15 Traits Every Woman Want In Her Dream Man (Best Qualities Revealed)

15 Traits Every Woman Want In Her Dream Man

Do you want to know the traits every woman wants in her man? 

My wife’s younger sister got married last year.

She told me about the qualities she wanted in her dream man.

She had dated many men in the past, but none of them met her requirements. 

She was patient enough to meet the man that is good for her.

She visited us last month with her husband. 

“I am happy that I met him,” she exclaimed, with a lovely smile.

Women are very specific in what they need in a man. 

They know the physique, the height and the exact character they want. 

In this article, I will share with you 15 traits every woman wants in her dream man.

Read also: 7 Effective Ways To Make Your Girlfriend Happy (The Real Secrets)

Let’s go on now. 

15 Traits Every Woman Want In Her Dream Man

1. Financial plan: You don’t need to have all the money now but you must be financially intelligent. 

Money is very crucial in life. Men are the primary provider. 

So you need to build your financial intelligence. Have a realistic financial plan and stick to it. 

You can build your financial plan by reading books about investment and money, listening to  audio clips and attending seminars. 

Women are very observant, they can easily know a man that is financially intelligent by having a few minutes talks with them. 

Financial intelligence is going to help you to build a good and multiple sources of income in the future. 

2. Sweet tongues: This means your ability to tell women sweet things that can make them happy. 

You don’t talk to a woman this way you talk to a man. 

The way women process words is different from the way men do. Women love sweet words. 

Before you talk to a woman you must consider her emotions. 

They are very emotional and that is the reason why words mean a lot to them. 

Learn to tell her sweet things like; 

You’re beautiful, I love your hair, your eyes are so pretty, I wish to be with you forever and also tell her how amazing her clothes look on her. 

3. Boldness: Don’t be timid as a man. I have never seen any woman that doesn’t like bold men. 

If you are not bold, she will assume that you have low self esteem and cannot protect her. 

4. Be faithful: women don’t like men that keep many women around them. 

She will see you as someone who can cheat. 

Women don’t like men that have many female friends. 

5. Look like a man: If your physique doesn’t portray masculinity no women like you. 

Improve your body build by going to the gym. This is going to help you look manly. 

Read also: 10 Best Questions To Ask A Woman When You Are Trying To Know Her

6. Hardworking man: Women admire hard working men and dislike lazy men. 

Get busy with your life and pursue your goals diligently. 

This will make you more valuable and women will come after you. 

If you’re lazy they will reject your proposals.

Because they will see you as someone who cannot take care of them in a relationship/marriage.

7. Be a leader: Men are naturally created to be leaders. 

If you lack leadership ability women won’t accept you. 

Being a leader here means someone she looks up to. 

Someone who can motivate her, teach her new things, give her realistic advice.

And someone who can give her possible solutions for her problems. 

Man is the head over a woman and you must be the head to have a successful relationship with women.

8. Be strong: Women are weaker vessels so they need their opposite, a strong man. 

If you are weak as a man no woman will ever believe in you. 

They want a man who can stand with them and defend them when the need arises. 

9. Men who have their own opinion: No woman will want you if you cannot make your own decisions. 

You must have the ability to make a sound decision before any woman can accept you. 

Stop following other people’s opinions.  That is not the quality of a man. 

Trust your decisions and don’t bend towards the crowd. 

10. A good listener: Women love talking a lot. 

That means you have to be ready to listen to their many story lines.  

If you don’t pay attention and listen to them when they are talking they won’t find you attractive. 

Next time you meet any woman you like, just bring up a topic and allow her to do the talking, and you listen to her.

Read also: How To Stop Being Nervous Around Women (15 Secrets Revealed By Experts)

11. Selflessness: Being selfish means that you are always the first in everything. 

If she notices that you are selfish she will leave you or possibly ghost you. 

When you tell her about your future plan make sure to include her in the plan, if not she won’t stay with you. 

Let her know that she is part of your future plan, this will make her happy and she will feel secure with you. 

12. Responsibility: A woman will have nothing to do with you if you are not a responsible man. 

Don’t run away from challenges. 

Show her that you can take responsibility for anything that concerns both of you. 

This means that you are committed and have the ability to take care of her in the relationship. 

13. Have a hobby: Have something you love to do in your leisure time. 

This will make you smarter. 

Women want to hang out with smart guys. 

Tell her about your hobby so that she will know that you are living a balanced life. 

That you are hardworking doesn’t mean you should be a workaholic. You should also have time for other things. 

14. Sense of humor: Women love funny guys. 

They want to be with a man that will make them laugh. 

They don’t want to be with a man that will make the relationship stressful and  boring. 

Laughing relieves stress. 

If you can help her to relax after a hectic day by making her laugh she will be all over you. 

And I guess this is what you want. I am good at this. 

I make sure to say something that will make her laugh in between our conversations.

And this will make her feel relaxed and she will give me more attention. 

15. Humility: A humble guy is honest, reliable and trustworthy. 

And guess what, no woman will ever leave you if they find out that you have this quality. 

Just be transparent with her and she will be yours forever. 

It is difficult to find humble people these days, so when they see one, they grab him all by themselves with jealousy.

Most men think that women only want rich men. But this is not true. 

Money can attract women but money will never make her loyal to you. 

If you attract a woman with money she will only like you because of the money and nothing more. 

Read also: How To Talk To Any Girl And Win Her Over Even If You Lack Confidence (My Strategy)


You don’t have to kill yourself to please any  woman. 

They are ever ready to love you if you have all they desire. 

You don’t have to be very rich to attract any woman. 

What will make her like you is your masculinity. 

And you can improve your masculinity with the 15 points we discussed in this article.