10 Perfect Qualities To Look Out For In A Potential Partner Before Marriage (A True Guide)

10 Perfect Qualities To Look Out For In A Potential Partner Before Marriage (A True Guide)

Do you want to discover the perfect qualities to look out for in a partner before marriage?

I was searching through our cupboard recently and I saw a small purple journal with orchid flower designs. 

I looked through the journal and found the qualities my wife wrote eleven years ago about the kind of man she wanted to marry. 

She was so detailed. Though I didn’t have all the qualities, we have lived happily for ten years.

Before getting married to any man or woman you need to look for some good qualities that will make the marriage last forever. 

In this article, I will share with you 10 qualities to look out for in a potential partner.

Read also: 7 Mistakes New Couples Make In Their Marriage (The Best Way Forward)

Let’s go on now. 

10 Perfect Qualities To Look Out For In A Potential Partner Before Marriage

1. Kindness: A kind partner is someone who is not selfish. He/she doesn’t look for their own good alone. 

They are willing to assist others when the need arises. 

How can you know a kind partner?

• They are selfless. This means that you’re their priority 

• They are willing to help others. They will be eager to help you.

• They will lend you money without asking for interest. Money is very important in marriage. 

If he/she lends you money and demands that you pay back with interest you should be worried. 

These kinds of people love money too much. 

• If they do good things in your absence It means that they are kind, and they are not doing it to please you.

2. Forgiveness: Marriage will never work without forgiveness

If you find out that they are not willing to forgive offences easily, don’t marry them. 

It is dangerous to marry an unforgiving person.

Read also: 5 Reasons Why Shouldn’t Have Sex Before Marriage (Plus 10 Ways To Avoid Sex)

How can you know an unforgiving person?

• They hold grudges for a long time. They will still remember the offences you committed some years back. 

Avoid these kinds of people, they are dangerous. 

• They don’t tolerate mistakes: Who doesn’t make mistakes in this life? 

Everyone makes mistakes. 

If they are not willing to accept other people’s mistakes and weaknesses, don’t marry them. 

• They complain a lot: This is because of their impatience. 

• They find faults easily: They easily find faults in everything you do.

• They are difficult to please: You hardly please this kind of person. 

3. Humor: Some people are too serious. 

If you are looking for a life partner, find someone that can joke, play and laugh with you. 

Life is hard already, so you don’t need someone who can make it harder. 

They will make your life and marriage boring.

How to know someone that can joke and laugh:

• They are always happy: Unhappy people can’t laugh, joke or smile.

• They like talking with others: They are easy going human beings who hardly find fault with people. 

• They are not too serious about life: Doing anything in excess is bad. 

There is time for everything. There is time to be serious and time to relax. 

Someone that is serious 24/7 Is not going to be good for you as a spouse. 

4. Financial intelligence: Lack of finance in marriage is going to make your union difficult. 

Any person without a good financial plan is not going to make a good partner. 

How can you pay your bills without a good financial plan? 

It will be very difficult for you to take care of your responsibility when you marry someone that has no financial plan.. 

How to know someone that is financial intelligence:

• Working on another source of income: He/she will be working on having multiple income sources. 

Having one source of income is not wise. 

Anything can happen to one income sources which may lead to greater problem.

• Borrowing: Some people have the habit of borrowing without any plan of paying back. 

These kinds of people normally run into trouble. 

And they always have a lot to pay on their credit card. 

• Spending: Anyone that spends more than they earn is not going to make a good partner. 

5. Faithful Person: There are many consequences of living with an unfaithful partner. 

From being heart broken to getting infected. 

You must be careful here because it is not easy to live with a cheating spouse. 

How to know an unfaithful person:

• They keep a lot of secrets: These kinds of people hide a lot so that you won’t find out that they are cheating. 

If they keep a lot of secrets it means they may be cheating. 

• They hang out a lot with the opposite sex: They love the company of the opposite sex and spend a lot of time with them.

• They are liars: They will keep lying cover up their cheating lifestyles. 

• They keep late nights: People that cheat stay out late with their secret lover clubbing, drinking and having sex.

6. Neatness: One of the first things I desire in a partner is neatness. 

And I guess you don’t want to live with a dirty partner too. 

Some people are too lazy to take care of themselves. 

And if they can’t take good care of themselves, how can they take care of your family when you marry them? 

Read also: How To Check Sexual Compatibility With Your Partner Without Having Sex Before Marriage (The Proven Strategy)

How to know a dirty person:

• They are always unkempt: They look dirty and unorganized. 

With rumpled clothes, body and mouth odour. They don’t normally have a good smell.

• Their toilets and kitchen are always dirty: Anytime you visit them you will discover that either their toilet or kitchen is dirty. 

The easiest way to find out if someone is really neat is to pay them a surprise visit at their home. 

If you notice that their toilet is always dirty then it is a clear sign that they are dirty.

• If they don’t wash their hands before eating anything: 

It was stated by medical professionals that washing our hands before eating is a healthy habit.

7. Knowledge about marriage: Not knowing anything about marriage is a bad sign.

Make sure that the person you want to marry knows about marriage very well.

How to know someone that have knowledge about marriage:

• Have a discussion with him/her: Talking with them will let you know if they know anything about marriage or not. 

• Ask them if they have read any book on marriage: If they haven’t you can suggest one for them. 

And if they refuse to read the book it means that they are not teachable and rigid. Which is another bad sign.

8. Their view about marriage: It is important to know their view about marriage. 

Some people only want to have kids. This is not the primary reason for marriage. 

The major reason for marriage is companionship. 

Companionship should come first before having kids and other things. 

How to know someone’s view about marriage:

• Pay attention to what they say when both of you are talking about marriage. 

If they are only saying negative things about marriage don’t  marry them. 

9. Flexibility: This means an ability to adapt to changes that may take place in the future. 

There are many things that can bring about these changes like childbirth, financial setbacks and health conditions. 

If he/she Is not flexible it will be difficult to live with him/her.

How to know someone that is flexible:

• If they are reluctant to change: People that only follow one thought  pattern cannot be innovative. And they can’t grow.

• If they can’t make adjustments: They find it difficult to adjust especially when there is an emergency.

10. Someone that has a mind of their own: Some people depend on others to decide what happens in their life. 

These kinds of people are timid. They cannot be trusted and they will likely betray you.

How to know someone that have a sound mind:

• They don’t trust themself 

• They are not consistent 

• They follow public opinion 

• They always blame themself for any misfortune 

• They lack confidence 

Some people don’t look out for these qualities and that is the reason why there is an increase in divorce. 

Marriage is a serious business, so before going into marriage you must know what you want. 

If the person you are about to marry does not have any of these qualities you may have a lot of problems in marriage. 

Read also: 3 Most Important Things To Discuss With Your Partner Before Marriage 


It is very important to take your time to choose the right person. 

If you rush in you will definitely rush out. 

Marriage is sweet but it requires your efforts to make it successful. 

All the 10 points above are what will help you to choose the right partner.