17 Things Wedding Guests Shouldn’t Do

17 Things Wedding Guests Shouldn't Do

Just as there are rules for attending to guests, there are also a series of behaviors that guests must avoid so as not to appear reckless or rude. 

Here we tell you what they are so you don’t fall for them!

You always have to start by being aware of the effort that the couple have made with the planning of the wedding so that all their guests feel comfortable, therefore there are rules that those who attend the wedding have to comply with, allowing everyone to fully enjoy the event. 

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So if you have been invited to a wedding, and you want to keep the rules that will lead you to become a star guest, then avoid the following ‘blunders’.

1. Arrive (late) in the middle of the ceremony

Arriving late for a wedding is bad.

The best thing to do is to calculate very well your travel times, preparations and more. 

If due to some unforeseen event, you arrive late to the wedding ceremony program, avoid interrupting or causing distraction among the guests. 

In this case, it is preferable that you wait outside until it is finished. 

2. Breaking the dress code

It is not only about knowing how to dress for a wedding, but also about taking into account the wedding dress code that the bride and groom have included in their invitation card. 

Keep in mind what the dress code is for the wedding, the ideal type of jacket, whether or not you should wear a tie and/or the suggested colors. 

Do not leave it at the last minute! Review this detail in a timely manner so that if necessary, you can purchase the clothes you need on time.

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3. Coming with people who were not invited

All invitations always carry a key piece of information: the number of people invited per card.

 So the best thing to do is to comply not only with this number, but also with the attendance of those who meet there. 

Avoid at all costs altering the wedding guest list without the authorization of the couple. 

If one of the guests can’t make it, don’t assume you can bring someone else (who hasn’t been invited) to take their place. 

Likewise, if the invitation is only cited for one (1) person, you must not arrive accompanied by anyone.

4. Arrive with extra drinks to the celebration

One of the minimum rules for wedding guests is not to arrive drunk at the celebration. 

This is going to cause problems between the guests and the couple. Wait and toast with the couple.

5. Call the couple on the wedding day

Do not do it! On the day of the wedding they will be up early, they will have a busy schedule, fear, anxiety and many things to think about. 

They need to concentrate at all times, so they will not have time to answer calls.

If you really need to call them in a case of emergency, try to do it through a close person such as their friends or family members.

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6. Overdo the drinks

Another of the rules for wedding guests that you cannot violate is to drink the drinks. 

Drink in moderation, eat properly to balance the effect of the liquor, and find the perfect point to say “no more”. 

Losing control will only make you look bad in front of the guests and they will keep you in their memories as the drunk person at the wedding.

7. Making inappropriate requests to the waiters

More liquor, more food, daring invitations, scolding, or even insinuating compliments… Avoid them! 

Observe wedding etiquette and communicate with respect and restraint.

8. Seizing the microphone in the middle of the speech

This is against the rule for the wedding celebration, and can even cause unpleasant looks from the guests. 

If you have not been invited to give a speech, do not seize the microphone or stop any of the activities, unless you are asked to do so.

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9. Talk bad about other guests

Make sure that you talk with joy and gratitude.

Don’t make bad comments about other people. 

Greet the guests and wish each one the best.

10. Talk bad about the wedding 

The couple have put a lot of effort in organising the wedding, so appreciate their efforts regardless of the shortcomings.

Avoid all kinds of comments related to the organization or decoration of the wedding, as this will only generate discomfort among the other guests.

11. Going too far when dancing with guests

It is good that you want to get in touch with the other guests, but it is important that you always do it with cordiality and respect, without going too far when dancing or conversing with the guests.

12. Skipping the lines at the buffet or entrance

Avoid sneaking into the lines at the buffet or at the entrance. 

Follow the recommendations and instructions given to you by the support staff and waiters, and wait patiently for your turn.

13. Interfering with the work of the photographer and/or videographer

They are experts and professionals on their work and for this reason they were chosen by the bride and groom.

They also have a work program in accordance with the protocol for the wedding celebration, which they will follow to carry out their work. 

If you have any suggestion, you can do it respectfully. 

Avoid interfering in the spaces they need to perform their function.

14. Interrupting the DJ’s work

It’s okay if you want to ask for a wedding song to dance to, but be careful! 

Do not interfere with the work of the DJ or the person in charge of setting the reception, remember that it was duly selected by the couple and surely they already made some key recommendations for you all night.

15. Criticize the menu

Save all kinds of criticism to yourself. 

If you don’t like something on the menu or it is not compatible with any special condition you have, then you can kindly request an alternative. 

Avoid making bad comments about it or reacting indiscreetly to any situation that upsets you.

16. Wanting to give orders to the logistics team

Another rule for wedding guests that can be easily violated is feeling the power or the right to give orders to the logistics and organization team of the wedding, without being authorized to do so. 

Don’t wear yourself out! Well, they have an established program to comply with, which will not be modified by the will of any guest, unless it is a matter of emergency.

17. Using the cell phone at inappropriate times

Using cell phones inappropriately can cause distractions. Use them at the appropriate moments.

Avoid using cell phones during the time of the meal, the ceremony or the toast.

Enjoy every moment and above all, give each person who is close, the respect they deserve.

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Make sure you obey all the wedding rules to avoid embarrassment. 

Respect the couple and also respect the other guests.

Doing this will help everyone enjoy the wedding ceremony.