Why Family Therapy Is Important (5 Unbelievable Reasons)

Do you want to know why family therapy is important? Family therapy is very important for families to strengthen their bond.

My brother, his wife and their three kids were  having serious problems just a few months before their eight year wedding anniversary. 

I told him to invite a family counsellor, he listened to my advice and the problem was settled. 

In this article, I will share with you why family therapy is important. 

Read also: How Family Affects Education (My Family Experience)

Let’s go on now. 

1. Family therapy is important because it helps to settle conflicts in the family. 

2. Family therapy is important because it allows family members to talk about their pain points. 

3. Family therapy is important because it helps to unite the family. 

4. Family therapy is important because it helps to improve the mental health of the family members. 

5. Family therapy is important because it helps the family members to heal from the past hurts. 

Why Family Vacations Are Important

Here are reasons why family vacations are important:

1. Family vacations are important because it allows the family members to have new experiences. 

2. Family vacations are important because they help families to have fun.

3. Family vacations are important because it helps the family to renew their strength. 

4. Family vacations are important because it let the children to having a feel of another environment 

5. Family vacations are important because they help the family to relax and rest.

6. Family vacations are important because it helps the family to learn new things about other people or culture. 

7. Family vacations are important because it gives the family the opportunity to enjoy different meals from what they are used to.

8. Family vacations are important because it makes the family happy. 

9. Family vacations are important because they help the family to love and appreciate one another. 

10. Family vacations are important because it gives the family the opportunity to interact with other families. 

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How Family Impacts Self-Esteem

This is how family impacts self esteem:

1. Family impacts self esteem by giving us the opportunity to express our emotions. 

2. Family impacts self esteem by appreciating our efforts when we do something nice.

3. Family impacts self esteem by caring for us.

4. Family impacts self esteem by encouraging us to speak up when we are offended by others.

5. Family impacts self esteem by accepting us.

From childhood we are learning to imitate the behaviors of our family, in addition to assimilating everything that they teach us. 

If parents give us a solid foundation on which to build our self-esteem, we will feel our foundations are well established and as children we will feel protected and confident in our abilities. 

On the other hand, if we have parents who give us negative or invalidating messages, these can be very destructive to our self-esteem.

How Family Influences Your Identity

Here are how family influences your identity:

1. Family influences your identity by the kind of jokes and humor you enjoy. 

You will likely continue to enjoy your family kind of jokes and humor.

2. Family influences your identity by the kind of  meals you take and enjoy. 

It will be difficult for you to change to other meals different from your traditional family meal. 

3. Family influences your identity by the kind of place you like to travel to. 

If your family has a favorite travel destination, you will likely continue travelling to that place.

4. Family influences your identity by the kind of belief you have. 

If your family is a christian family, you will likely continue being a christian. 

5. Family influences the kind of TV programs and movies you enjoy.

My family loves watching our favorite movies together.  We became a close family while watching Barbie movies together.

How Family Influences Food Choices

Here are how family influences food choices:

1. Health history: Families that have certain medical histories like diabetes consume foods that are low in refined sugar. 

This affects what goes into the daily menu.

2. Likes and dislikes: Families that like certain food eat the food more than the other foods. 

This makes the family members always choose that particular food over and over again.

3. Availability: Families eat foods that are more available to them. This makes the family members love and get used to the food.

4. Money: Families only buy the foods they can afford. 

As they continue eating those foods, they will want to always eat the foods anytime and anywhere. 

5. Cultural heritage: Families choose foods that appeal to their culture, and this will influence the choice of the family members. 

People’s choice of food largely depends on the type of food their family loves. 

Read also: Why Family Time Is Important (5 Best Reason)

How Family Members Help Each Other

Here are how family members help each other:

1. Family members help each other by giving each other money when they need financial help.

2. Family members help each other by assisting in the housework. 

3. Family members help each other by giving each other quality and good advice. 

4. Family members help each other by assisting each other in the hospital when anyone in the family is sick. 

5. Family members help each other by assisting each other in choosing a life partner.

6. Family members help each other by giving each other food when they don’t have what to eat.

7. Family members help each other by assisting the children in doing homework or school projects. 

8. Family members help each other by assisting the children in choosing good careers and professions. 

9. Family members help each other by giving each other gifts. 

10. Family members help each other by assisting each other during difficult times.

11. Family members help each other by giving the children educational materials. 

How Family Members Care For Each Other

Here are how family members care for each other:

1. Family members care for each other by motivating each other.

2. Family members care for each other by sending each other sweet messages. 

3. Family members care for each other by calling each other on the phone regularly. 

4. Family members care for each other by saying sorry when they offend anyone in the family. 

5. Family members care for each other by helping each other when they need help. 

6. Family members care for each other by telling each other how they love them.

7. Family members care for each other by celebrating each other on their birthdays.

8. Family members care for each other by forgiving each other. 

9. Family members care for each other by respecting each other.

10. Family members care for each other by tolerating each other’s weaknesses or attitude. 

Read also: 7 Tips To Keep Your Relationship Healthy When You Have Small Children

Why Family Engagement Is Important

Here are why family engagement is important:

1. Family engagement is important because it helps family members to develop high self esteem. 

2. Family engagement is important because it helps family members to relax. 

3. Family engagement is important because it increases trust between the family members. 

4. Family engagement is important because it helps family members to bond.

5. Family engagement is important because it helps family members to understand one another better. 

6. Family engagement is important because it helps family members to share their problems. 

7. Family engagement is important because it helps the family to find solutions to their  challenges.  

8. Family engagement is important because it makes family members feel loved.

9. Family engagement is important because it makes the family members happy. Especially when they engage in fun activities like games.

10. Family engagement is important because it helps family members to have confidence in one another. 

How Family Conflict Affects Mental Health

Family conflict affects mental health in the following ways:

In adults and adolescents

1. Confused thinking

2. Long-term depression (sadness or irritability)

3. Feelings of extreme ups and downs

4. Excessive fears, worries and anxieties.

5. Social retreat

6. Dramatic changes in eating or sleeping habits.

7. Strong feelings of anger

8. Strange thoughts (delusions)

9. Seeing or hearing things that are not presently there (hallucinations)

10. Inability in coping with daily problems and activities

11. Suicidal thoughts

12. Numerous unexplained physical ailments

In kids and tweens

1. Substance or drug abuse

2. Inability in coping with daily problems and activities.

3. Changes in sleeping and/or eating habits.

4. Excessive complaints of physical ailments

5. Defiance of authority, truancy, theft and/or vandalism

6. Intense fear

7. Prolonged negative mood, often accompanied by lack of appetite or thoughts of death.

8. Frequent outbursts of anger

9. Changes in school performance

10. Low achievements despite great efforts

11. Worrying excessively or anxiety (ie, refusing to go to bed or school)

12. Hyperactivity

13. Persistent nightmares

14. Persistent disobedience or aggression.

Read also: How Do You Stay Strong In A Toxic Family (3 Sure Ways)


Family is a great motivating factor to our success. 

Family therapy is a great way to deal with mental health. 

Family vacations are a great source of joy to the family members. Your family deserves the best, give them your best.