Can I Remarry My Husband After Divorce (What You Shouldn’t Do)

Can I Remarry My Husband After Divorce

Do you want to know if you can remarry your husband after divorce? Yes, you can remarry your husband after divorce. 

My sister Ava divorced her husband after five years of being married because of her husband’s health challenges. 

They met again in Michigan three years after their divorce, they fell in love again and my sister remarried him. 

They have been together for four years now with two kids. There is no problem if you want to remarry your husband. 

If both of you still love each other, you can remarry.

In this article, I am going to share more tips with you. 

Read also: 5 Common Mistakes New Divorcees Make (Dangerous Things To Avoid) 

Let’s go now.

Can I Divorce My Husband If He Doesn’t Want To

Are you worried that you want a divorce but your husband does not agree to the divorce?

Divorce by mutual agreement, which is when both of you are in agreement, is the fastest and takes the least amount of time and effort.

If your husband does not agree to the divorce, there is no choice but to separate.

Separation is a very effective method when one partner doesn’t agree to a divorce.

Even if the reason for wanting to divorce does not apply to the legal grounds for divorce, long-term separation itself is grounds for divorce. 

In the divorce court, if there is a period of separation of 3 to 5 years, it may be considered as “a serious reason that makes it difficult to continue the marriage” and the divorce may be granted.

Physical distance will also help the other person to calm down and start thinking seriously about divorce. 

Separation is not only a way to show your seriousness, but it may be necessary for your partner to calmly accept divorce discussions.

However, when you move out, do not leave silently. 

Leaving silently will be regarded as “malicious abandonment”. 

Before you separate, tell your partner that you want to live separately on the premise of divorce. 

Clarify the purpose of the separation, and then move out.

If your partner still does not agree to the divorce even if you are separated, you can apply for “divorce mediation (marital relationship adjustment mediation)” at the family court. 

Divorce mediation allows two mediators to intervene to discuss divorce. 

Since the conditions of divorce can be communicated to the other partner through the mediation committee, the stress of meeting face to face is eliminated.

How Do You End A Marriage Peacefully

Here are how to end a marriage peacefully:

Get prepared. Think ahead about what you are going to say. You can even practise with a friend, in front of the mirror or write what you think.

Choose the right place. Talk to your partner in a place where you both feel comfortable. 

Say it in person. If you feel safe, talk to your partner face to face. 

Emailing, texting, or talking on the phone may seem easier, but it’s usually not the best option. Don’t ask a friend to communicate with him/her  either.

Be respectful.  If your partner asks why you are ending the marriage, be honest. 

It might help you have better relationships in the future. Don’t insult him/her or try to hurt him/her.

Be grateful for everything. Be grateful for everything your partner has given you and everything you have experienced together. 

When we can see what marriage has given us and what we have learned, we are in a position to be a better partner in the future.

Stand firm in your decision.  If you feel like you’re doing the right thing, don’t let your partner talk you into staying together. 

It’s normal for people to cry or get upset when a marriage ends, and it can be very difficult to deal with. 

But feeling bad or guilty is not a reason to continue in the marriage. 

What To Do If I Want To Divorce My Husband

When discussing divorce, it is important to remain calm and listen to your husband’s opinion while discussing your own opinion. 

If you both agree on a divorce, discuss property division and alimony.

Here are what to do;

Create a notarized deed

Once the terms of the divorce are decided and both of you are satisfied, then you should create a notarized deed. 

However, if you make your own, you may be unsure about the legal validity, so I recommend that you ask a lawyer.

Apply for divorce mediation

If the divorce cannot be reached through discussion, or if your husband does not agree to the discussion, you can file for divorce mediation. 

In divorce mediation, mediators listen to each spouse and try to coordinate their opinions.

Fight in a divorce lawsuit

If both of you do not agree to the divorce even after the divorce mediation, the mediation will be unsuccessful and you will have to fight in a divorce lawsuit. 

In a divorce lawsuit, the person who wants to get a divorce must get the divorce approved by the court.

In order for the court to approve the divorce, the reason for the divorce must fall under legal causes such as moral harassment, domestic violence, adultery, and cheating. 

Divorce lawsuits involve many burdensome processes, such as preparing documents and communicating with judges, so you should consult with a lawyer before filing a lawsuit.

How Do I Tell My Husband I Need A Divorce

When you want to tell your husband about your divorce, I recommend saying “I’m going to divorce” instead of “I want to get divorced”. 

The word “divorce” can show your determination and unwavering will to divorce. 

Once you have decided to divorce, the rule of thumb is not to have any expectations that if you persuade him, he will change his mind. 

Show your seriousness by saying, “I’m getting a divorce.”

When discussing divorce, try not to get emotional and keep your attitude as usual. 

In psychology, there is something called the “law of reciprocity,” which means that when you are aggressive, the other person tends to be aggressive as well. 

As a result, there is a high possibility that negotiations will be complicated and attitudes will harden, so be careful.

Try to be calm when you start talking, and be conscious not to get emotional if your husband says something you don’t like. 

By doing so, he should be willing to listen and try to understand.

Can I Marry Same Man After Divorce

When you divorce, you can remarry, both with the same person and with any other, that is, provided that the other person does not maintain an undissolved marriage bond either.

There is no limit to the number of times you can marry the same or a different person. 

Simply to get married, all the requirements for marriage must be met, one of them is, not maintaining another marriage bond at that time.

Therefore, it will be possible to contract as many marriages as deemed appropriate. 

With the compliance of the legal requirements established for the marriage.

If you don’t really hate your partner and get divorced, I think there’s a good chance that you’ll get back together.

Can You Still Love Your Husband But Want A Divorce

Yes you can still love your husband and at the same time want a divorce. 

Have you heard this saying before; “Love is not enough”.  Yes love alone can not sustain marriage. 

There are other things needed for any marriage to be successful. 

For example, if your husband doesn’t have a good attitude or if he doesn’t care for you, the marriage will not work. 

If you still love your husband but you still want a divorce, I will suggest that you check very well before filing for a divorce. 

That you still love your husband means that things can still world out for both of you. 

If you divorce him now, you may regret your actions later and you may want to remarry him again. 

Divorce may not be for you if you still love your husband.

How Do I End My Marriage

You can only end your marriage by divorce if that’s what you desire. 

Here are the procedures for divorce:

• Get a lawyer

You must hire a lawyer to divorce. You have the freedom to choose any lawyer of your choice throughout the country.

• Take the judge

It is up to your lawyer to take the necessary steps to refer the case to the family court judge 

• Attend or be represented at the orientation hearing

The orientation hearing takes place at the court hearing the application.

You will find the date and time of the hearing in the divorce summons.

You can be present during the hearing assisted by your lawyer or ask your lawyer to represent you.

• Prepare the file 

After the orientation hearing, the file enters a phase of the procedure called pretrial.

• Obtain the divorce decision

Your lawyer must give you a certified copy of the divorce decree.

• Challenge the decision if you disagree

You can challenge the judgment by appealing.

• Ask the lawyer for the update of the marital status

The mention of your divorce must be noted in the margin of your marriage certificate and the birth certificates of each of the spouses.

Can You Sleep With Your Husband While Separated

It is not advisable to have sex with your partner when you are separated, because there are unresolved issues. 

If you don’t resolve the problem you are having with your husband before sleeping with him, that particular problem will remain unresolved and it is going to hurt you later. 

This is because sex is an emotional act. It will make you think that your partner loves you when he/she doesn’t. 

It is better not to sleep with your husband when separated or divorced.

You can only sleep with your husband when you have settled all the misunderstandings.


You can divorce if that is what you want to do. But be sure that you won’t regret your actions in the future. 

You can also remarry your husband if you want to marry him again.