How To make Your Partner Happy Again (The 10 Best Ways) 

How To make Your Partner Happy Again (The 10 Best Ways) 

Do you want to know how to make your partner happy again? Yes you can make your partner again. 

After our sixth wedding anniversary, my wife reached out to me and told me that she is not happy again, because I stopped helping her to cook. 

I love cooking a lot, but at some point I became tired and my wife was cooking alone. 

Whenever any of us is not happy, he or she has the full right to tell the other person. This is one of our new year resolutions at the beginning of every year.

In this article, I am going to share with you the best ways to make your partner happy again. 

Read also: 10 Ways To Support Your Spouse’s Mental Health In Your Relationship 

Let’s go on now.

How To make Your Partner Happy Again 

1. You accept each other’s flaws. Nobody is perfect, not even you and your great love. 

You might be very messy and your partner always forget everything. 

You can get very annoyed about little things about each other, but you will be much happier if you choose to accept it.

2. Talking to each other a lot.  Talk to your partner about everything, big problems, little things that made your day. 

This will really help both of you understand each other.

3. Lots of cuddling. Did you know that your skin remembers touch and lots of cuddling can make for an even stronger bond? 

A good reason to crawl into each other more often.

These little things make your relationship perfect.

4. Always talk out quarrels. Sometimes you are so angry that you prefer to ignore your partner for three days. 

I get it, but it’s not smart at all to do that. Walk around for a bit and then talk it out right away. 

Don’t stop talking until you’re both completely happy again. This is the secret to staying together for a very long time.

5. Make compromises. In an ideal world you find everything equally fun, cozy and you think the same about everything. 

Now back to the real world, it doesn’t work that way. You will sometimes have to go to a party of that friend you don’t like so much, because it will make your sweetheart very happy. 

As long as you cross right into this, it’s really a relationship booster.

6. Compliment each other every day. It’s so easy to talk to each other every day without thinking about how amazing your partner really is. 

Your resolution this year (and for the rest of your life) should be to say something nice to him/her every day.

7. Keep laughing together. Provide an eternal stream of inside jokes and funny stories in your life.

8. Say you love each other every day. It’s only 4 words, but they mean so much.

9. Let go of your anger. Anger is a huge ‘relationship killer’. 

It makes you selfish, egocentric and keeps you from seeing all the good and positives around you. 

And believe me, positive things are always there. No matter how angry or bad you feel.

10 . Find out what upset you. If you are angry with your partner, do soul searching. 

If you take this important step, rather than immediately launching criticism at your partner, you often find that your anger is related to things other than what you expected. 

Your anger often says more about you than your spouse. It gives you insight into your own fears and wishes.

Read also: How To Celebrate Your Partner’s Birthday (11 Best Ways And The Best Gifts To Give Them)

How To Argue The Right Way With Your Partner

Even the happiest couples argue sometimes.

Arguing in the relationship or marriage means that both of you are human and that the relationship means something to both of you.

Because look, you have to talk out conflicts. It is the only way to indicate what bothers you about your partner. 

Aren’t you doing this? Then you will avoid confrontations. This only hurts the relationship more in the long run.

What does research show?

That couples who argue healthy are ten times more likely to be happy in a relationship.

The key word here is, “healthy quarreling.”

Here are the right way to argue with your partner:

Let’s get started quickly with the first tip, including a bit of men’s psychology.

1. Don’t attack him

What you need to understand when fighting with your partner is this:

The male ego is more fragile than a porcelain vase.

So when you gently try to indicate that something is bothering you, chances are he will feel attacked.

And what do most men do then?

They get defensive and use the most absurd arguments.

They avoid confrontation.

They get angry.

How do you deal with this?

Just be calm and patient. 

Because look, even if you’re right, as long as he feels personally attacked, he’s never going to give it to you (even when he knows you’re right).

So next time, think about what annoys you and communicate it in the form of a wish instead of a reproach.

So don’t say:

“I am sorry that you have so little time for me”,

But say:

“I miss our time together, and I would really appreciate it if you could make some more time for me”

2. Be strong and say sorry

It’s okay to say the other person is right.

Because you know what strong people are good at?

They admit when they are wrong.

So don’t be ashamed to apologize or admit that your partner is right. 

This is how you show that you listen to your partner. Moreover, in this way you invite him/her to admit his/his mistakes.

3. Let those old cows float in the ditch

This is something I see all the time with people who are unhappy in their relationship, they keep going over and over about something that happened in the past.

Still, it is unwise to pull old cows out of the ditch.

That has two reasons.

First, you put him/her on the defensive side this way.

Second: you so quickly end up in discussions that are no longer about what you actually wanted to raise.

So are you mad that he/she didn’t do the dishes? Which he/she had promised?

Feel free to discuss that. Just don’t include that one Thursday three months ago when he/she  said to vacuum and forgot. 

He/she can’t do anything with it anymore, but it does reflect badly on you.

4. Keep your friend and your mom’s opinions out of it

Sometimes it is tempting to get opinions from people who agree with you.

After all, it’s an easy way to reinforce your point.

Is this wise?


What do I mean by this?

That, for example, when you are annoyed by his/her laziness, you say something like:

“You are always lazy, my friend/my mom says that all the time”

Why does this make no sense?

Because it’s about what annoys YOU. 

By involving other people, there is a good chance that the conversation will suddenly turn to your mom and friends. 

As a result, you are further rather than closer to the point where you want to end up.

In short, don’t avoid conflicts, but talk about them in a healthy way.

Read also: How To Live With A Partner Who Doesn’t Love You (8 Things You Are Missing)

Why Someone Can’t Be Happy In A Relationship

1. Communication problems: If there is difficulty in communication between partners, it can lead to feelings of dissatisfaction and unhappiness.

2. Lack of trust: If there is no trust between partners, it can lead to feelings of insecurity and unhappiness.

3. Incompatibility: If partners are not on the same wavelength and do not have the same goals and values, this can lead to feelings of unhappiness.

4. Lack of intimacy: If there is no intimacy between partners, it can lead to feelings of dissatisfaction and unhappiness.


One of the most important aspects of a successful relationship is frequent and good communication. 

It is important to be open and honest with each other and to listen to each other’s needs and feelings.

Relationships and marriage aren’t always easy and sometimes it can feel like you’re stuck in a negative spiral. 

But there are ways to get happy again in your relationship which we have discussed in this article.