How Do You Know When Your Marriage Is Beyond Repair (9 Real Signs)

How Do You Know When Your Marriage Is Beyond Repair

Do you want to know when your marriage is beyond repair?

Your marriage is beyond repair when you’ve given up hope. If you are in a hopeless situation, then that is a sign that your marriage is beyond repair.

Other signs that your marriage is beyond repair are:

1. Your sex life is no more active 

2. You can’t tolerate each other’s bad habits

4. You’re not doing fun things together anymore

5. You can’t imagine growing old together

6. You can’t forgive each other

7. You don’t do nice things for each other anymore

8. You dream about being single

9. You’re looking for a fight

In this article, I will share more tips with you. 

Read also: 5 Best Ways To Fix A Bad Marriage (Plus What To Do If The Marriage Can’t Be Fixed)

Let’s go on now. 

What Happens If You Don’t Divorce

What will happen if you don’t divorce is that you will continue being unhappy in the marriage because you’re still living with your partner who is making you unhappy.

You will not be able to remarry. The assets will not be shared as well.

This also means that you are still fulfilling your marital responsibilities like; taking care of the kids, attending to your partner’s sexual needs, paying the bills and being involved in the family welfare. 

All these are because the law of marriage is still binding between the two of you.

You will not take care of those responsibilities when you divorce, except for the kids. 

Divorce is the only thing that can take away the responsibilities from your shoulder. 

If you are already unhappy in the marriage, you will still live with your partner until you divorce.

Staying in an unhappy marriage is not easy. It is going to make you lose focus on yourself. 

What Is A Toxic Husband

A toxic husband is a husband who doesn’t give his wife peace. 

These are the characteristics of a toxic husband;

1. He cheats: He goes about with other women leaving his wife behind at home. 

He compares his wife with other women and threatens to divorce her.

2. He gives command: A toxic husband doesn’t talk to his wife with love. 

He talks to her anyhow he wants without considering her feelings. 

3. He doesn’t care for his wife: A toxic husband will never take care of his wife, both financially and emotionally. 

4. He doesn’t care for the kids: He leaves the responsibilities of the kids to the wife alone.

5. He doesn’t bring money home: A toxic husband ignores all the financial responsibilities at home, leaving it for his wife.

6. He is violent: He can beat his wife and kids without mercy. This is very dangerous to the lives of the kids and wife.

7. He gets drunk: A toxic husband gets drunk without considering his health and family. 

8. He doesn’t control his temper: Toxic husbands get angry easily and act without thinking twice.

Living with a toxic husband is dangerous, he can hurt the wife or the kids, especially when he is angry or drunk.

How Do You Know Your Husband Doesn’t Value You

You can know that your husband doesn’t value you when;

1. He disrespects you: If your husband doesn’t respect you it means that he doesn’t value you. Men respect whoever they value. 

2. He corrects you in public: It is not good to correct your partner in public. 

It is more respectful when done in private. Any man that corrects his wife in public doesn’t value her.

3. He invites visitors to your home without telling you: I can’t invite a visitor to our home without telling my wife. 

I normally tell her in advance whenever I am expecting any visitor.

This is to show her that I value her so much. 

4. He doesn’t buy you gifts: Giving someone gifts means you value him or her. 

If your husband doesn’t value you, he won’t be buying you gifts.

5. He ignores your advice: If your husband always ignores your advice or opinion, it shows that he doesn’t value you. 

Why Do Men Stay In Unhappy Marriages

Men stay in an unhappy marriage because of what society will say. 

Men are expected by society to be strong, and this makes them stay in unhappy marriages when things are no longer working.

He stays so that he will not be termed “weak man”. This is one of the reasons why men die earlier than women. 

Men bear a lot of pain within themselves so that they will be seen as strong and confident.

But this kind of lifestyle is not good. Following people’s opinions is a sign of weakness. 

You don’t need to please people by staying in an unhappy marriage. 

Men suffer the pain of divorce more than women. 

Women can overcome the pain of divorce or separation within a few months and get back happy again. 

But men can stay up to a year to years before healing from the past hurts of separation. 

When a woman separates from her husband, she will cry or look depressed. 

This will make her colleagues, family members and friends understand her situation and help her overcome the pain. 

But a man can bottle up his own pain pretending to be happy for a very long time.

The bottom line is; it is better to express your emotions as a man, so that you can live long and happy. 

Why Do Most First Marriages Fail

Most first marriages fail because the couples entered the marriage without proper preparations and with too much expectations. 

They overlooked each other’s bad habits during dating with the hope that they would change in marriage. 

Most first marriages don’t last more than five years. 

This is because the first five years of marriage are the hardest. This is the period most couples discover themselves in the marriage. 

It is better to be patient and study each other’s character before agreeing to marry. 

Marriage is not something you enter today and come out tomorrow. 

Another reason why most marriages fail is that people go into marriage too early. 

Getting married before the age of 25 will likely end up in divorce. 

People who are less than 25 years have more failed marriages than any other age range. 

This is because at this age, they are not very sure of what they want in a partner. 

To succeed in your first marriage, you must know what you want, understand your partner’s weaknesses, know how to please a man/woman and have the ability to forgive and forget. 

Without these, your first marriage is going to end in divorce. 

What Is The Number One Cause Of Divorce

The number one cause of divorce is infidelity. 

This is when one partner or both have another secret partner they are sleeping with outside their matrimonial home.

Infidelity in marriages have increased in recent years. 

There are several reasons why people cheat on their partner. They are;

• Having different values: When the couples have different desires, the marriage won’t last.

• Uncleanliness: Most people don’t know how to keep their body clean and this makes the other partner start cheating on them.

Do these to keep your body clean;

– Shave: Shave your armpit and pubic hairs regularly. 

I shaved fortnightly. If you don’t shave, your armpit and pubic areas will start smelling when you sweat or do stressful work. 

– Brush your teeth regularly: Brush your teeth twice a day. In the morning after breakfast and at night after dinner. 

The reason why it is good to brush after eating is to remove the food particles in between your teeth. 

Leaving the food particles will cause bad breath.

– Bath twice a day: Bath in the morning and in the evening before going to bed, or before sleeping with your partner. This helps to eliminate body odour.

– Use deodorant: Use good body perfumes and deodorants to keep your body fresh.

When Should You Call It Quits In A Relationship

You should quit a relationship when your partner is cheating and if they abuse you too.

Domestic violence and abuse are not something you should overlook in a relationship. 

I know a girl whose boyfriend normally beat when he is angry or drunk. She refused to quit the relationship because the guy is buying her many gifts.

They got married, not long after my wife told me that they are no longer together. 

The girl saw the sign earlier and still accepted to marry him but their marriage did not last.

If your partner is abusing you physically or verbally, you should quit the relationship without a second thought. 

Most things that cause unhappiness in the marriage are always there during the dating stage, but some people ignore the red flags and continue with the relationship. 

If you see any bad attitude which you can’t cope with during dating, then you should quit the relationship. 

It will save you a lot in the future if you don’t continue with a cheating and abusive partner. 

What Are The Red Flags In A Marriage

The red flags in marriage are;

1. Lack of finance: It is difficult for any marriage to flourish without money. 

When there’s no money the couple won’t be able to pay the bills. 

2. Lack of love: Love is the foundation of marriage. 

If love no longer exists in the marriage, it means that the marriage is not moving forward and will definitely fail.

3. Incompatibility: When the couple doesn’t have the same lifestyle, hobby and faith, the marriage will fail. 

It is advisable to marry someone that shares the same values with you so that the marriage will be sweet.

4. Lack of communication: If the couple don’t communicate with each other properly, the marriage won’t work.

5. Going out with a secret lover: Cheating is very bad in marriage. And it is one of the leading causes of divorce in modern-day marriages.

You should try your best not to ignore any red flags if you really want to enjoy your marriage. 

Always look out for these signs mentioned above.

Read also: What To Do If You Hate Your Husband But Can’t Leave (The Best Thing To Do)


Having a successful marriage is hard work. You should pay the price so as to enjoy the reward, which is a happy and successful marriage.