4 Things You Should Never Tell Your Husband (Easiest Way To Manipulate Him)

4 Things You Should Never Tell Your Husband

There are 4 things you should never tell your husband about. 

I am not expecting my wife to tell me about them too. 

Some secrets are meant to die with you.

Since most women love talking too much they can mistakenly tell their husbands what they should have kept secret. 

It is better to keep some things away from your husband so that it won’t harm your marriage. 

In this article, we are going to look at the four things you should never tell your husband.

Read also: 5 Best Ways To Fix A Bad Marriage (Plus What To Do If The Marriage Can’t Be Fixed)

Let’s go on now. 

4 Things You Should Never Tell Your Husband

1. The number of people you slept with: 

It is not necessary to tell your husband about how many men you have had sex with in the past. 

Telling him about this is very dangerous. He may use it against you some day. 

Keep it to yourself, it is your past life, he isn’t supposed to be part of your past. 

Don’t tell him that your exes are better than him in bed, he may start thinking that you are cheating on him with your exes.

2. How many men you dated: Don’t tell your husband the number of men you have dated before. 

Telling him that you have dated many men will make him not value you much. 

Men think differently from women. I never ask my wife about the number of men she dated in the past, it is none of my business. 

3. What made you break up with your exes: 

The reason why you broke up with your exes may not be so nice, and telling your husband about them may put you into trouble in future. 

If you tell your husband about your break ups with your exes he may think that you are still missing them, and his trust on you will reduce. 

4. Using your ex as an example when talking with your husband: Never talk about any of your exes before your husband. 

You are disrespecting him by doing so. Men hate it when their wives start talking about their exes. 

Men see it as if your exes are better than him when you start talking about them in his presence. 

Men hate competition, don’t make your husband feel as if he is competing with your exes.

These 4 things above are the things you shouldn’t tell him about. 

So what if you have told him all these arealdy?

If you have told him those things already you should never say them again. 

Don’t ever remind him about them again. Even if he asks you about them, tell him that you can’t remember.

Anytime he asks you about your exes tells him that you don’t dwell in the past, that the memories have gone.

How To Get Anything You Want From Your  Husband – Easy Manipulation 

Naturally women are emotional, and your power as a woman lies in your emotions. 

If you can learn how to use your emotions positively you can make any man love you forever. 

Let’s look at some ways you can get anything you want from your husband:

• Honor him: Almost all the men love women that respect them. 

Respect is the primary love language of men. If you respect your husband he will give you anything you want.

• Be womanly: You are a woman and not a man. 

Women speak with soft tones and be gentle in all that you do. 

Acting like a man before your husband may not yield a positive result in your union. Be soft and tender. 

• Allow your husband to be the man: Don’t challenge his position as a man. 

Allow him to be the head of your home. 

If you start fighting for his position in your home, he will not give you what you are asking for because you are denting his ego.

• Use your emotions: Women are very good at swinging their mood. 

It is easier for women to cry when they need anything from their husbands. 

My wife does this sometimes. So cry if you have to. 

You can equally do the opposite, smile. 

If you want to get anything from him, start with a smile. 

If he is the type that doesn’t like to see you sad, frown your face and look serious. 

If he asks you the reason why you are not happy, reply by asking him for what you want.

• Make a request not a demand: Some women make this mistake a lot. 

Stop demanding things from your husband, men hate demand. 

Instead use the word “please”. You can say, “please darling can I use your phone?”. This is how to make a request. 

• Don’t command him: Don’t force him to do things for you. 

If he says no, leave him for that moment and try again later.

• Find his happy moment: Make your request when he is happy. 

Especially when he’s playing, joking or laughing with you. He will listen to you.

• Stop making a request at night: Do it very early in the morning before he leaves for work. 

Most men are tired at night and want to sleep. 

• When you are making love with him: This is another good time to make a request. 

He will probably do it because of the pleasure you are giving him at that moment. 

• Buy him gifts: Get him simple gifts. It will make him happy and he will grant any of your requests.

• Tell him how it will benefit him: Men are transactional, tell him how what you are asking him to do for you is going to benefit him. 

Don’t make it all about yourself alone.

• Satisfy his sexual fantasies: Men love sex. Don’t deny him sex even if you are having any misunderstanding.


Remember that you should keep some secrets away from your husband, especially your past relationship with your exes. 

But never keep any health challenges you are having away from him. 

Some secrets are meant to last forever. Don’t say what will put your marriage into problem. 

On the other hand, men are not complicated. They are easy to live with. 

Just honor him and he will give you anything you want. 

Remember that you are a woman, don’t step on his position. 

Men hate competition, if he sees you as a competitor in his life, he will fight back at you to take back his position and ego.