7 Powerful Ways To Seduce Any Woman Of Your Choice Without Spending Money 

7 Powerful Ways To Seduce Any Woman Of Your Choice Without Spending Money 

Have you ever wondered why the rich man’s wife divorce and abandoned them? 

Getting a woman is not all about money. 

If you try to get a woman’s attention with money she will only like you because of the money, and when the money’s gone she will leave you. 

I was totally broke when I was in high school. 

I struggled to eat and wear good clothes. One day, a girl in my department approached me and said that she loves me. 

I told her that I wasn’t interested because I thought she was joking, but she was serious. 

I told her that I came from a poor family so that she will leave me alone. 

Besides, many rich guys in the school were all over her. And I was wondering why she didn’t choose any of those rich guys. 

After about three weeks, I agreed to date her. 

But I  was still curious about the whole thing, so I asked her, “Why didn’t you choose those rich guys?”. And she replied, “They don’t have what I need”. 

I was surprised because I was  one of those guys that believed then that women love men with money. 

But the truth is, women may love your money and never love you. 

They will keep collecting money from you and will leave you any time they want. 

In this article, I will share with you the 7 powerful ways to seduce any woman of your choice without spending money.

Read also: How To Talk To Any Girl And Win Her Over Even If You Lack Confidence

Let’s go on now. 

7 Powerful Ways To Seduce Any Woman Of Your Choice Without Spending Money 

1. Focus more on your goals: If you leave your goals and start focusing on women, they will not find you attractive. 

I focused my attention on my studies and that made me stand out from the other guys in my school then. 

My brother Josef is a businessman, though not wealthy but at least he can provide for the basic necessity of life. 

He is the kind of person that does things with full focus. 

His girlfriend, now his wife, said she was attracted to Josef due to his dedication to his business and she never regretted her choice. 

2. Don’t try to show off: Don’t try to impress any woman. If you are trying to impress a woman she won’t take you seriously. 

Most men are showing off their money, cars, property, house and expensive clothes to women thinking that they will love them. 

Don’t do what most men are doing, be humble. 

It is very rare to find humble men, so be one. 

Some men go to the extent of hiring a car just to get a woman’s attention. This is going to hurt you later if you do this.

3. Praise and not flatter: Women are very sensitive to words. Words mean a lot to them. 

Flattering her is not being sincere with your compliments. 

She can pick out easily when you are just flattering her and when you are praising her genuinely. 

4. Don’t look desperate: Being desperate to attract a woman shows that you are not confident. 

If she says no to you, accept it and don’t try so much to convince her. 

Men of values don’t manipulate women. 

5. Take care of your face: Clear of acne on your face with any good creams that you can access. 

Leaving acne on your face makes it rough and unattractive. 

The first place women look at when they see a man is his face.

6. Talk less: Generally, men don’t talk so much. 

If you want to talk to any woman, go straight to the point and don’t start telling her unnecessary stories. 

Women see those men who talk too much as bad  listeners. 

This is because women talk more when they like you and if you don’t listen to them, they may leave you for another man.

7. Smell fresh: Make sure that your mouth is always clean and fresh. 

Use good deodorants and perfumes. Don’t let the smell of the perfume be too harsh. 

Mild smell is okay. 

Sometimes your mouth will start smelling if you don’t talk for a while, so make sure to have some sugar free mints to chew in between. 

Many girls told me that the reason why they leave their boyfriend was because of body and mouth odour. 

Don’t let these be a problem to you, it can be taken care of.

Possible Reasons Why Your Girlfriend Can Leave You

There are reasons why a woman who agreed to date you may break up with you. 

This normally happens early in the relationship. 

Here are the reasons:

• You lied to her. I told you earlier to be humble and sincere with women. 

If they find out that you lied to them they will leave you immediately without a second thought. 

• You are not living up to their expectations. This happens if you get her attention with material things. 

Yes, women love material things but that can’t keep them for long. 

Women can collect money from their rich boyfriend to give to the poor guy that they really love. 

They are more loyal to their feelings. 

• You are unfaithful: If you keep many women around, they will see you as a flirt and leave you.

• You like and comment on every woman’s beautiful pictures on social media. 

Women are jealous when you care and give attention to other women.

• You are always available. They may think that you are not productive if you are available all the time.

You can seduce the woman of your choice if you use the powerful strategies that we discussed about in this article 


Don’t struggle so hard to win a woman’s heart. 

If she likes you she will make things easy for you. 

Focus more on your goals, and they will come to you without much effort. 

If you look carefully, you will discover that men who focus more on getting women’s attention don’t normally win their heart. 

That shouldn’t be your job or business. And don’t ever think that money is going to make them love you.