7 Reasons Why People Cheat In Relationship (You Must Know This)

7 Reasons Why People Cheat In Relationship (You Must Know This)

There are many reasons why people cheat in relationships.

My wife’s friend Olivia, who lives in Illinois told us that her husband cheated on her many times in the past.

She lost focus in her accounting job due to her husband’s bad lifestyle. And her company sacked her. This was a bad moment for her.

My wife knew her husband very well. So after talking with him, she picked out 7 reasons why people cheat in relationship.

In this article, I am going to share with you 7 reasons why people cheat in relationship.

Read also: 10 Things You Should Never Say To Your Partner (This Changed My Life)

Staying with a cheating partner in a relationship is difficult.

The emotional trauma, the heart breaks and the disappointments involved is so difficult to handle.

I know you don’t want to be with a cheating partner. Yes, nobody wants that either.

Stop blaming yourself for their attitude, cheating is a deliberate act and not a mistake. 

So let’s dive in.

7 Reasons Why People Cheat In Relationship

1. They want to cheat: Your partner is cheating on you because he or she decided to cheat.

Like I said earlier, cheating is never a mistake. It is always planned, hotel booked, appointment made, and they travelled together.

2. They have high libido: People who have higher libido cheat more in relationships, especially when their partner is not around or tired.

3. They want to explore: Some people love to make out with different people to satisfy their sexual fantasies. 

4. They lack self control and discipline: If your partner lacks self control there’s a high tendency that they’ll cheat on you.

5. They don’t find you attractive again: Some people do fall out of love with their partner at some point. So this makes them look elsewhere for satisfaction. 

6. When their partner is not neat: Nobody loves a dirty partner. Cleanliness is what will drives your partner closer to you.

If you are dirty your partner might start cheating on you. 

7. Lack of finance: Some people cheat for financial favour. They are not doing it to have fun but to get money.

The above points are the major reasons why people cheat in relationships.

Cheating has a lot of consequences. And it might turn into a habit if it is not taken care of.

So, what are the consequences of cheating?

Cheating cannot just happen without any consequences. The effects might be so dangerous.  So let’s look at the consequences. 

Read also: How To Catch A Cheating Partner (My wife’s experience)

The Consequences Of Cheating

1. Depression: A cheating partner is prone to depression. 

2. He or she might get infected with disease.

3. He or she might lose a lot of money: Someone who’s cheating is likely going to spend money to satisfy their urge.

4. The cheating partner won’t pay attention to his or her family again: There will be distraction because he/she is seeing another person.

5. Cheating can suddenly make you start lieing: A cheating partner must lie to cover up his/her bad lifestyle.

6. Cheating makes you less productive: The cheating partner is going to lose focus in his/her job.

7. Cheating can lead to divorce: The partner who is cheated on, can file for a divorce.

Cheating does not in any way have any advantage. The end is always disastrous.

If you’re living with a cheating partner, you have to find a solution. I have some suggestions for you below.

How To Live With A Cheating Partner 

1. Try and find out why they’re cheating: Find out the exact reason why they cheat. If you’re the cause, adjust and do things right so that you can have your partner again.

2. Be confident: Do something that will make you happy. The cheating partner will become jealous and he/she will stop cheating.

3. Act as if you don’t care: This will make them wonder why you didn’t care about their lifestyle, and they will start dropping their bad habits.

Just try your best and focus on your life goals. 

4. Don’t have sex with a cheating partner without using a condom. This is because he or she might have gotten infections from the other person.  

5. Avoid checking their chats, messages or emails: This will help you to stay positive about the situation.

6. If the situation is getting out of hand try and see a marriage counsellor: A marriage counsellor or therapist can help to solve the problem.

7. Practice self care: Remember that your mental health is very important.

Take good care of yourself physically, emotionally  and mentally. Make out time for meditation. It will help you not to run into depression. 

It takes time to stop cheating. It is not  something you do in a haste, it can take weeks, months or even years to solve this problem.

But if you’re living with a cheating partner, be positive that he or she will change. 

Read also: Is It Good To Check Your Partner’s Phone? (5 Top Secrets Revealed)

How To Stop Your Partner From Cheating 

Let’s look at some ways you can stop your partner from cheating.

1. Check yourself: Make sure you’re not the reason why they’re cheating. Check your life and attitude towards your partner.

2. Listen to them: What do they complain more about? Is it your attitude or lack of attention?

3. Improve your sexual skills: Don’t be too rigid when it comes to sex. Your partner might not have the courage to tell you that you don’t know how to have sex.

4. Be clean: Make sure you clean up well, do the necessary laundry and smell good.

Brush your teeth twice a day; in the morning and at night after dinner.

This will help you to have a fresh breath. I have never failed to brush at night before bed, it is refreshing. 

5. Discover what they love: If your partner loves going on a date regularly you have to be ready to go with him or her.

Doing what they love will make them love you more.

6. Give your partner undivided attention: Everyone loves attention.

Put aside every distraction when you’re with your partner, this will make him or her feel wanted.

7. Support your partner: Support them financially when they need money.

Support them emotionally when they need you.

Help him or her to do little things like removing their coat or shoes when he or she is back from work.

Read also: How To Identify A Cheating Partner (The Proven Strategy)


Never be in a hurry to change a cheating partner. It normally takes time to stop cheating.

Take care of yourself while you’re working towards helping your partner to stop cheating.

Remember that he or she want to find you more attractive each day.

It is not an easy task, but it is achievable. If you have tried everything and it is still not working, then see a marriage counsellor to help you fix things.