How To Know That You Are In A Fake Relationship (8 Sure Signs)

How To Know That You Are In A Fake Relationship

Do you want to know if you are in a fake relationship? 

I dated a girl in the past, she was a lab technician. 

I was the only person putting in all the effort in the relationship. 

She always gave excuses for not checking up on me or responding to my chats.

I was totally heart broken. 

Fake relationship is the type of relationship where only one partner is putting in all the effort.

In some cases, it could be that both partners are not putting in effort to make the relationship successful. 

In this article, I will share with you how to know that you are in a fake relationship. 

Read also: 12 Signs That Someone You Are Dating Have Ghosted You (Real Life experience)

Let’s go on now. 

How To Know That You Are In A Fake Relationship

1. He/she will not have time for you: No matter how busy someone is, he/she must create time for someone they love. 

It can be as little as five minutes a day or even more. 

But my former lab technician girlfriend didn’t do that at all. So we broke up. 

Anyone that doesn’t want to spend time with you doesn’t love you, and you should break up with them because the relationship is fake. 

2. Communication will reduce: They will not bother to call or text you. 

If you find out the communication is not frequent then you are in the wrong relationship. 

Communication is the life of a relationship. Relationships hardly survive without communication. 

3. If they didn’t care to know about your job or business: In a real relationship, both partners try to know what their lover is doing for a living. 

They do this in order to support and help them grow in their careers. 

But if your partner doesn’t have any interest in what you are doing, then you are in the wrong relationship. 

4. If he/she uses “I” more than “we”: This shows that you are not part of their future plan. 

When they use more “I” than “we” then you are not in the right relationship. 

For example, if your partner says; “I will go to a party tomorrow”. It shows that he/she doesn’t regard you. 

If they regard you, they should say something like, “we will attend a party tomorrow”. 

5. If they put you under pressure to do things: They shouldn’t force you to do things. 

You are supposed to do things at your own pace. 

But if they always pressure you to do things then you are in a fake relationship. 

6. If they are stingy: Anyone that loves you must give. 

It may not necessarily be an expensive gift but they must give. 

Love means giving. Someone that is stingy to you may  have someone else that he/she is giving to. 

Everybody is a giver but it depends on where their loyalties lie. If they don’t give you, they don’t love you either.

7. If they don’t love you back: My ex who was a lab technician never gave me any gift in our fourteen months of dating. 

I bought gifts for her about five times, including birthday gifts. But she never bought any for me. 

If your partner is not loving you back then you are in a fake relationship. 

8. If they ghost you: Your partner may suddenly stop replying to your chats or stop calling you without any explanation.

If you observe this in your relationship, it means you have been ghosted. 

Don’t beg them to love you or to start replying to your chats. There are other great men and women out there that you can date.

Being in a fake relationship is so tiring and discouraging. You don’t have to force yourself on anyone. Love is a choice. 

What To Do If You Find Out That You Are In A Fake Relationship

If you find out that you are in a fake relationship, do the following things below:

1. End the relationship: Break up immediately if you see any signs we discussed above in your relationship, especially if they are not talking to you again. 

2. Ask them why: If they are still talking with you, ask them why they are no more interested in the relationship. 

I asked my former lab technician girlfriend this question, and she kept on telling me that she was always busy. 

But I knew within me that she was lying and she didn’t want the relationship any more. 

3. Don’t fight or quarrel with them: Act very mature here. 

Don’t insult or quarrel with them. You can send them a break up message if they don’t want you to see you again. 

Don’t send this message using your phone. Send them a handwritten letter through the post office.

4. Stop buying gifts for them: Don’t waste your money trying to impress someone that doesn’t want you. 

Save up your money and use it to buy gifts for yourself. 

5. Stop calling or texting: Since they are not calling you and ignoring your calls, stop calling them. 

You don’t need to force them to answer your calls.

6. Dress up well and be cheerful: Don’t look sad because you discovered that your partner is no longer interested in your relationship. 

Dress up well and be neat so that if he/she sees you any day they will see that you are very happy without them.

7. Don’t date any of their friends: You shouldn’t date any of his/her friends. 

It is going to be a bad and heart breaking relationship for you. Dating someone that they don’t know is better.


Be wise and check if your relationship is fake or real. 

Those points we discussed above will guide on how to find out if your relationship is right or fake. 

Please don’t beg anyone to love you. You are too great to beg for love. 

You will meet someone who will appreciate you the way you are. 

Don’t stay in a fake relationship thinking that your partner is going to change, they won’t. Move on with your life.