How Family Affects Education (My Family Experience)

How Family Affects Education (My Family Experience)

Do you want to know how family affects education? Family can affect education in various ways.

My brothers and I were very brilliant in school. This is because our dad is very intelligent, so we inherited his intelligence. 

We performed better in school because of this.

In this article, I will share with you How family affects education.

Let’s go on now. 

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1. Family affects education by inheritance: If the parents of the child are intelligent and perform better during their school days, their child will inherit that and do better in school also.

2. Family affects education negatively if there’s no money: If the family doesn’t have enough money to send their children to the best school, it may affect the children’s performance in school. 

3. If the family is uneducated: If the parents are uneducated, they may find it difficult to train their children in school.

4. Family affects education by getting educational materials for their children: If the family buys educational books like activity books, it will help their children to do better in school. 

How Family Background Influences Student Achievement

Here are how family background influences student achievement:

1. Divorce: Students from divorced backgrounds don’t perform well in school due to the trauma of the divorce.

2. Parenting styles: Some parenting styles like laissez faire parenting style which allows children to do whatever they want without proper supervision of the parents, make the children perform poorly in school. 

3. Toxic family: Students from toxic families don’t perform well in school.

4. Happy family: Students from happy homes do excellently well in school. 

5. Addiction: If the family where the student comes from is addicted to any bad habits like gambling and smoking, it will affect the student negatively. 

6. Lack of interest: If the family where the student comes from doesn’t have interest in education, the student will not do well in his or studies.

7. Fighting and quarreling: If the family where the student comes from quarrels regularly, it will affect the student’s performance in school. 

How Family Engagement Leads To Student Success

Here are how family engagement leads to student success:

1. Regular family interaction: Regular family meetings help students to do better in school.  

This is when students share their challenges with other family members, and they will be able to get the necessary help to be successful in school. 

2. Family games: Playing family games together helps to sharpen student memory.

3. Family debate: Families that organise regular debates on their favorite topics give their children the opportunity to perform better in school. 

4. Spending quality time: Families that spend quality time together bond well with their children and this gives the children the upper hand to out-perform their counterparts who don’t spend good time with their families. 

5. Appreciating the student’s effort when they perform well: Families that buy gifts for their children when they perform well in school motivates them to do better.

6. Helping the student: Families that help their children in doing homework and school projects are inspiring the children to achieve greater results in school. 

Read also: How Can You Build Strong Relationship With Your Family

How Family Expectations Affect Students

There are various ways in which family expectations affect students, these includes:

1. Expecting good performance too fast: If the family expects their children to achieve better results overnight, it will put the student under pressure which will result in poor performance. 

2. Unhealthy competitions: Too much expectations from the family will result in an unhealthy relationship and competition between the children. 

3. Fight and quarrel: Too much expectations from the family will cause fights and quarrels between students in school.

4. Distractions: Too much expectations from family will distract the student from focusing on his or her studies. 

5. Shift of focus: Too much expectations from the family will make the student focus on the end result instead of the process. 

Instead of expecting too much from your children, allow them to study at their own pace. Putting pressure on students affects their academic performance. 

How Family Background Affects Children’s Education

Here are how family background affects children’s education:

1. Early home education: If the parents start on time to teach their children about basic things like counting and pronunciation, they will perform better in school in the future. 

2. Interaction with other kids: Stopping your children from playing with other kids is going to make them perform poorly in school. 

3. Families that have no schedules: Kids that come from families where there is no particular time for anything don’t do well in school.

4. No motivation: Lack of motivation affects children in school. This is so because they lack the willpower to study and learn.

5. If the parents love education, their children will definitely be brilliant in school. 

6. Rewards: If parents reward their children when they do well in school, it will motivate them to do better in the future. 

Read also: How To Build A Successful Family (The Only Way Forward)

How Family Background Influences Students Academic Preferences

Here are how family background influences students academic preferences:

1. The dominant profession in the family: Students choose what has been already working for the family. 

For example, if dad or mom is a successful medical doctor, the children will likely choose to be a doctor also.

2. The family’s mentor: Some students normally follow the footsteps of their mentor. 

This is because they see the mentor as someone that is successful in his or her profession.

3. The family favorite movie: Children learn from movies and they try to follow the path of their favorite hero in the movie.

4. What the family admires: If the family admires a pilot, their children are likely to choose that as their profession. 

5. Family friend: Most children follow the footsteps of the family friend they admire.

You should be careful on what you expose your children to, because that is likely going to influence their academic preferences and career they will choose.

How Family Members Influence You

Here are how family members influence you:

1. Your choice of career: Family members usually influence our career choice or profession. 

2. The type of friends you keep: Family members influence the kind of people you go out with. 

If your family members are sports lovers, you will likely choose sports lovers as your friends.  

There is nothing wrong with this.

3. Your social life: Your family members influence how often you go out. And also the kind of place you go to.

For example, if your family members love partying, you will likely love it too.

4. Your attitude towards life: If your family members are always happy, you will be happy also.

5. Choice of life partner: Most times family members help in choosing the kind of partner we marry.

If your family influences you negatively, you can work on yourself and improve. Or you can visit a family counsellor. 

Read also: What Are Three Most Important Family Values

How Family Influences Socialization

The family helps to promote:

1- Self-esteem and sense of self (identity), which influences both the level of security that the child has in himself and in others.

Self-esteem will depend above all on the quality of interpersonal relationships and the educational guidelines derived from the interactions between the family members.

A clear example of interaction and educational guidelines that influence self-esteem is when a child cannot carry out a new task on his own and needs an adult to help him.

The quality of this interaction, for example, making him believe that he can do the task is going to improve his self-esteem. 

2- Responsibility and commitment to the rules: Family help to teach the child about being responsible in whatever he or she is doing. 

This is going to help them become responsible adults in the future. 

Family functions in the socialization process are:

– Formation and development of the sense of identity of its members.

– Development of the skills to establish relationships outside the family.

– Primary socialization of the child.

– Transfer of values ​​related to sociocultural behavior; dynamic process that involves folk culture.

– Articulation of family ties with society as a whole.

– Preparation for life.

– Inculcation and development of skills, attitudes and knowledge.

– Development in the order of feeling, thinking and doing.

How Family Bonding Is Necessary For Happiness In Life

What could be worse than receiving good news but having no one to share it with?  Problems don’t normally exist when a family is united. 

We inevitably encounter difficult times in life. 

During these complicated times, our family supports us. 

In case of doubt, fears and stress, it is often the family members who come to our rescue. 

Even if we try to hide our problems, they will often be the first to discern them.

Family support is a great help to succeed in life and achieve your goals. 

The individual feels protected and free to achieve. 

The family is also a place where a person can rest after experiencing failure or celebrate their successes. 

Having support makes it possible to do things with more confidence. 

It turns out to be much more difficult for someone who is not so lucky to have a loving family. 

Read also: How Do You Stay Strong In A Toxic Family (3 Sure Ways)


Before school, the family is the first place of education. 

Parents begin educating their children from birth by teaching them how to walk, talk, be clean and understand good manners.  

Better still, they pass on a “learning habit” that will be beneficial to the children throughout life.