What Should I Caption My Pre-Wedding Photo (11 Best Captions)

What Should I Caption My Pre-Wedding Photo (11 Best Captions)

Do you want to know what you should caption your pre wedding photo? There are lovely phrases you can use to caption your pre wedding photo.

I used these captions for our pre wedding pictures and they keep our memory fresh even after ten years of being married. 

Here are the phrases you can use to caption your pre wedding photo:

1. “We were two roads and now we will be one that leads to infinity; yes we will join in marriage.”

2. “(Names of the couple) have decided to start the most romantic chapter of their lives.”

3. “Yes to you, yes to me, yes to love: (names of the couple) say yes to marriage.”

4. “Always yours, always mine, forever us.”

5. “(Names of the couple) put a start date on “forever “

6. “I gave him the “yes”, I gave him my heart and I gave him the date for the delivery of my soul.”

7. “I accepted you with all my soul, with all my heart.”

8. “We will be one, to love and respect each other, for the rest of our days.”

9. “We have decided that our love is eternal.”

10. “(Name of the couple) agreed to be my spouse. I accepted that you would be my spouse. We will get married!”

11. “No matter how many roads we have to travel in life, or how many obstacles we find in it, the important thing is that we will always be together.”

Read also: How Many People Should I Invite To My Wedding (My Experience)

What Do You Write In Pre-Wedding Pictures

Here are what you write in pre wedding pictures:

1. “(Names of the bride and groom) have decided to get married!”

2. “(Names of the bride and groom and wedding date)”

3. “True love: (names of the bride and groom) get married.”

4. “(Wedding date) Save the date, we will get married.”

5. “With the blessing of our parents, we announce that we will unite in marriage.”

6. “Didn’t we say it? We will get married!”

7. “We want to spend a lifetime together.”

8. “We have put the date at the beginning of our life together.”

9. “We are about to start the rest of our lives. We unite in marriage!”

10. “We have already said “yes” and we will say it again on (wedding date)”

Do People Wear Wedding Band For Pre-Wedding Shoots

It is not necessary to wear a wedding band for a pre-wedding shoot as the purpose of the shoot is to capture the love and excitement between the couple before their wedding day. 

However, some couples choose to wear their wedding bands to show their commitment to each other. It is up to the couple’s personal preference.

Read also: How To Ask For Money On a Wedding  Invitation (Best Phrases To Use)

The Ultimate “Do’s and Don’ts” For Your Pre-Wedding Shoot!

The pre-wedding shoot is the perfect shot to get used to a photo shoot, to have wonderful memories of you as a (still unmarried) couple, and also to get to know the photographer. 

How do you get the most out of the pre-wedding shoot? These are our do’s and don’ts!

Do: Think carefully about the location

What do you think is most important about this shoot? Is it the location that plays an important role, or do you mainly focus on the love between you? 

Think carefully about what you want to focus on, and discuss your wishes with the photographer. 

The location can enhance the photo shoot and the meaning. 

Does the location have a special meaning for you? For example, think of where you first met, a special place you like to visit, or a place where you like to go on vacation! 

Because pre-weddings can also be made abroad. 

No place is too crazy! And how cool is it to finally have good photos in that special place abroad, without a selfie stick?”

Don’t: Select a style that doesn’t suit you

Maybe someone famous or someone in your circle of friends had a great pre-wedding shoot that you think, I want that too! 

It may be that this shoot completely suits you as a couple, but there is also a good chance that this is not quite who you are. 

Taking over someone else’s wishes, which don’t suit you at all, ensures a shoot where you don’t feel comfortable, and the result will therefore be disappointing. 

Also discuss with your partner what image he or she has at the pre-wedding shoot and don’t overpower the other. 

You are doing this together so stay close to yourself as a couple. 

And after discussing your wishes, the photographer also has a good picture of what you want. “Make sure you don’t base the shoot on what you see on the internet. 

If you choose a photographer, you choose his/her style of photography. 

An internet photo, for example from Pinterest, can be nice, but is often not really original. Trust yourself and the photographer.

Do: Wear comfortable clothes

Here too the golden tip remains: stay close to yourself. Casual attire is worn for most pre-wedding shoots. 

Of course, if you normally wear heels, it’s great to wear them during the shoot as well. 

But just in case, bring an extra pair of shoes in case you get blisters. 

Make sure you don’t go for an extreme look that you don’t normally have. Avoid too many accessories. 

Read also: 7 Mistakes New Couples Make In Their Marriage (The Best Way Forward)

Don’t: Pose excessively

Secretly we all sometimes practice in front of the mirror how we would do as a top model. 

Don’t pose excessively, because the pre-wedding shoot you want is so naturally possible. 

Over-posed photos where both of you don’t feel comfortable make for awkward photos. 

It may take a while, but in the end it is important that you are comfortable, so that you can also adopt natural poses. 

Making you feel comfortable is the photographer’s job, so surrender to that. 

Just focus on the pictures and don’t think about anything else. 

Because once the photographer knows all your details and wishes, you can forget about the rest and just enjoy a nice moment between you and your partner.

Do: take your time and plan the shoot well in advance

Don’t plan the pre-wedding right before your wedding. 

You need a moment to process your fantastic shoot. In consultation with the photographer, he can advise you when we can best plan the shoot. 

Then he sees when the weather is good, what the best time is and what time you can start.

It is important that you block at least one complete day part in your agenda, for a good shoot.

You need time to loosen up and find the best spots together with the photographer.

Don’t: Arrive at the shoot stressed, hungry, or tired

Make sure you start the pre-wedding shoot fresh and fruity. 

This way you can be sure that you have enough energy for the shoot. 

Go to bed on time, don’t do stressful things the day before or on the day itself, and make sure you’ve eaten well.

Do: Use the photos for your wedding card

How great is it to use the photos for the wedding card? 

It is important that you plan the photo shoot on time so that the invitations can go out on time. 

If it is no longer possible to use the photos for the invitation, you can also use the photos during a slideshow for the party, on the cover of the guestbook, or for the thank you for the guests.

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Pre wedding photos are a great way to start your journey together. 

You should be serious about It, and make sure to find a photographer that you trust and comfortable with.