbing: Clubbing will expose you to cheating. It is better to go with your spouse instead of going alone. 

6. Set boundaries: Don’t give any other person full access to your life except your partner. People will normally stop where you draw the line. 

7. Don’t visit your ex: Visiting your ex is going to remind you about the good moments you had together in the past, and both of you may end up having sex. 

Don’t visit your ex at all. If you must visit your ex, go with your partner. 

8. Don’t keep too many friends with the opposite sex: When you keep too many friends with the opposite sex, you will likely cheat on your partner.  

Keep a few good friends around. 

9. Don’t ask your ex for help: Humans are emotional beings. 

Your ex may use this opportunity to come into your life again and have sex with you. Get help from another person that is not your ex.

10. Don’t tell the opposite sex about your relationship or marital problems: If you are having any problems in your relationship or marriage, you shouldn’t tell the opposite sex about it. 

They won’t help you, they may use that as an opportunity to have sex with you. 

Cheating is not only about having sex with the opposite sex, it also means giving someone else more attention than you give to your partner. 

Important Of Faithfulness In Relationships And Marriage

Here are the various benefits of being faithful to your partner. 

• Happiness: You will be very happy in your relationship if you are not cheating on your partner. 

• You will stay healthy: Someone may have infections that you didn’t know about, and they may transmit the infection to you through sex.

• You will not lose money: Cheating is not cheap. 

You will spend money booking a hotel room, buying food and buying gifts for the person you are cheating with.

• There will be trust: If a partner is not faithful in the relationship or marriage, there will be mistrust. 

• There will be openness: Unfaithful partner can not be open because he or she will be hiding everything from you so that you won’t find out what they are doing. 

• The relationship or marriage will last: Relationships and marriages won’t last if there is unfaithfulness.

• There will be no fight or quarrel: Unfaithfulness brings a lot of fighting and quarreling in a relationship or marriage. 

But if the partners are faithful to each other, there will be no problem. 

What To Do So That Your Partner Will Remain Faithful To You

• Satisfy their sexual needs: Don’t punish your partner with sex. 

Learn new things about sexual satisfaction and implement it in your relationship.

• Don’t be dirty: Your partner may start finding you irritating if you are too lazy to take good care of yourself.

• Give your partner undivided attention: Your partner needs you time and attention, and you should do your best to be available for them. 

• Don’t think that anyone is better than your partner: Your partner is unique and you shouldn’t compare them with another person. 

• Take good care of your appearance: Looking attractive will make your partner faithful in the relationship or marriage.

• Give your partner peace: Don’t nag. Control yourself when you are angry. 

• Know your responsibility: Make sure that you are doing what you are supposed to do in your relationship. 

Don’t be a liability. My wife and I know our various roles in the family. 

We even wrote them in our family journal and we are going to pass them on to our kids.


Nobody wants to be with an unfaithful partner. Try as much as you can to be faithful in your relationship or marriage. 

The highest respect you can give to your partner is being faithful to them. If your partner is doing anything wrong, talk to them about it instead of cheating. 

Nobody should be more important than your partner. If you think that he or she doesn’t know how to please you, you can teach him or her. 

My wife and I have been learning new things daily on how to make our relationship to be more successful. 

Being faithful is not easy, but cheating is not an option. You are not the only one who is facing this temptation, others are facing it too. So work on yourself and don’t relax.