7 Effective Ways To Make Your Girlfriend Happy (The Real Secrets)

7 Effective Ways To Make Your Girlfriend Happy 

Do you want to know the 7 effective ways to make your girlfriend happy?

If your girlfriend is not happy in your relationship with her you have some certain things to note.

That is what we are going to discuss in this article.

Women are emotional, they follow their feelings more than any other thing.

Read also: How To Stop Being Nervous Around Women (15 Secrets Revealed By Experts)

7 Effective Ways To Make Your Girlfriend Happy

If you want your girlfriend to be loyal to you, follow me and you will learn how to make her happy. 

1. Keep your promise: You can’t promise a woman and never fulfil those promises.

Women don’t forget promises, even if you said it jokingly she won’t forget.

If you are not willing to fulfil any promise don’t make the promise at all.

My girlfriend still remembers what I promised her three years ago.

She will even tell me the exact time I made a promise. This is to tell you that women can’t forget promises easily.

2. Be romantic: If you are not romantic as a man your girlfriend will leave or she will stay and be cheating on you.

Women love romance. They watch romantic movies more than men.

You must be romantic in the way you talk to her, the way you message her and how you treat her generally. 

3. Listen to her: Women love talking. Listen more and talk less when she is talking.

This is going to make you more attractive to her. My girlfriend can talk for ten minutes without stopping.

And I listen all through and nod to what she is saying.

If I try to lead the conversation, her facial expressions will change and she will become sad.

4. Give her more attention: The secret code of every woman is attention.

Any man that gives her more attention owns her heart. Attention is to women what food is to the body.

Don’t focus on any other things when she is around. Put down your phone and give her all the attention. 

5. Plan for dates: Going out on a date with your girlfriend is fun, and it creates lasting memories in her heart.

Make out time to visit new places together with her.

6. Praise her: Tell her sweet things like; you are beautiful, I love your hair, your eyes are cute and other sweet words.

Women generally are moved by what they hear. Their ears need to be fed with sweet words always. 

7. Attend to her needs: help her in any way you can. Give her advice on how to solve any problem she might be facing.

Women love intelligent men. You are intelligent, just know how to use your intelligence to help her.

You can help her financially if you have the money.

Read also: 10 Best Questions To Ask A Woman When You Are Trying To Know Her

Don’t cheat on her and do not make her suspect you for cheating.

Most women believe that all men cheat in relationships, so don’t make her see you as one of those men. 

It is not difficult to make women happy as some people believe.

If you discover that your girlfriend is not happy and you have tried all you can to make her happy, ask her what actually is the problem.

She will tell you if you ask her. Women love their boyfriend to always ask them why they are unhappy.

She may do as if she didn’t like the question but within herself she is happy that you care about her happiness and wellbeing. 

How Many Times Can You Call Or Text Your Girlfriend In A Day And Weekly?

In a day, I call my girlfriend twice, in the morning and at night.

Don’t call her at midday. She might think that you’re not serious with your life if you call her during working hours.

Unless you have a very important thing to pass across to her.

And if you ever call her during these hours, go straight to the point and keep it short.

Even if you don’t have a job at the moment, don’t call her during working hours, wait till evening time or at night.

And it is better to text than to call.

In a week, I recommend you call her twelve times. I know that it is supposed to be fourteen times, but you have to call her once a day for two days in a week.

And don’t always be in her DM. Women love busy and productive men.

Read also: 5 Things You Should Stop Telling Women (And Best 6 Ways To Talk To A Woman)

For Example See This Chart Below On How Many Times To Call Her In A Day And Weekly

Monday………… twice 

Tuesday……….. twice 

Wednesday…… once

Thursday………. twice

Friday………….. once

Saturday………. twice 

Sunday………… twice 

So this summed up to 12 times a week. 

Calling is very important in your relationship with your girlfriend.

Women love such attention. They like to be on the phone with you all the time.

And this means that she love and cherish you. If your girlfriend doesn’t want to talk for long with you over the phone then she is not likely into you. 

I dated a girl in the past for a year and half. Her name is Jenny.

Any time I call Jenny on the phone she will be in a rush to end the call, telling me that she is busy with something and that she will call me back later.

All the months I dated Jenny, she never called me back as she usually says.

I was patient with her, trying to see if she could change but she didn’t.

I was heart broken and Jenny never told me that she didn’t like me. I figured it out from her actions that she didn’t like me, so I broke up with her. 

Forcing your girlfriend to talk with you frequently on the phone means she doesn’t like you, stop trying to change her because you can’t. 

Read also: How To make Your Partner Happy Again (The 10 Best Ways) 


If your girlfriend loves you she will make things easy for you.

But if she didn’t love you, your efforts won’t change anything.

She is supposed to change and be happy if you follow all the steps discussed above, but if she is still not happy with you, you can consider ending the relationship and go after another girl.

Never you beg any girl to love you. There are many girls and women out there who are ready to be with you through thick and thin.