9 Qualities Every Man Want In His Dream Woman (The Gentleman’s Desire)

Do you want to know the 9 Qualities Every Man wants in his dream woman?

Men may reject you and won’t love you again if you miss these qualities we are about to discuss.

Before I approach any woman for dating, I have some qualities that the woman must have before we can date. 

And these are the same for most men. 

Men can perceive what they want from a potential girlfriend/woman from afar. 

He doesn’t even need to live with you to see these traits. 

Read also: 12 Signs That Someone You Are Dating Have Ghosted You (Real Life experience)

So let’s dive in now!

9 Qualities Every Man Want In His Dream Woman 

1. Look beautiful: This doesn’t mean you should go and change your physical appearance or undergo any surgery. 

You must take good care of yourself as a woman to improve your look. This includes; 

• Putting on fitting clothes: wear clothes that fit your body shape. 

If you can’t figure this out, your local fashion stores can help you to determine the dresses that will fit you.

• Learn how to match colours: If you don’t know how to match colors, you can check on the internet and find out which colors match together. 

Your fashion stores can equally help you to do this if you ask them. 

This will help you to determine which color of the clothes, shoes and bags that can go together. 

• Do manicure and pedicure: This means taking care of your fingernails and toes respectively. 

Make sure that they are always neat and clean. 

You can do this by yourself or you hire professionals if you have the money.

• Treat pimples: If you have pimples on your face go to the pharmacy. 

Tell them what you want and they will help you to pick the right cream that can clear the pimples. 

Leaving pimples untreated will make your face look rough and unattractive. 

• Use the right body cream: Don’t use any cream suggested by your friends. 

Everyone has a different skin type. 

Go to the pharmacy and meet a professional who will direct you on the type of cream to be use for your skin. 

Smooth skin is attractive. Men are visual beings, they are moved by what they see.

2. Be feminine: Men don’t like women that look or behave like a man.

•  Walk like a woman. You can learn how to walk like a woman by watching your favourite female celebrities. 

Observe how they walk and practice that in front of a mirror. If you do this for 21 days, the way you walk will improve. 

• Talk like a woman. The tone of your voice should be feminine. Let it be soft and not harsh. 

You can equally practice this by following the 21 days rule. (21 day rule is doing a particular thing consistently for 21 days)

• Sit like a woman. Don’t spread your legs while sitting even if you are wearing trousers, keep your legs closed or you can cross  them.

3. Be home oriented: Know how to keep a house in order. 

A man can find out if you are home oriented by asking you simple questions about keeping homes in order. 

It is the duty of a woman to keep the home in order. 

• Know how to do simple laundry. If the washing machine is not available, can you do the laundry with your hands? 

• Know how to arrange the kitchen. 

He may invite you one day to his house and if you don’t understand the kitchen settings, he may leave you for another woman.

4. Keep your shape in order: Hit the gym if you are getting out of shape. 

Remember that what moves men is what they see. Don’t relax and expect him to love you the way you are. 

Change your diet if that can help you to maintain a good shape. A dietician can help you to choose what is good for your body.

• You can start doing simple exercise at home. This will help you to burn fats.

5. Know how to encourage men: Every man needs motivation to be good in whatever he is doing. 

As a woman, you must learn how to encourage him to attain more height in life.

You can do this by:

• Giving him inspirational books as a gift. Buy good books about personal development and give it to him as a gift. 

I personally love it when my woman buys me books like this.

• Send him some motivational quotes. Don’t always send romantic texts. Send motivational quotes in between. 

• Praise him. Men love praises especially when it is coming from a woman.

• Correct him when he makes mistakes. Don’t be afraid to do this, it shows that you are intelligent and that you care about his progress. 

Read also: How To Make Your Boyfriend Happy (10 Easy Ways)

6. Don’t be too demanding: I don’t like any woman that demands too much and my woman knows that. 

He will surely give you what you need if he really loves you. 

But demanding too much is going to make you look like a “gold digger”.

Instead of demanding do these:

• Make a request. This is asking him for whatever you need politely without giving him any deadline. 

• Remind him about his promise. Keep reminding him about  anything he promised you.

• Don’t quarrel with him if he doesn’t do any of those things you are requesting. 

He will give you whatever you want if he sees that you are not desperate. 

7. Be peaceful: Don’t challenge a man, if you do he will dislike you. 

Men don’t like women that challenge them or women who cannot control their anger.

Instead of challenging him do this:

• If he does anything that you don’t like, be patient and don’t act immediately. 

• Accept what he says and later give him some corrections when he is happy. 

• Don’t correct him in public. Do that only when you are alone with him.

8. Don’t make yourself too available: Men like to chase. 

So if you are too available they will leave, and go after another woman who is not readily available. 

This is what you should do:

• Giving him excuses to not see him sometimes. 

Don’t do this always, you can do it once a week depending how often two of you see each other. 

If you see each other seven times a week, reduce it to five times. 

This will make him desire you more.

• Don’t call him always. Let him call more. 

If he is not calling you regularly, it may be that he is busy or that he doesn’t have interest in you. 

9. Say no when he asks you for sex: If you are still dating or not married yet, then reject all his sexual advances. 

This is going to make him place more value on you. 

My woman did that to me and loved her so much for that. 

If you are already having sex with him, stop it. 

If you always agree to have sex with him he will think that you are doing the same with other men. 

That is the way most men reason. Not having sex with him will make him committed. 

And if he decides to leave you because you said no sex allow him to go. 

It means that he doesn’t love you. But if he is your husband you can accept his sexual advances. 

Do this instead:

• Go out on dates with him. Have a nice time with him at your favourite restaurant or cinema. 

• Hold hands with him. When going out together, holding each other’s hands is going to help both of you to bond more instead of having sex. 

• Have a long conversation with him. This is going to distract him from the thought of having sex with you. 

Read also: How To Live With A Partner Who Doesn’t Love You (8 Things You Are Missing)


You can get any man of your dreams if you follow the 9 steps above. 

And don’t forget to take good care of yourself and be clean. 

Also get a female perfume. Never use a male perfume, using a male perfume may change his perception about you. 

Ask your local cosmetic store to give you perfume specifically made for women.