What Are Three Most Important Family Values

What Are Three Most Important Family Values

Do you want to know the three most important family values? The three most important family values are: Unity, patience and communication. 

My wife and I have been living peacefully together with our two kids for over ten years. 

There was a time our kids complained about lack of communication among us. This made them unhappy.

I tried so much to rekindle the joy we shared together before by introducing our family game.

We play chess together which is our favorite game. This has helped us bond more together as a family. 

In this article, I will share more tips about building a strong and successful family with you. 

Let’s go on now. 

Read also: How To Build A Successful Family (The Only Way Forward)

What Are Three Reasons Why Family Life Is Important

Here are the three reasons why family life is important:

1. Emotional support: My wife and our kids are the greatest support that I have. 

They understand my feelings and they help me each day to become better and happy.  

This is one advantage of family life. They are always ready to help.

2. Family life can help you to be active: You won’t feel lonely when you are with your family. 

This is achieved through various family activities like playing games, cooking, story time and group learning. 

3. Overcoming challenges easily: Family life helps to stop bad habits. 

I could remember when I was coming home late at night, it was my four year old son who told me, “Dad, stop coming home late, it hurts mom”. 

I felt bad about the whole situation and promised him that I won’t come home late again. 

Since then, I stopped coming home late and everyone was so happy. 

What Strengthens A Family

Playing games together strengthens a family more than any other thing. 

Many families overlook playing games together. And this is the reason why some families are unhappy. 

The easiest way to do this is, ask your family members the kind of game they love to play.

Get the game and play it together at least once a week, this will strengthen the family more.

This will help the family to communicate and unite more.

Types of games you can play together as a family:

As a child, I often didn’t have to make the choice which family game would be added to the game cabinet at home, my parents, grandpa and grandma or uncle and aunt did. 

Today there are a lot more fun family games on the market than there were back then. 

That is why I can imagine that it is difficult to choose a fun family game.

Here are the game to choose from

1. Speed ​​Cups

Age : Family game from 6 years

Number of Players : 2-4 Players

Playing time : 15 minutes

Type of Game : Skill

In this fast-paced family game, each player receives 5 cups of a different color: black, red, blue, green and yellow. 

In addition, there is a face down stack of cards in the middle of the table.

Each turn, a player turns over a face down card. 

On the cards there are various objects (birds, blocks, cars, etc.) that have the same colors as the Cups. 

In addition, these objects are arranged in a certain horizontal or vertical order.

As soon as the card is turned over, you have to make sure that your Cups are exactly in the same order as on that card. 

Will you be the first to succeed and ring the bell? Then you get the ticket. 

The player who has the most cards after the draw pile is empty wins the game.

2. Earthworms

Age : From 8 Years

Number of Players : 2-7 Players

Playing time : 15 minutes

Type of Game : Dice game

In Earthworms, you first place a number of stones in a row on the table. 

On these stones are numbers from 21 to 36. And on each stone is a number of worms, ranging from 1 to 4. 

The higher the number, the higher the number of worms. You also have 8 dice with the numbers 1 to 5 and a worm.

You first roll 8 dice. Then choose a number (1 to 5) and discard all dice from that number. 

Then you roll the remaining dice and discard dice with an equal number of eyes. 

Once you have discarded a number, you may not discard this number on the next roll.

3. False Moths

Age : Family game from 7 years

Number of Players : 3-5 Players

Playing time : 20 minutes

Type of Game : Skill

This fun family game is different than usual. You have to cheat! The game consists of 72 playing cards.

All these cards contain different insects, each with its own number. 

Each player is given cards in hand and you place the draw pile and one card face up on the table. 

Then the guard beetle is chosen. This player is going to see who is cheating.

Now the players take turns placing their cards on the face up pile. 

You must always choose a card that is 1 number higher or lower than the card that is open. 

But there is one card you are not allowed to play, the false moth! 

You can only get rid of this card if you make it disappear without the guard beetle seeing it. 

Oh yes, there are some ‘action cards’ in the game to create some chaos.

4. Quiz Poker: 

Age : From 16 Years

Number of Players : 3-8 Players

Running time : 45 minutes

Type of Game : Party game

Quiz Poker brings together two classic games: Quiz and Poker. 

During the game you have to answer questions. But whether you can give an answer at all depends on the stakes. 

You play 10 rounds. Each round, a question is asked that must be answered with A, B, C or D. 

Before giving the answer, players must use poker chips to determine the bet. You can fold, call and raise. 

The player(s) with the highest bet contributes to the win of that round (unless you are the only one to bet, then you win automatically)! 

Will you win a round? Then you get a points card. The player with the most points after 10 rounds wins the game.

A nice twist: Sometimes you get to hear the multiple choice answers before betting, but sometimes you don’t. 

And especially in the latter cases you have to rely on your knowledge. 

5. The Quacks of Kakelenburg

Age : Family game from 10 years

Number of Players : 2-4 Players

Running time : 45 minutes

Game type : Board game

In 2019, this game won the Toy of the Year.

Each player gets a cauldron and a bag with some ingredients in it.

Each round, players simultaneously draw ingredients from the pouch and place them in the cauldron. 

The further you get into the cauldron, the more points and income you get. 

From the income you can buy new ingredients for your pouch. 

Just don’t grab too many popsicles, otherwise things will explode!

What Are The 3 Basic Needs Of All Family Members

The 3 basic needs of all family members are: The need for affiliation, social needs and safety needs.

The Need for Affiliation: Everyone desires to establish, maintain or re-establish positive affective relationships with other family members. 

This need is closely linked to the desire to feel wanted or accepted.

We prefer activities in which there are interactions with other family members where there is cooperation, support, agreement and cohesion.

Social needs: These are needs to maintain harmonious relationships with the family: to feel part of our family, to receive care and affection from family members.

Safety needs: The family needs to feel safe without danger, communicate safely, share their fears, maintain a steady job or business, health insurance and life insurance.

What Brings A Family Together

What brings a family together is frequent interactions.

The interaction between parents and children, but also between brothers and sisters is the most beautiful thing. 

Within the family, all family members can learn a lot from each other with effective communication.

This gives children the opportunity to develop well in understanding.

Living together is not always easy. You have to take each member of the family into account. 

Everyone normally has bad days sometimes, and interacting with each other is a great way to make sure that each member of the family is happy. 

Raising children creates a few challenges, this can make you easily end up in a negative spiral. 

That is why it is so important to have many fun moments together. 

This allows you to have each other’s support, if things go against you. 

It is good for a child to grow up in a safe and positive environment. 

This has many benefits for their development, because it helps your child perform better at school and develops a more positive self-image.

It’s not realistic to always have a good time together, and you don’t have to. 

Your child learns to deal with different emotions in a family, including anger, irritation and sadness. 

This also teaches your child to take others into account and how you can help someone else if they are having a hard time. 

Do you also want to teach this to your child? Then make sure you make amends after an argument or anger.

Why Do Humans Need Family

Here are the reasons why humans need family:

1. For financial Security 

It’s no surprise that tight-knit families help each other. 

A healthy family will therefore ensure the financial (and therefore physiological) security of each member. 

This mainly involves the financial participation of parents. They will ensure that their children have enough to eat and are healthy. 

They can also offer them fashionable shoes or pay for their studies. 

Later, when the children get married, they can reproduce this pattern by taking care of their own children or by reciprocating their parents.

2. For sense of belonging 

Families that carry on traditions and bring back stories from their past generation have a good sense of belonging. 

This allows you to bond with family members who are no longer there. 

The person who grows up in this type of family has the feeling of belonging to something greater than themselves. 

He/she will be proud to be part of a family that has an authentic and colorful history.

3. Family meals = Healthier food 

Studies have shown that eating together as a family promotes healthy eating. 

This help families eat breakfast, eat lots of fruits and vegetables and consume less processed foods. 

These healthy food choices create a foundation that lasts for up to five years in teens. 

People who eat alone, on the other hand, are more likely to skip meals and consume foods with reduced nutritional values.

4. For healthier mental health 

Numerous studies have proven that time spent with family has an impact on mental health. 

For example, researchers at Columbia University have shown that there is a correlation between the frequency of family meals and academic performance. 

Children who shared fewer meals with their family had lower scores.  

Also families who share their meals daily value the time spent together.

5. The importance of family in illness 

Dealing with an illness alone can feel like a terrible nightmare. A family can be a great support in this difficult time. 

Either by coming to keep you company at the hospital or by coming to help you directly at home. 

Family helps children learn who they are, develop their personalities, and provides them with emotional support. 

What Is The Most Important Quality Of A Strong Family

The most important quality of a strong family is spending quality time together. 

Families who spend time together form a stronger bond. 

When it comes to spending time with family, quality is more important than quantity .

Most parents find it difficult to find the balance between their family and professional life.

But establishing simple routines will allow you to devote yourself fully to your family.

Playing board games together, going for walks, sharing meals and household chores, watching a movie are the great ways to spend quality time together. 

It has been proven that performing this type of activity on a daily or regular basis helps to strengthen the family unit so that it can better withstand stress.

How to spend good time with your family:

• Every moment counts: Take advantage of being stuck in traffic to talk about your day and ask your child how theirs went.

• Create family fun activities like games.

• Plan “family time” and slot it in your calendar.

What Makes A Family Happy

Family rituals make a family happy.

Children love rituals. A ritual provides safety, comfort and creates connection. 

They strengthen the family culture and your mutual bond. A ritual can be daily, such as a fixed ritual at bedtime or the way you greet each other or say goodbye in the morning every day. 

But weekly rituals are also nice, such as breakfast in bed every Sunday morning, or pancakes for lunch every Wednesday afternoon. 

And then you also have annual rituals, such as your habits during birthdays, holidays and vacations. 

The most important thing about a ritual is that it keeps coming back and that can be daily, weekly or yearly. 

It doesn’t have to be anything big or special, something small is often just as powerful.

What Brings A Family Closer

Family meeting brings a family closer. 

In a family meeting you talk to your children and partner about how things are going in the family. 

We normally have our family meeting on the last Saturday of every month. 

This is very nice and it yields a lot of results. In this way you can break a negative pattern or help each other overcome any challenges. 

It might feel a little crazy at first, but it pays off a lot. 

Sit down one evening or afternoon and briefly explain what you want different in your family and why. 

Ask what the other family members think about this. If they want things differently, brainstorm together about what can help. 

Appreciate the ideas your kids bring. Also discuss with each other what you think will make them happy. 

My wife wrote everything we discussed during our family meeting in our small pink family journal. 

We revisit the journal before the next meeting  to keep things in order.

This has helped us stay together and happy. 


Of course, we all appreciate members of our own family. 

The difference with a healthy family is that they express it openly and verbally, that is, they let others know through their words and actions that they are special.

Healthy families teach and practice forgiveness. They refuse to leave an open wound. 

They live each day as if it were a new one. By forgiving and letting go of the past, they experience healing, peace of mind, and love.