12 Sure Signs That Shows That Your Marriage Is Great (Jack’s 15 Years Experience)

12 Sure Signs That Shows That Your Marriage Is Great

Do you want to know the 12 signs that show that your marriage is great?

My colleague Jack Thompson just celebrated his 15 years in marriage with his wife. 

Jack is very happy to have lived with his wife Emma for this long. 

He said that they encountered a lot of challenges in their 15 years of marriage. He looked fulfied and was full of joy.

He invited us for a small anniversary party in his beautiful home in Alabama. 

The couple shared their journey together with us. Emma said that her husband is a great leader in their home and a role model for their two sons. 

Jack sat closer to her wife as she narrated  their journey together. 

After her story, I asked the couple this question, “What can you say that made your marriage last this long?” 

They looked at each other and started laughing. Their laughs lasted for about 30 seconds. 

“Friendship”, they said in unison. “Aaah.. both of you have the same answer?” One of us inquired. 

Jack said that the friendship between him and her wife is the pillar of their 15 years of marriage. 

In this article, I  will share with you 12 signs that show that you are having a great marriage. 

Read also: How To Live With A Broke Husband (You Must Know This)

Let’s go on now.

12 Sure Signs That Shows That Your Marriage Is Great 

1. Friendship: If your partner is your best friend then your marriage is going to be successful. 

It takes two people to make marriage work, and they are; you and your partner. 

If you are not working together as a team you may have a bad marriage. 

Imagine how Jack and his wife Emma kept this friendship for fifteen good years. 

Does this mean there won’t be any quarrel in the marriage? There will be misunderstandings because we are not perfect. 

But how you deal with the misunderstanding is where the successful or the failure begins.

How to build friendship between couple:

• Have fun together. Jack said they play their favourite game “chess” together. 

He said that sometimes, he will purposely allow his wife to win.

• Exercise together. Go on a walk out or gym  together with your spouse. 

• Bath together. Bathing together is another way you and your partner should bond more.

• Have time for eating together. This could be dinner or breakfast, because you may be at work during lunch time. 

I prefer to have dinner together with my wife. Because we relax more at dinner time.

• Settle any misunderstanding quickly. Don’t leave any issue unsettled. 

2. Gist mate: If you like talking with your partner regularly it shows that you are having a great relationship with your spouse. 

You can talk about anything with your partner without feeling guilty. 

3. Laughing together: If you joke and laugh with your spouse your marriage is great. 

Any marriage without jokes and laughs is a boring marriage. And you will be finding things difficult. 

4. Celebrating your anniversary: Don’t wait till your marriage is 10 or 15 years before you start celebrating anniversaries. 

You can start from six months into your marriage to celebrate an anniversary. 

This is a sign of a happy and great marriage. It mustn’t be a big celebration, it can be between you and your partner alone. 

5. Renewal of marriage promise/vow: I and my wife renew our marriage vow every year. 

We normally do this in our sitting room with the two of us alone. After that, we celebrate the joy and eat our favourite meal together. 

Read also: Best Conversation Strategies For Couples 

6. Frequent light kiss: Every morning before I leave the house, I must give her a light kiss on her forehead.

It has become a tradition for us. Even if I am not happy, I will still give her a light kiss. And she does that if she is the one going out.

7. Helping each other when one is tired: If my wife is sick or tired, I normally serve her meals on the bed, or on the dinning if she doesn’t want to eat on the bed. 

A great marriage is the one in which the spouse understands each other and knows when they need help.

8. Not disclosing each other’s weakness: Marriage is not the union of perfect people. 

If you are perfect you don’t need marriage. 

Keep your spouse’s weaknesses secret and work towards helping them to overcome those weaknesses. 

I learnt this from my father, he has never told anyone about my mom’s weaknesses especially when talking with his group of friends and colleagues.

 I saw his friends do that a lot.

9. Respecting each other’s boundaries: if your partner tells you that he/she doesn’t like any particular thing, don’t do it. 

10. Not denying each other their conjugal right: Unless for health reasons, don’t deny your partner sex. 

It is going to help them to be faithful to you.

11. Celebrating their birthday day and other special occasions: 

Do well to celebrate your partner on their birthday or when they get any promotion or any breakthrough. 

This shows that you care so much for them.

12. Buying gifts for them: Don’t only buy them gifts on their birthdays. 

You can do that on other days that they are not celebrating anything. 

It mustn’t be an expensive gift. $10 gifts are quite okay. 

You can buy chocolate for them if they love it.

If your marriage is really great you don’t need anyone to tell you it is. 

But when you are in doubt it shows that your marriage may still be on the way to greatness. 

But whatever it may be, your marriage is going to be great. Keep on working on it.

Read also: How To Prepare For Your Wedding Anniversary With Little Budget (8 Easy Ways)


Great marriages are not easy to come by. It requires great effort. 

Don’t relax and wait for things to happen on their  own. 

Jack and Emma worked for their marriage to be successful and they are enjoying their hard work today. 

Do the same and make your marriage great. 

The signs of a great marriage may not be limited to only these 12 points above. 

There may be other points you can find in other people’s marriages around you.