Signs You Should Not Marry Her (The red flags)

Signs You Should Not Marry Her (The red flags)

Do you want to know the signs you should not marry her? There are several signs to know that you will not marry her. 

Before I got married to my wife, I looked out for bad signs which I can’t cope with.

And it happened that my wife has the qualities I wanted in a woman. This contributed to the reason why we are still together even after ten years. 

In this article, I will share with you signs you should not marry her.

Read also: 12 Signs Why You Should Not Marry Him/Her (The Bad Pointers)

Let’s go on now. 

Marriage is a big step in any relationship. However, sometimes there are signs we don’t want to see that tell us it’s not a good idea. 

Since this is a big commitment that must be for life, you must be completely sure that it is the right decision. Pay attention to the signs not to get married to her!

1.  She has been unfaithful

Although infidelity is something that can be forgiven, the reality is that you should take it into account when taking an important step such as getting married. 

If your girlfriend is unfaithful during a dating relationship, she can do it during the marriage. 

If you have no doubts and you trust her, it is a good decision. 

But if you can’t leave it behind and it’s hard for you to trust her again, it’s better not to continue, since you’ll end up hurt.

2. You fight constantly

All couples have disagreements and it is normal in any relationship. 

However, if you cannot stop fighting with her, it is clear that marrying her is not a good decision, because it is a much more difficult commitment for which you are not prepared. 

3. You don’t know if you love her

If you’re not completely sure if you love her deeply, it’s best not to rush things. 

Entering into marriage full of doubts is a bad decision. 

It’s best to take the time to figure out how you feel and what you want out of the relationship before committing further.

4. No one approves the marriage 

Nobody can really know how you feel about your partner, but your family is a great influence and their opinions are important. 

If your family and friends do not agree with the relationship and do not approve of the marriage, you should ask yourself if there are certain things about your partner that you refuse to see.

5. Lies constantly

Honesty is the key to any relationship. If she can’t be honest with you, it’s a clear sign that you shouldn’t marry her. 

Marriage is a commitment that involves trusting and believing in the other person, but if you can’t do it yet, it’s not a good time for that kind of decision.

6. She have different projects

If your plan is to travel the world and she wants to start a family and have many children, or the other way around, it is something that you should discuss before marrying her.

Although love is everything, some aspects such as life projects and different goals can end up ruining the couple and the marriage.

7. She is unable to accept feedback

Living with a person implies that at some moments in life differences will arise, so there will be criticism or feedback about some attitude or action. 

In case your partner is not able to accept criticism even when it is made in the most cordial and respectful tone, refuses to listen and is not open to comments, then her attitude is not good and in the future it will be very difficult for both of you to reach agreements where both benefit.

It is essential that both you can talk about the future of the relationship and the expectations that each one has. 

The decision to get married should not be taken lightly. 

Not only what you feel for her, but also the type of relationship you have, the environment, future plans and what you both want for the relationship. 

Always keep your eyes open and do not ignore the signs that will tell you that you should not marry her. 

Read also: 10 Best Questions To Ask A Woman When You Are Trying To Know Her

Here are other warning signs that you should not marry her:

1. When you’re not sure you want to.

2. When you made the decision due to the pressure exerted by friends, family and social environment.

3. When you don’t know her family.

4. When you “hate” her family.

5. When she has too many flaws that you consider intolerable.

6. When her family parenting patterns are so contrary to yours that they seem counterproductive.

7. When you had to “beg” her to marry you.

8. When you realize that she wants different things and it is truly difficult to agree.

9. If she finds it difficult to forgive you.

Read also: 7 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Get Married (With 5 Reasons For Marriage)

10. When you get bored with her and find that you have nothing to talk about.

11. When you realize that she does not joke and laugh with you. 

12. When you think that her bad behaviors or lack of commitment will not change if you marry her.

13. When people you trust and love tell you not to marry her.

14. When there is no communication, respect and/or trust.

15. When she tells you that you must be rich before marrying her. 

The concept of marriage is about building together and achieving goals with each other’s support. 

16. When there is too much that you need to leave before marrying her, for example basic studies, trips to certain places, friends, relationships, work, etc.

17. When the physical affection you receive from her does not satisfy you.

18. When she usually leave one relationship to enter another: Serial monogamy

19. When you’re afraid of marrying her.

Read also: How Many People Should I Invite To My Wedding (My Experience)

20. When discussions about children, money, religion, place to live, etc. becomes a great conflict that ends up being unmanageable and she cannot agree.

21. When you are not willing to commit and accept the rules of marriage. 

22. When you don’t understand each other sexually.

23. When the only thing that unites you is sex.

If you identified any of these signs in her, you should not marry her.

Therapy could help you make a better and more conscious decision. You can schedule an appointment with a therapist. 

Read also: How To Ask For Money On a Wedding  Invitation (Best Phrases To Use)


Remember that marriage is a serious, important decision and must be made in the most conscious way possible.

That is, you must be quite clear about your feelings for her and you must also be sure that she has all the necessary characteristics to be your life partner.

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