Best Conversation Strategies For Couples 

Best Conversation Strategies For Couples 

There are  best conversation strategies for couples you must know about. 

My wife and I have improved immensely in the way we converse with each other.

No marriage can work without good communication. 

The tone of your voice when conversing with your partner should be different from the tone you use when talking to others. 

There are also sitting positions for different conversations. All these are going to help you have sweet and fruitful conversations with your partner. 

In this article, I am going to share with you the best conversation strategies for couples. 

Read also: 5 Best Ways To Fix A Bad Marriage (Plus What To Do If The Marriage Can’t Be Fixed)

Let’s go on now. 

Best Conversation Strategies For Couples 

1. Schedule important discussion: For example, my wife and I hold our family meeting every last Saturday of the month. 

This is the time we sit together to share our progress and shortcomings for the outgoing month and plan how to be better in the coming months. 

It is very vital to schedule important conversations with your spouse like this. 

You can choose any day or any date that is more convenient for both of you.

2. Your sitting positions: When you sit the wrong way the aim of the conversation may not  be achieved. 

We have never had our monthly meeting while sitting or lying on the bed. Bed is the wrong place to have an important conversation.  

My wife and I use our two wooden arm chairs and the desk. We sit facing each other with the desk in between us. 

This kind of sitting position is only for important conversations, like when discussing family business and other important things in the family.  

This sitting position is good because it will help both of you to stay focused during the discussion. 

Here are positions for different conversations:

Sitting or lying on the bed:  Unimportant conversations are made while sitting or lying on the bed. 

Conversations like asking your partner how their day went, how they are feeling or making an apology. 

Bed is a ‘comfort zone’, and it is not good to have important conversations on the bed. 

Your partner may start touching you while on bed and this may lead to romance, thereby making the conversation incomplete.

Sitting beside each other: This is suitable when you want to apologise to your partner or if you want to make a request. 

It is also great for paying compliments and appreciating your partner for his or her efforts in your marriage and family. 

Lying on your partner’s body: This is suitable when you want to express your feelings to your partner or if you want to joke, play and laugh with your partner. 

3. Don’t touch your partner when having an important conversation: Touching your partner when having an important discussion is going to make them lose interest in the conversation. 

They may start desiring more of your touches especially if their love language is physical touch, and this is going to end the conversation halfway.

4. Shut out any distractions: Keep away anything that will distract you during the conversation. 

5. Don’t talk about work when having important family conversations: You can talk about your work and office after talking about important things in your marriage and family.

 Your marriage and family should come first before work and office discussion.

6. Write down important conversations: My wife is the secretary during our family meeting. 

She writes in our family journal which will be read at the beginning of the next meeting. 

This is to help us to remember anything we may have forgotten after the last meeting. 

It is important to write because your brain cannot remember everything, and it will help you not to miss important points.  

What To Discuss With Your Partner

You may be wondering what exactly you should be discussing with your spouse, especially if you are newly married. 

There are a lot of things to be discussed in marriage. 

Let me share with you some of the important things to discuss with your spouse. 

• How to manage and grow your finances: Money is one of the important things you should pay great attention to. 

Discuss about how to have other sources of income with your spouse and also talk about your saving plans.

• Paying bills: You might have talked about this with your partner before getting married, but things do change. 

Price of electricity, gas and  water may increase in the future. 

So you should always revisit your plans to make necessary changes based on the present  prices of things. 

• How to train your kids: Talk about different approaches you can adopt in training your kids. 

• How to satisfy each other’s sexual needs: Have this discussion also and don’t neglect each other’s needs and desires.

• How to reduce stress: Many couples neglect this a lot. 

If your partner’s job or work is too stressful, both of you should discuss how to change the job to reduce stress. 

• Talk about how to deal with outsiders or third-party: Set boundaries to protect your family and marriage from third parties. 

• Talk about investment plans: Both of you should have this conversation and find any investment or property that has good ROI and invest in them depending on your financial strength. 

• Your hobbies and pets: Talk about how you can include hobbies in your weekly activities. 

If both of you love pets you can get a pet and keep. 

My wife and I love dogs. We do play with them and this has helped our union to be stronger. 

• Talk about how to spend your vacations: Discuss the places you want to visit together with your partner during vacation periods. 

My wife and l discussed all these and made necessary adjustments. You can add other things to discuss with your partner to your own list. 


In all, the conversation strategy should not be rigid. 

Make adjustments where necessary. Do what is suitable for you and your partner. 

But you can still improve your conversation strategies by using what we discussed in this article. 

That is what my wife and I do to keep our marriage moving smoothly.