6 Things Couples Should Not Do In Their Marriage (And 10 Things That Make Marriages Last)

6 Things Couples Should Not Do In Their Marriage

Do you want to know 6 things couples should not do in their marriage?

Since I married my wife ten years ago, we have been avoiding these six things.

It is one of those things that keep us moving up till this day.

Marriage has rules. Every successful venture and relationship has what makes them great. 

There are things that you shouldn’t do in your marriage or relationship to keep it going. 

You don’t do anything you like when you are married because your partner is now part of your life. 

In this article, I will share with you 6 things couples should not do in their marriage.

Read also: How To Prepare For Your Wedding Anniversary With Little Budget (8 Easy Ways)

Let’s go on now. 

6 Things Couples Should Not Do In Their Marriage

1. Don’t deny sex to your partner: This is going to make your spouse start cheating on you if you deny them sex. 

Sex is one of the reasons why people get married. 

It is your obligation to satisfy your partner’s sexual needs the way he/she wants it. 

2. Selfishness: Marriage is not about self. It is about your spouse and what he/she wants. 

A selfish person can not do well in marriage. 

My wife didn’t like watching football when we got married, but I love football a lot. 

Anytime I am watching a match, she will be in our room playing games with her phone. 

One day she told me that she wanted to start watching football with me. I thought she was joking. 

She looked up for the next match on the sports news sites, informed me about the upcoming matches. 

I was glad she did. She later told me that as a couple, we should try and have some interest in what the other partner loves. 

By doing that, we are becoming selfless and accommodating. That has been a great lesson for me.

3. Don’t have separate rooms: For the past ten years in our marriage, we have been sleeping in one room as a couple. 

Our kids have their rooms and there are other empty rooms for visitors. 

Even when we have misunderstandings we still sleep together on the same bed. 

We decided to be sleeping on the same bed before we got married. 

This has helped us to bond more and closer to each other. 

4. Don’t remind each other of their ugly past: Your spouse might have told you about some ugly incident that happened to him/her in the past, don’t use it against them. 

Remember they told you about it because they trust you. 

They will  never trust you again if you use it against them. 

Keep it secret and don’t let anyone know about your partner’s secrets. 

5. Don’t expose each other’s weaknesses: Exposing Your partner’s weaknesses is exposing yourself. 

Anyone you tell about your partner’s weaknesses may use it against both of you. 

6. Don’t invite anyone into your home without letting your partner know: You partner must know about anyone that you want to invite in your home. 

It shows that you respect and value them.

You should avoid anything that will destroy your marriage at all cost. It is difficult to fix a bad marriage. 

10 Things That Will Make Your Marriage Last

There are various reasons why some marriages collapse, and to prevent this you have to follow some principles to build a lasting relationship with your spouse. 

Here are the 10 things that makes marriages last:

1. Saying sorry: Learn to apologise to your partner anytime you offend them. 

This is very important in building a marriage that will last. 

If you can’t say sorry to your partner, it shows that you are arrogant. 

2. Eat together: Have specific time to eat together as a couple. 

My wife and I started this a long time ago. 

Since we  go about our different business in the morning and get home in the evening, we make sure that no one eats dinner alone. 

Our dinner time is 7:30pm every evening. 

3. Create a common hobby: Two of you should find any game that you have interest in, and play it together at your leisure time. 

We normally do this on the weekend. We love playing chess. 

4. Create time for monthly meetings: Our own family meeting is on the last Saturday of every month. 

This is the time we sit together to look at the success and challenges during that month, and we plan how to be better in the coming month. 

5. Check up on each other regularly: I text my wife twice a day, I normally send her romantic text inbetween work. 

And we do this to know how our day is going. 

6. Call your partner sweet names: Don’t call them by their real names, it doesn’t sound romantic. 

I call my wife, my heartthrob. While she calls me, my sweetheart. 

We don’t usually call each other sweet names when we are angry. 

But after we have settled the misunderstandings, we start calling our sweet names again. 

My wife and I quarrel too. We are humans, we are not angels.

7. Help each other to complete their task: Help your partner if they have any work or chores to do.

8. Praise your spouse: Tell them how lucky you are to have them as a partner. 

Appreciate them for helping you. This is going to motivate them to do more in the future. 

9. Communicate your challenges: Tell them any challenges you may have in the relationship. 

If they are not doing anything right, correct them and teach them how to satisfy your needs.

10. Don’t compare your marriage: Never compare your marriage with anyone. 

Many marriages have their own secret battles. So don’t think that your friend’s marriage is better than yours.

The six points we discussed earlier in this article are going to expose your marriage to danger if you are not conscious about them.

Your relationship with your spouse is going to last with the ten points listed above. 

I know you desire a happy marriage, pick those ten principles and work towards a successful union with your partner. 


Marriage is very sweet. I am telling you this from our ten years experience of being married. 

Don’t believe anyone that is telling you that your marriage can’t be great. It is a matter of time and effort. 

Don’t do anything that may end your marriage. Even those marriages you are admiring may be passing through some challenges you may not know about. 

Focus on your own relationship, put in the work and you will see a positive outcome.