10 Mistakes You Should Avoid When Buying Wedding Bands/Rings

Two wedding rings and love sing on top

A basic thing during the preparations for the wedding is the purchase of wedding bands or rings.

A wedding ring is a jewel that, in addition to symbolizing your love, will accompany you forever. 

Find out what mistakes you can’t make when buying wedding rings or bands in this article. 

You are immersed in the wedding preparations. 

And it is more than likely that, amid these preparations, the choice of the rings that you will exchange at the altar does not seem very important to you, but the truth is that it is. 

Remember that from the wedding day, you will wear them forever in your hands! 

So take the time you need and choose them carefully. 

Surely you do not want to fall into any of the most common mistakes when buying wedding bands or rings!

Read also: 11 Things You Should Keep In Mind When Choosing Wedding Rings

Here are the mistakes to avoid:

1. Being in a hurry 

Even if you are very busy organizing the wedding, the ideal is that between 7 and 9 months before the wedding you should start checking wedding rings. 

In this way, you will be able to define which style you like the most and, when choosing, you will have the clearest ideas of what you want. 

In the same way, it is usually recommended to order the wedding ring and its registration in the 2 or 3 months before your wedding. 

2. Guide yourself with the engagement ring

The wedding ring or band doesn’t need to be of the same color or material as the engagement ring.

So when choosing, be guided solely by your tastes. 

It is true that in a wedding you have to combine many things, but in the case of wedding rings It will not be necessary.

3. Choose different designs 

As in the previous point, the pair of wedding rings or bands do not have to be the same either. 

The choice of each of them will depend on your tastes and they can be more or less personalized pieces.

However, they can be identical, of the same material but with a different design.

They should be made of different materials, for example, one smooth and the other with diamonds.

You will also find gold wedding rings, which can be white gold wedding rings, pink gold wedding rings, or yellow gold.

Or steel wedding rings, silver wedding rings… The list of options at your disposal is extremely varied. 

4. Wrong finger

Wedding rings or bands are always placed on the ring finger, according to tradition. 

So you should choose the wedding ring or bands that fit the ring finger ( the fourth finger from the thumb)

Why on this finger? In ancient times it was believed that the ‘love vein’ passed through it and went directly to the heart, thus reinforcing eternal love. 

It can be in the right hand or the left depending on your desire and the place where you live. 

Read also: How Wedding Rings Or Bands Work

5. Not measuring the size correctly

It is a very important point since you have to think that you will wear these wedding bands forever, so they must fit you like a glove. 

The important thing is that when you go to buy them, they take the size of the finger on which you will wear them. 

However, you also have the option of discovering it yourself.

There are several factors that you should take into account. 

The best thing to do is to measure the fingers in the afternoon instead of in the morning since they tend to be more swollen first thing in the morning.

To make sure that the wedding rings are your size, move them to the end of the finger and check that they do not squeeze your finger.

Make sure you can turn them, and raise and lower them to the knuckles without problems.

6. Wedding ring certificates? What’s that?

Very important! When purchasing classic wedding bands or original wedding bands, make sure that they give you an official certificate with the carats and quality of the gold or the authenticity of the diamonds in case one of the models includes them. 

It will help you to verify the physical properties of each piece.

7. Only search in physical stores

It is not enough just to search in physical stores, it is also necessary to search online stores too. It will give you more options to choose from.

Search both physical and online stores and then make up your mind.

8. Letting price be the priority

During the preparation of a wedding, it is important to compare prices.

Make sure that the different items fit the budget assigned to each of them and that the value for money of all of them is the best. 

Surely when you start looking for a wedding ring to buy, you will be surprised to see various price tags.

Be sure of what you are buying and do not be guided solely by its price.

Read also: The Best 8 Tips To Take Care Of Your wedding Ring And Make It Look Shiny And New Again

9. Choosing wedding rings based on the opinions of others

Neither your relatives, the professional jeweler nor your friends will ever wear the wedding rings, so it is important that even if you listen to their advice, the final choice is yours. 

Bear that in mind! 

10. Be restrained in the choice

When looking for the best wedding rings for your wedding, you will discover that there are very simple and basic models and others that are much more elaborate; Classic pieces, original wedding rings, and others on trend.

Do not be guided only by the design that you think will best stand the test of time, choose with your heart. 

From the wedding day you will wear the wedding ring forever in your hands, so trust your tastes. You will not regret it!

Read also: 7 Low Cost Weddings Tricks And Ideas To Organize A Cheap Wedding


Surely taking into account the ten mistakes that you should avoid when buying wedding rings or bands will be of great help when making the choice.

And very important: remember that it is you who have the last word. Congratulations on the wonderful step you are about to take!