8 Ways to RSVP Your Wedding Guests

Wedding RSVP Card with beautiful flowers around it

An important aspect of successfully organizing a wedding is to know the number of guests that will attend. 

Find out about the options that exist to confirm attendance and choose the most comfortable and appropriate for your style of wedding.

Your invitations contain all the information that friends and family need to get to the wedding and enjoy all of the celebrations. 

Wedding invitations must convey the style and affection you feel for the guests. 

To confirm the attendance of each one you will need an extra step. 

Choose the way to request confirmation after knowing all your options.

Read also: How Do You Politely Remind People to RSVP to a Wedding

In this article, I will share with you 8 ways to RSVP your wedding guests. 

Let’s go on now!

1. Invitations with RSVP

A very practical way to RSVP to the wedding is by sending invitations that already include the RSVP card. 

In case of adding an RSVP card, you must specify by which means you want the guests to respond: you can put in an email or a telephone number. 

You must also set a deadline to respond; This is especially important if you plan your wedding with only RSVPs in mind.

Another modality of the invitations with RSVP is to add the note “Only declinations”. 

In this way, guests who cannot attend the event will be obliged to respond. 

All guests who do not respond will be considered confirmed for the wedding.

This style of confirmation is considered typical for weddings with very elegant etiquette. 

You can also create online invitations that have RSVPs: a professional designer can add a button to make responding as easy as clicking.

2. Cards with confirmation

You can attach to their invitation cards that have the “Confirm” and “Decline” boxes. 

There are very creative designs that include stamps for your guests to mark their responses. 

This is a practical option if you are willing to collect the cards one by one.

For example, if you are inviting family members who live nearby or co-workers. 

Otherwise, you will have to request that they be forwarded by mail.

3. Confirm attendance online

Your wedding website can be a very useful means of communication. 

You can ask the guests who decline the invitation to send a short video: this way they can transmit their greetings at the wedding.

Read also: How To Make A Guest List For A Wedding (9 Simple Steps To Follow)

4. Hire the services of a call center

Some call centers offer the wedding attendance confirmation service. 

This service would take full care of contacting guests and recording their responses. 

After the confirmation, guests can upload a thank you video or love messages to the website.

5. With a video or a photo session

Take advantage of your pre-wedding sessions to make a photographic series or a video in which you request the confirmation of your guests. 

Post it on social media about two months before the wedding: You can ask them to confirm their attendance with likes, comments, or messages. 

Post it as many times as necessary, especially if most of your guests are connected with you on social media.

6. Emails

Email confirmations can be sent even if your invitations have been printed. 

On your website, you can ask the guests to register their emails, to help you make the lists and to speed up the process.

This is a personal and easy way to get in touch with your guests, and it may be the best option if they love technology since they will be able to keep track of their attendance and respond easily. 

Read also: 6 Rules For Seating Your Guests At The Wedding: Prioritize Their Comfort

7. Confirmation calls

The suggested time to ask the guests to confirm their attendance is one month before the wedding day. 

If in that period the guests have not responded, you can call them on the phone to confirm their attendance. 

It will be more comfortable and faster if each one (bride and groom) contacts their family and friends. 

Remember to keep a record in your computer or your journal of all the data of your guests, so you will know what information each one needs to get to the wedding venue.

8. With the help of bridesmaids and best men

This task can be delegated to your bridesmaids and groomsmen, especially if the number of guests will not determine the organization of menus, wedding favors, and other items. 

Assign a guest list to bridesmaids or groomsmen to communicate and record RSVPs.

Try to keep the information under control so that nothing gets past you.

Close relatives can also help you to ask for confirmation from the extended family, either by phone or in person.

Please note that you have the option to include phrases to RSVP to the wedding, either by using the provided method or creating your own. 

For instance, “We cordially invite you to join us on our special day, kindly RSVP at (insert method).” 

Please ensure that your response is personalized and thoughtful, and select the appropriate communication channel for your confirmation.

Read also: Discover The 5 Things Couples Always Forget To Include In Their Wedding Budget

What to do when no one RSVPs your invitation?

If no one RSVPs to an invitation, it is appropriate to follow up with the guests to confirm their attendance or non-attendance. 

This can be done through a phone call, text message, or email. 

My wife and I followed up with our guests through email. We asked them politely to RSVP our wedding invitation. 

It is also helpful to set a deadline for RSVPs and include contact information for guests to respond.

Is it correct to say please RSVP?

Yes, it is correct to say “please RSVP” as it is a common phrase used to request a response from guests regarding their attendance at a wedding. 

What do you say when guests don’t RSVP to your wedding?

If guests don’t RSVP, you can follow up with a polite reminder. 

The possible ways to do this politely in the invitation are: 

▪ “We would be delighted if you could join us on our special day.”

▪ “We noticed that we have not received your RSVP yet. Could you please let us know if you can attend or not?”

Read also: Which Mother Is Seated First At A Wedding

Is it rude to ask for RSVP on Save the Date?

It is not rude to ask for an RSVP on a save-the-date. 

It can be helpful for the couple to get an idea of how many guests to expect for their wedding. 

However, it is important to make it clear that the invitation will follow at a later date, and guests are not expected to RSVP immediately.


RSVPs are an important part of wedding planning. 

They help the couple get an accurate headcount for the wedding and ensure that everything runs smoothly on the wedding day. 

You can choose the method that works best for you and by making it clear what you expect from your guests, you can make the RSVP process a breeze and enjoy your wedding day without any surprises.