3 Most Important Things To Discuss With Your Partner Before Marriage 

3 Most Important Things To Discuss With Your Partner Before Marriage 

Do you want to know the 3 most important things to discuss with your partner before marriage?

Before I got married to my wife, we talked and planned our marriage. 

By writing everything down in our journal. 

The journals are still with us even after ten years in marriage. 

Many couples focus more on wedding preparations than the marriage itself.  

If you don’t discuss these three things you are likely going to have problems in your marriage. 

If you are not married yet you are lucky to be reading this article by now. 

If you are already married, you can make necessary adjustments and move on with your marriage. 

In this article, I will share with you 3 most important things to discuss before marriage. 

Read also: How To Check Sexual Compatibility With Your Partner Without Having Sex Before Marriage (The Proven Strategy)

Let’s go on now. 

3 Most Important Things To Discuss With Your Partner Before Marriage 

1. Finance: Marriage cannot work without making proper financial plans. 

Sit down with  the person you want to marry and discuss everything about your finances. 

Starting from your income source, investment plans and paying bills.

Here are what to discuss about finance:

• What is going to be your main source of income: 

If both of you already have a job or business, you can talk about having other sources of income. 

Which can be a side business. 

• How to pay bills: Talk about how to pay bills between two of you depending on who is earning more. 

• What investment or property to invest on: 

You can choose any investment or property to buy that will yield more profits depending on where you are living. 

2. Spirituality: Know their beliefs. 

If they believe in God, if they are too religious or if they don’t believe in God at all. 

My wife and I have the same belief as Christians, and this made our union more successful. 

If you can cope with someone from another faith, you can marry them. But be sure to do this before getting married to them. 

How to know about someone’s spirituality:

Find out about their church: Which church do they attend? 

Ask them about it: Ask them to tell you about their spiritual life, their spiritual challenges and how they are trying to improve their lives. 

Watch their lives: People can lie about their spiritual life. So watch out to see if their life aligned with what they told you.

Watch the kinds of friends they keep: Human beings normally follow their kinds. 

If their friends have no value for spirituality then he/she may be the same. 

3. Sex: What is their view about sex? Do they like sex? 

Sexual compatibility is very important when it comes to marriage. 

You can’t find out if you are compatible with someone sexually by just having sex with them.

How to find out your sexual compatibility with your partner:

Have a conversation with them about sex: Ask them what they like about sex. 

Find out if they were sexually abused or raped in the past. 

Most people that were sexually abused or raped don’t normally like sex. 

If they have this problem they can see a sex therapist. 

How they look at you: If they fix their gaze more on you whenever you are together, they may be admiring you. 

And that is a sign of sexual compatibility if you feel the same.

How they react when you mention sex: If they look away whenever you talk about sex, it means that they may not like sex or they may be shy.

Number of kids: I put this here because you should also talk about the number of kids both of you want to have. 

If your partner says two and you say three, it is not going to work and you shouldn’t go on with the marriage. 

Unless any of you want to adjust and accept the other person’s wish.

Check for sexually transmitted diseases: It is very important to know about your sexual health before getting married. 

Also do fertility tests together with your partner before you accept to marry them.

You have to be very observant when it comes to sex. 

Going further, you should buy books about marriage and study it very well. 

Because marriage is not a child’s play. It is something serious and should be done with caution.

My wife and I still check our journals regularly to make sure that we are on track. 

This is helping us to grow financially, spiritually and sexually. 

What are the importance of finance, spirituality and sex in marriage?

1. It is difficult to have a great marriage without money. 

Your wife may start nagging if you can’t provide for the family financially. 

2. You can’t meet up with the family demands if there is no money or proper financial plan. 

3. If you marry someone that you are not compatible with sexually, you may lose interest in the marriage. 

4. If you can’t satisfy your partner sexually he/she May start cheating on you. 

5. They may infect you with sexually transmitted diseases if you don’t carry out any tests before marriage. 

6. If you have different beliefs you may start having problems when kids are involved. 

I know a friend who is a Catholic while his wife is an Anglican. 

They are always quarreling with each other about which church their kids will be attending. 

I asked the husband why they didn’t have this discussion before marriage, and he said that he thought that it didn’t matter.

Marriage is not something you jump into without proper planning. 

You must talk with your partner about important things before marriage. 


These three points above are the basics things you should discuss with your partner before getting to them. 

If they disagree with you on any of the points, it means that the marriage may not be successful going forward. 

Take your time to talk about everything, and make sure it is written down for future reference. 

That was how I started with my wife and we are 10 years into the marriage. 

Whatever you think that doesn’t matter may be a big problem in the future.