10 Things You Should Never Say To Your Partner (This Changed My Life)

10 Things You Should Never Say To Your Partner 

Do you want to know 10 things you should never tell your partner? Yes, there are things you shouldn’t tell your partner.

My wife told me recently that her former boyfriend Vincent, hurt her so much with his words when they were dating. She said that she broke up with him because of that.

In this article, I am going to reveal to you 10 things you shouldn’t tell your partner which is going to save your relationship or marriage.

You can also read: 7 Reasons Why People Cheat In Relationship

Words can uplift a soul when they’re positive. It can also hurt and cause problems in your relationship when it is negative.

Words are like knives, if you use it well it will help you, if you don’t use it well it will cut.

When you put your words constructively it is called good communication. Communication is very important in a relationship.

And there are good communication and bad communication. Using bad words when talking to your partner is bad communication.

If you want to have a good and lasting relationship you must learn how to use your words correctly so that you won’t hurt your partner.

10 Things You Should Never Say To Your Partner 

1. My ex is better than you: Never in any way compare your partner with your exes.

This is going to make your partner feel bad and they’ll have low self esteem. Any story about your ex shouldn’t be known by your partner. 

2. You are not my spec: If you don’t like anything about your partner, help him or her to change that aspect of his/her life.

You can help them and change them to who you want them to be. There’s no perfect human being out there. Your so-called spec might not exist. 

3. You are not intelligent: Don’t tell your partner that he or she has a low IQ. This is not encouraging at all.

They will not be happy that someone they love is telling them this. 

4. I hate you: You should make your partner feel wanted at all the time.

Using the word “hate” when talking to your partner is a bad way to communicate with him/her.

Telling them this alone might lead them into depression. And I guess you don’t want to live with a depressed partner.

It is very bad to use the word “hate” when talking to your lover, they’ll never forget that. Negative words hurt.

5. You are wicked: Instead of telling your partner that he or she is wicked you can go straight and tell them what exactly they did that you don’t like.

Never tell them that they are wicked. If they make any mistake, correct them in love.

It is your responsibility to correct them whenever they do something wrong. That’s one of the reasons why you’re in their lives in the first place.

6. You are not attractive: Everyone is beautiful in their own unique way.

If your partner is not looking attractive to you again, help them to change their dressing style, or if they’re gaining weight, help them to lose weight.

You can do this by helping them change their diet and start some exercises to put their body back in good shape. 

7. I think you’re cheating on me: Don’t accuse them wrongly if you are not sure that they are cheating on you.

Wrong accusations will break their heart. If you think they’re cheating, ask them about it without accusing them.

8. I wish I never met you: This is not a polite way to address any issue with your lover.

If at all you want to end things with your partner you can do that without hurting their feelings.  

9. I can do without you: It is not a good thing to be independent from your partner.

You have to depend on them for emotional support. If you tell your partner that you can do without them, they might not help you again when when you need their help in the future.

You may say that you don’t need them today, but are you sure that you won’t need them tomorrow?

10. You are bad luck to me: This is even the worst. Someone that loves you cannot be a bad luck to you.

When things go wrong it doesn’t mean that your partner is the cause.

Read also: 5 Things You Should Stop Telling Women (And Best 6 Ways To Talk To A Woman)

Bad luck happens to everyone, you’re not the only person that is having bad luck. So don’t accuse your partner for your bad luck. 

Tongue is the greatest weapon. You can heal, encourage or even kill someone with it.

Be mindful of what you say when talking with your lover. Words are the strength of any relationship.

Without words no relationship will ever work. Most heart breaks are caused by bad words.

Telling your partner what will hurt them may lead to break up or divorce.

And I know you don’t want to end things with your partner now.

Start using good words when talking to your partner. It will strengthen your relationship and make your partner happy.

Who doesn’t want to be with a happy partner? I want my partner to always be happy.

That’s why I am mindful of the words that I use when talking to her. I don’t want to hurt her with bad words.

Here Are The Things To Tell Your Partner To Make Them Happy 

1. You’re beautiful: Women especially love to hear this from their partner often. It makes them believe that you still love and cherish them.

2. I love you: This is the sweetest word you can tell your partner. Tell them that you love them so much when they least expect it.

3. Am lucky to meet you: He or she will be very happy to hear this from you. Say it and mean it.

4. I will choose you over and over again:  I love hearing this from my partner. It gives me courage to keep being faithful to her. 

5. Thank you for loving me: Tell your partner how you feel about the love and care they are giving You. This will motivate them to love you more.

6. I am sorry: If you offend your partner, say sorry immediately. Stop trying to prove to them that you are right.

Apologies to your partner anytime you offend them and everything will be fine without further quarrel or fight.

7. I love your outfit: Whenever your partner dresses up for work tell them how cute they look. This will make them walk with confidence knowing fully well that their outfit is admirable. 

Read also: 10 Ways To Support Your Spouse’s Mental Health In Your Relationship 


Words are powerful. Be mindful of how you speak to your partner.

Any time you’re angry don’t talk so that you won’t say something bad to them.

Any word that comes out from your mouth can never go back. People don’t normally forget bad words easily.

Even when you apologise to them after hurting them with your words they’ll still remember it some day. So the best thing to do is to avoid telling them any hurtful words at all.