5 Best Ways To Fix A Bad Marriage (Plus What To Do If The Marriage Can’t Be Fixed)

5 Best Ways To Fix A Bad Marriage

There are 5 best ways to fix a bad marriage. 

My aunt Emma started having problems in her marriage with her husband. 

She said that her husband started being ungrateful just four years into the marriage. 

My father told her then to see a marriage counsellor. 

Her husband needs to learn gratitude and how to appreciate her wife’s effort in the marriage. 

Emma once considered divorce, but my father intervened and they invited a counsellor immediately. 

Their marriage was fixed with the 5 tips in this article. 

Today they are happy and enjoying their union. My aunt is not complaining any more.

In this article, I will share with you 5 best ways to fix a bad marriage.

Read also: 6 Things Couples Should Not Do In Their Marriage (And 10 Things That Make Marriages Last)

Let’s go on now. 

5 Best Ways To Fix A Bad Marriage

1. Invite a marriage counsellor: They are well trained to solve marital problems without being biased.

A marriage counsellor is going to help you to fix any bad thing in your marriage if you can open up to him/her. 

Your partner may not want to go with you to the counsellor’s office, in this case you can go alone and the counsellor will give you directives on what to do next.

2. Sit and talk with your partner: Your partner may not know how to tell you what the problem is, especially if he/she is an introvert. 

I am an introvert and I know how difficult it may be sometimes. 

If your partner is not sexually satisfied he/she may be shy to tell you about it, and this will become a problem. 

So find a way to make your partner comfortable to tell you how he/she is feeling. 

3. Stop judging your spouse: If you want to fix a bad marriage you can do that by making your spouse your best friend. 

A good friend can not judge his/her friend. 

Stop telling them how they were the cause of every problem in your marriage. 

Your partner will find you irritating if you start judging them. Correct them if they make any mistakes. 

4. Examine yourself: Check yourself to be sure you are not the cause of the problem. 

You may have some bad attitude to fix before your marriage can start working again. 

Self examination is the great way to figure out what the problem is. 

5. Gratitude: Like the case of my aunt Emma, the problem is lack of gratitude. 

Someone may be wondering how lack of gratitude can cause a  problem in marriage. 

Many times, what causes problems in marriages are little things that we neglect. 

Emma’s husband lacked gratitude and it caused a big problem in their relationship. 

Bad marriages can be fixed if you take the right steps. 

It is not something you do in a hurry. You do it with patience and dedication. 

Other Ways To Fix Bad Marriage Are

– Read books about successful marriage: You can get these kinds of books at your local book stores or you can get them on Amazon book stores.

– Attend marriage seminars: You will find other couples with similar problems with yours, you can learn from them on how they fix their problems. 

What To Do If Your Marriage Can Not Be Fixed

When you have tried your best and things are still not working well, you can do the following:

• Divorce: If the problem is becoming too bad and your life is in danger, you can file for a divorce and save your life. 

Things like domestic violence or abuse may result in death, in this case you may consider divorce immediately.

• Separation: Separation is different from divorce. Separation is living apart as a couple because of problems that may be reconciled. 

You can choose to live apart from your spouse while both of you work towards reconciliation. 

A counsellor, family members, pastors and neutral third party may help you to fix any problem while you are separated from your partner. 

• You can decide to tolerate it: If it is something you can tolerate, you can live with your spouse hoping that he/she will change in the future. 

The three points discussed above are the best things you can do if the marriage can not be fixed.

Here Are The Things That Can Make A Marriage To Be Bad

• Having a secret lover: Cheating is very bad and heart breaking. It can make your marriage lose its sweet taste.

• Fight: This can be in the form of domestic violence. Too much quarreling is not good for any marriage.

• Infertility: Inability to have kids can make a marriage bad if the couple wants to have kids. 

This can be the fault of the man or the woman. If the infertility is incurable, it may cause trouble in the marriage. 

• Bad lifestyles:  If your partner refuse to change their bad attitude the marriage may turn sour.

• Lack of finance: When there is no more money in the marriage one of the partners may start misbehaving. 

• Bad influences: Your partner can be negatively influenced by bad friends.

• Not showing care and attention: Lack of care and attention is one of those things that can cripple marriages. 

• Lack of respect: When there is no respect in the marriage, it could result in a lot of marital problems because there will be no happiness again.

It is not every problem in marriage that should lead to divorce. 

Some problems can be fixed with the right approach. 

Don’t always be in a hurry to divorce your spouse, things may not be better on the other side.


Bad marriage takes time and great effort to be fixed. 

Some marriages take up to six months to years before it can be fixed completely. 

Some of the great marriages you are admiring today were equally bad at some point but the couple put in great efforts to push it back up again. 

So don’t be discouraged or think that you are alone.