5 Things You Should Stop Telling Women (And Best 6 Ways To Talk To A Woman)

5 Things You Should Stop Telling Women

There are 5 things you should stop telling women to make them love you.

Women process information with emotions and they hardly forget. 

My uncle who lives in Ohio told me how he missed getting married to a beautiful girl he dated for 13 months.

Because he told her that he can’t find solutions for his financial setback. 

You don’t need to tell women things that will make them lose hope in you. 

Women love men who can make them feel secure. 

In this article, I am going to share with you five most important things you shouldn’t tell women. Whether she is your wife or your girlfriend. 

Read also: 4 Things You Should Never Tell Your Husband (Easiest Way To Manipulate Him)

Let’s go on now. 

5 Things You Should Stop Telling Women

1. Don’t tell her that you cannot do things: This was the problem my uncle had back then, he told his girlfriend that he cannot find solutions for his financial difficulties. 

He would have said, “I am finding solutions for my financial setbacks”. 

If you tell a woman that you cannot do things, she will see you as a weak and unserious man who doesn’t have a brighter future. 

Women are not independent, they love to depend on their man for solutions. 

If you tell her that you cannot help yourself, she will leave because you can’t help her either. 

2. Don’t tell her that you are admiring another woman: She will get angry and start nagging if you tell her that you have interest in another woman. 

And she will make your life more stressful. 

If you see another woman that you admire, don’t tell your wife or your girlfriend about it. Keep it to yourself. 

3. Don’t tell her that another woman is better than her: If you tell her that another woman, she will think that you are cheating on her with that woman. 

Don’t praise another woman in her presence. There is no need for you to make your woman jealous of other women.

4. Don’t tell her that you cheated on her: If you mistakenly had an affair with another woman don’t tell her about it. 

If you tell her that you cheated on her, she will never forget it and she will not trust you again. 

She may forgive you but can’t forget. 

And this is going to make her feel less of herself, because she will think that the woman you cheated with is better than her.

5. Don’t tell a woman that you cannot satisfy her sexually: Work on improving your sex life. 

Women are more difficult to satisfy sexually compared to men. 

It takes time for women to reach orgasm. 

If you tell her that you cannot meet her sexual needs, she may cheat on you with another man who can give her what she wants.

Beware of these 5 points discussed above. If you tell your wife or girlfriend about any of them, you will regret it later.

Best Ways To Talk To A Woman

My younger brother Andrew, had a problem with his wife after two years of marriage. 

The problem was the way he talks to his wife. 

He talks to her as if he is talking to his fellow man. 

Words and the tone you use in talking to women matters a lot. 

Let me tell you the best ways to talk to women. 

• Don’t be harsh: My younger brother uses a harsh voice when talking to his wife. 

Her wife wasn’t happy about this and she told me about it. I called my brother and gave him some tips that will help him to be better in talking to his wife. 

The last time I visited them, his wife told me that there was a lot of improvement. 

Use a soft voice when talking to a woman. They read meaning from your tone when you are talking to them.

• Put up a smiling face: Smiling makes them focus more on what you are saying. Especially when you are giving them instructions. 

Don’t talk to a woman when you are angry, you will make a mess of yourself. 

• Lower your voice: Don’t shout when you are talking to a woman, they dislike it. 

You are talking to her alone and not with another person. Women love privacy a lot. 

Shouting when talking to her will make her not to listen to you again

• Don’t be in a hurry: Relax when talking to a woman, it shows that you are confident in what you are saying. 

She will become tense if you are in a hurry when talking to her.

• Look at her eyes or lips: Look into her eyes when you are talking to her. 

Don’t look down or up as if you are not sure of what you are saying. 

Another place you can look at is her lips, this will make her feel wanted and comfortable when you are talking.

• Touch her: Give her light touches on her hands or shoulder. 

This shows that you trust her with what you are saying, and she will listen to you without distractions. 

• Give little compliments: You can do this at three different stages; 

1. Compliment her before the conversation: At the beginning of the conversation, look at her hair for an example and say; I love your hair. 

2. In between the conversation: At the middle of the conversation, you can look at her fingers and say; Your fingers are cute I love them. 

You say this and continue the conversation. 

3. At the end of the conversation: You can also compliment her look or dress at the end of the conversation. 

Please don’t do these three at the same time. Just choose one. 

That is, you can compliment her at the beginning of the conversation, Inbetween or at the end.

The reason for this is, women love compliments and they will always think about you if you compliment them when talking to them. 

Remember, just a simple compliment. 


Remember the five things you shouldn’t tell women which we discussed earlier. 

Words mean a lot to women, so be careful about what you are telling them. Whatever you tell them is what you will get back in return. 

You should talk to women also in the way they want. We discussed them also in the second part of this article. 

Take those points seriously and your woman will be happy with you forever.