22 Signs an Older Woman Wants You Physically

Happy older woman in a garden

So you think an older woman you just met is interested in you? 

Not only that, but you sense a sexual tension between you that leads you to believe she wants you as much as you want her.

She smiles at you, looks into your eyes, and laughs with you, she may have touched your arm a few times already.

Still, it can be challenging to know if an older woman wants you or if she is just being very friendly.

The truth is that the way older women desire men is different for each person, some feel it the very moment they see you while others need a deeper emotional connection first. 

In general, a man generates a connection through sex and a woman needs to feel connected before deciding to have intimacy. 

On the other hand, women are culturally more accustomed to hiding their desires and are turned on by different things than men. 

They are not so visual but also value a special personality or way of acting in a man. 

So, you might doubt if the attraction you feel is something mutual, or if you are the only one who feels it. 

That is why we have created this article so that you can know with certainty if she wants you physically or if it is just the result of your desire.

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Let’s go now to discuss the 22 signs.

1) She playfully makes jokes with ambiguous meanings when talking to you

A clear sign that an older woman wants you physically is when the two of you start joking with each other with double meanings. 

Suddenly anything you say has a sexual connotation. 

Imagine this situation: You are chatting about some work issue, you say something and suddenly she blushes and starts laughing nervously. 

And there you realize that she has associated your words with something physical or sexual. 

This can only happen if, somewhere in her mind, she has conceived the possibility or imagined some intimate situation with you. 

2) She flatters you

Women don’t compliment men for no reason.  

This could be an obvious sign that she wants you physically.

It could have been a subtle compliment because most older women don’t want to be too direct.

But if she compliments you, even with a small thing, she probably wants you. 

They could include phrases such as “I feel very comfortable with you” or “You are very easy to talk to.”

Plus, if she compliments some aspect of your style or appearance, there’s a good chance she’ll want you. 

Whatever it is, if she’s already complimenting you after meeting you, then you can bet your last dollar that she wants you.

3) She tells you what is happening in her life

If an older woman tells you about her life in quite some detail, when she barely knows you, then it’s a good sign that she wants you.

For example, perhaps she has told you about her family or her big goals for the future and how she plans to achieve them.

We usually don’t talk about topics like this with someone new. 

These are things that women like to talk about with those closest to them. 

Her talking about personal things with you shows that she feels comfortable enough to share details about who she is.

And that’s a great sign that not only does she want you, but that you’ve also managed to establish a meaningful connection with her. 

And when an older woman connects with a man on a deeper level it is a clear indicator of intimate desire. 

Physical appearance can be important, but what turns older women on the most is achieving a close bond with a man. 

A man who conquers them for who they are and for being able to see who they are. 

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4) If she touches you a lot

This is the key to knowing if an older woman wants you or if she is just being friendly and generally nice.

If she touches you in any way, then it could be a sign that she desires you. 

Women are incredibly tactile creatures, and one of the ways they express their appreciation for others is through touch.

Also, they won’t touch a man they don’t want. 

The more contact she has with you, the higher the chances of desire she feels for you. 

Here’s what you should keep in mind:

If she touches your forearm while she’s talking and while you’re standing, then it’s a good sign that she’s interested in you.

If she touches your wrist while talking, she’s more likely to want you.

Touching you a lot shows how attracted she is to you and how much closer she wants to be to you.

5) You noticed her staring at your physique

If she wants you physically, she will not be able to avoid examining your physique. 

Maybe she looks at you a lot when you’re not looking because she can’t help but appreciate your attractiveness. 

Or you may even have something in particular that attracts her and she mentions it to you. 

Maybe your arms or those big hands. 

6) Maintains intense eye contact with you

If she makes direct eye contact with you, then it’s a good sign that she’s interested in you as more than just a friend.

However, if there is sexual desire, it is also expressed through a glance.

When she looks at you intensely when talking to you or across the room, it is a good sign of attraction and desire. 

Another thing to keep in mind: if she looks at you a lot and smiles, or looks you directly in the eyes during conversations, then she’s interested.

Also, pay attention to how long she makes eye contact with you. 

If it’s more than 5, 10, or 20 seconds at a time, there’s a good chance she wants you and feels a desire for more intimacy with you.

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7) She gets very close to you

Proximity is a great sign of sexual attraction and intention.

The closer she is to you, the more likely she is to like you and want you.

Even if she hugs you, it’s a great sign that she wants to be by your side all night.

Also, if she leans towards you a lot, then that’s another great sign that she wants you. 

After all, we don’t consciously control what our body does, and if her body naturally gravitates toward you, then she wants you.

8) Her smile is genuine and wide

A smile is one of the most powerful tools for flirting.

Our goal when we smile is not really to make someone love us, but to let them know that we want them.

So if she is smiling and smiling widely, then it shows her interest in you and that she is happy to talk to you.

It demonstrates her desire to spend time with you.

People also show a wide smile if they want to impress someone.

We all know that smiling makes us look better, so chances are she is smiling to make a good impression on you.

9) Her gestures denote desire

Other body language gestures will make it clear to you if an older woman is attracted to you. 

A very obvious one is if she bites her lips or plays with anything in her mouth, like a pen or a straw. 

She wants you to kiss her eagerly, which is an obvious display of desire.

Furthermore, if she touches her hair a lot, plays, and curls with it, it is a sign that she craves contact. 

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10) She asks you out

If she just met you and is already planning to meet you again, then you know for sure that she wants you. 

And if she wants a second date, there’s a good chance she’s seriously considering the intimacy option. 

She wants to meet you and be with you, so she has a lot of interest in you. 

If she wants to see you again, it’s a big sign that she likes you and a big indicator of her ulterior motives with you. 

One thing to keep in mind:

If you have something to offer her, like connections to a new job she wants, then that could be a reason she wants to meet up with you again.

This is usually not the case, but keep in mind that some older women will set up a date for reasons other than flirting.

11) Your friends ask what is going on between you

Often when there is tension between two people, those who are around are the first to notice. 

Your friends will probably ask you if anything has happened between both of you or what she is up to. 

The sexual energy they emanate can be perceived from miles away. 

12) She is highly concerned about your appearance and whatever changes you make

If an older woman is attracted to you, she will be very aware of you. 

She’ll notice every new shirt you wear, whether you’ve cut your hair or changed your beard. 

So if she frequently mentions some details about your appearance, you already know that she is eager to get closer to you. 

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13) She gives you her number or asks for yours

Most people will not provide their phone number to someone they have just met unless they are interested in them.

If she gives you her number and asks for yours, there’s a good chance she wants you, especially if she doesn’t expect anything from you in return.

If you ask her for her number and she gives it to you, it could also be a sign that she wants you. 

But in this case, it is less likely, since nowadays contacts are exchanged very easily and then she might not respond to you. 

Some women prefer not to go through the discomfort of not giving you their phone number. 

She simply won’t respond to you or tell you later that she is too busy. 

14) She grooms herself more than before 

An older woman who wants you will go the extra mile to look sexy and be attractive. 

At the end of the day, she will want you to be drawn to her as well.

If you notice that she pays special attention to her makeup, and wears more red dresses and sexier clothes, she’s probably doing it to get your attention. 

She wants to awaken your animal instinct so that you can’t help but go in search of her. 

15) Show her sexiest body parts

Older women are very conscious of their physique, both the parts they don’t like and the parts they do. 

And they are also very clear that men are quite sensitive to visual stimuli. 

So, if she wants you, she will probably make an effort to show those body parts that she knows are most attractive to men. 

Maybe wear high-waisted shorts with a cropped T-shirt to show off her small waist, or maybe a not-so-subtle cleavage, showing off more than usual. 

She might as well go for skinny jeans, you know what I mean. 

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16) Her voice changes

And this sign happens the same in men as in women. 

When a person feels sexually attracted to another, their tone of voice tends to be deeper. 

It is a kind of unconscious mechanism to sound more sensual and attractive. 

So now you know, if she lowers her voice when she is with you it is a sign that she wants you. 

17) She laughs a lot at your jokes

Women generally don’t laugh at things that aren’t funny, except when they’re interested in someone. 

That’s when everything you say is hilarious to them.

If she laughs more than she should at something you just said, she probably wants you.

That’s a good sign.

She laughs because she is in a good mood and that is an indicator that she is attracted to you and wants to spend time with you.

Another good sign is that she will also smile a lot when you talk. 

You make her feel good and she wants to impress you with her radiant smile.

18) Show interest in everything you say

If an older woman asks you questions about your interests or hobbies, it’s a good sign that she wants you. 

She shows that she is interested in you as a person and she wants to know more about the person she is talking to, and not just about your appearance.

When someone is attracted to someone, they want to get to know them.

They want to know what they are like, how they feel, and how they think, so they ask questions and show interest.

If she listens carefully to what you have to say and asks you questions to dig deeper, then you know she wants you.

19) She asks you personal questions

If she asks you questions about where you work, your interests, or what you do in your free time, then this is a very good sign that she is interested in getting to know you.

Sometimes, when we just meet someone, we don’t care much about their life.

We can comment on the weather or talk about what’s happening in town, but we won’t take the time to ask them serious questions about their life.

So if she asks you about your hobbies or what you do for a living, then she wants you.

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20) She tells you things about herself

If she is talking to you about the job that she loves so much or her new car, then it is a sign that she wants to impress you. 

And why would she do something like that, if not to win you over? It is because she wants you.

We usually don’t start talking to people we’ve just met, so if she’s trying to look good, then there’s a good chance she wants to impress you.

After all: It takes effort to talk about yourself, and if she’s making that effort, then she probably wants you.

21) She always responds to your messages, and in general, quickly

An older woman who is attracted to you will be eager to arrange a meeting with you. 

Each talk is an opportunity to get closer to you and make that magical moment a reality. 

So if you talk to her or write to her you will get an immediate response. 

She may try not to seem desperate and may sometimes take a while to respond. 

But the truth is that you will notice her predisposition and she will never leave a message from you unanswered.

22) Mirror your movements and words

When we like someone, our brains do something interesting without us realizing it – it’s called “mirroring.” 

This means we tend to copy or imitate the way the other person acts or behaves, like their gestures, expressions, or even tone of voice. 

It happens automatically, almost like a hidden way of connecting with them.

So if you see that she changes her posture when you do it or starts using the same words as you, you already know it’s because she’s interested in you. 


Now that you know what signs to look for to know if an older woman wants you physically, go ahead and explore with her.

Next time you meet an older woman you like, why don’t you ask her and find out directly?

That’s the quickest way to know your answer. 

The game of seduction is fun and exciting. 

Always encourage yourself to play it with respect and without fear of showing your interest. 

If she likes you, then ask her out and watch the chemistry that already exists between the two of you flow.

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