How To Date a Girl on WhatsApp (15 Proven Ways)

A happy guy chatting with his girlfriend on WhatsApp

Wondering how to date a girl on WhatsApp? Yes, you can date a girl on WhatsApp in various ways. 

When I was still dating my wife, we would talk for a very long time using WhatsApp voice calls.

We weren’t living close to each other then, so we spent more time on WhatsApp calling and chatting with each other every day. 

This helps us to bond and enjoy our relationship together. 

In this article, I will give you practical ways and examples of how to date a girl on WhatsApp. 

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Let’s go now!

1. Start with a Friendly Message: Begin the conversation with a friendly greeting or a simple “Hello.” Keep it casual to establish a comfortable atmosphere.

2. Avoid Overwhelming Messages: According to a survey conducted in Texas in 2022, 65% of people find long, overly detailed messages off-putting. 

Keep your initial messages short.

3. Show Genuine Interest: Ask open-ended questions to get to know her better. 

For instance, “What are your hobbies and interests?” This encourages a meaningful conversation.

4. Use Emojis Sparingly: Research shows that excessive use of emojis can decrease the perceived intelligence of the sender. 

Limit emoji usage to maintain a mature tone.

5. Respect Response Times: If she doesn’t reply immediately, don’t press for a response. 

You can say, “No rush, take your time.”

6. Share Interesting Content: According to the new studies, sharing interesting articles, videos, or memes can enhance your conversation. 

It shows you have a diverse range of interests.

7. Compliment Sincerely: Give compliments but be genuine. 

Say something like, “I enjoy our conversions and the way you make things lively.”

8. Voice and Video Calls: Research shows that 47% of people prefer voice or video calls to text messages for a deeper connection. 

Offer to chat through voice or video if the conversation is going well.

9. Privacy and Safety: Ensure her safety by not sharing personal information and being respectful. 

Say, “Let’s keep our personal information private for now.”

10. Plan Virtual Dates: Surveys indicate that 38% of people are open to virtual dates. 

Suggest activities like watching a movie together or playing an online game.

11. Maintain Respectful Boundaries: Be mindful of her comfort level. 

If she’s not ready for certain topics, respect that and change the subject.

12. Goodnight and Morning Messages: A study suggests that 57% of people appreciate goodnight and morning messages. 

Just a straightforward “Wishing you sweet dreams and a good night” can have a lasting impact.

13. Handle Conflicts Maturely: If disagreements arise, address them calmly and respectfully. 

An example of this is, “I understand your point of view, and your honesty is something I value.”

14. Express Your Intentions: Being clear about your intentions is crucial. 

According to research, 63% of people prefer directness. 

State something like, “Our conversations are enjoyable, and I would like to get to know you better.”

15. Respect Her Choices: If she decides she’s not interested, respect her decision gracefully. 

One alternative is to say something like, “I truly wish you the best, and I understand where you’re coming from.”

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How to Impress a Girl on Whatsapp Chat Example

Here is the step-by-step guide on how to impress a girl on WhatsApp chat:

1. Start with a friendly greeting: Begin your conversation with a friendly and polite greeting. 

For example, “Hi, how are you doing?” or “Hey, what’s up?”

2. Show interest in her: Ask her questions about herself and show genuine interest in what she has to say. 

For example, “How do you usually spend your leisure time?” or “What genres of music bring you enjoyment?”

3. Be funny and witty: Humor can be a great way to break the ice and make a girl laugh. 

Share funny stories or make witty comments to keep the conversation light and engaging.

4. Compliment her: Compliment her on something that you genuinely appreciate about her. 

For example, “You have a great sense of humor” or “I love your taste in music.”

5. Be respectful and polite: Always be respectful and polite in your conversations. 

Avoid making any inappropriate comments or using offensive language.

6. Keep the conversation flowing: Try to keep the conversation flowing by asking her engaging and interesting questions.

Share your own experiences and opinions too.

7. End the conversation with appreciation: End the conversation by thanking her for the chat and expressing your interest in talking again soon. 

For example, “Thanks for chatting with me, I had a great time. Let’s talk again soon!”

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How to Start a Conversation With a Girl on WhatsApp Examples

These are how to start a conversation with a girl on WhatsApp with examples;

1. Start with a friendly greeting: Begin your conversation with a friendly and polite greeting. 

For example, “Hi, how are you doing?” or “Hey, what’s up?”

2. Introduce yourself: If you haven’t met her before, introduce yourself briefly. 

For example, “I’m John, we haven’t met before but I got your number from a mutual friend.”

3. Find common ground: Try to find something in common that you can talk about. 

For example, if you both like music, you could ask her about her favorite bands or songs.

4. Ask her intelligent questions: Asking intelligent questions keeps the conversation flowing and shows that you’re interested in getting to know her better. 

For instance, “What do you enjoy  doing whenever you are less busy? or “What kind of movies do you enjoy watching?”

5. Share your own experiences: Share your own experiences and opinions to keep the conversation balanced. 

Don’t keep asking her questions without you contributing anything. 

It is boring if you don’t share your own opinion during the conversation. 

For example, if she tells you about a recent trip she took, you could share a story about a trip you took as well.

6 Don’t hurt her feelings: Be careful not to say anything that will hurt her.

7. Appreciate the time she spent with you: Tell her how happy you are and let her know you would like to talk with her again.

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Topics to Chat With a Girl on WhatsApp at Night  

Here are the topics to chat with a girl on WhatsApp at night;

1. Hobbies and Interests: Inquire about her interests and hobbies.

Something like, “What fun activity do you enjoy when you’re less busy?” or “Do you have any hobbies that you’re passionate about?”

2. Movies and TV Shows: Discuss your favorite movies and television shows. 

Ask her something like, “Have you seen any good films lately?” Or “What’s your favorite TV show?”

3. Travel: Talk about your travel experiences and desired locations. 

Ask her interesting questions like, “Have you ever traveled outside of the country?” Or “Where would you like to visit?”

4. Food: Discuss your favorite places and dishes. 

You can discuss her favorite food. 

For example, “What’s your favorite type of cuisine?” Or “Have you tried any new restaurants lately?”

5. Music: Share your thoughts on your favorite musical genres and singers.

Find out about her favorite songs by asking, “What type of song do you love listening to?” 

Or “Have you been to any shows recently?”

6. Novels: Discuss your favorite writers and novels. 

For example, “What was your most recent book?” or “Do you have any book recommendations?”

7. Goals and Ambitions: Discuss your long-term objectives and ambitions. 

For example, “What are your career goals?” Or “Where do you like to see yourself shortly?” 

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How to Text a Girl on WhatsApp

These are how to text a girl on WhatsApp;

1. Start with a friendly greeting: Begin your conversation with a polite greeting, such as “Hi” or “Hello.” 

This will set a positive tone for the conversation.

Note: Don’t call her sweet names like “baby” or “sweetheart” at this stage. Most women find it offensive. 

2: Don’t force her to chat with you: If she is not willing to chat with you, let her be. You can find another girl.

3: Don’t compliment her at this stage: She will see you as an unserious guy if you start telling her how beautiful she is. 

She will think that you like her because of her appearance. 

4: Ask questions that need longer answers to keep the conversation going, not just “yes” or “no” questions.

This will help you get to know the girl better and keep the conversation interesting.

5. Use emojis and GIFs sparingly: While emojis and GIFs can add some fun to your conversation, use them sparingly and only when appropriate. 

Overusing them can make her see you as immature or insincere.

6. Keep it light and fun: Avoid heavy or serious topics, especially at the beginning of the conversation. 

Keep the tone light and fun, and try to make the girl laugh or smile.

7. Say thank you: As the conversation comes to an end, make sure to thank her. 

Thank the girl for chatting with you and let her know that you enjoyed the conversation.

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Is WhatsApp Used for Dating

Yes, WhatsApp can be used for dating, but it is not specifically designed for that purpose. 

Many people use WhatsApp to communicate with their romantic partners, but it is important to remember to respect the other person’s boundaries and preferences. 

Some people don’t like WhatsApp dating and you should respect their choice. 

It is also important to be cautious when using any online platform for dating and to take necessary safety measures to avoid being scammed.

What Does the First Date in WhatsApp Mean

The first date on WhatsApp means the first chat you have with a girl you’re trying to know. 

This is normally followed by a physical meeting. 

This involves; asking her questions about her likes and dislikes. 

It can also involve having a romantic chat with a girl you admire so much. 

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How Do You Know if a Girl is Interested in You Through WhatsApp

These are how to know if a girl is interested in you through WhatsApp;

1. She responds promptly to your messages and engages in lengthy conversations with you.

2. She asks you questions about yourself and shows genuine interest in your life.

3. She uses emojis, GIFs, and other playful elements in her messages to show her personality and sense of humor.

4. She initiates conversations with you and keeps them going even when you don’t have much to say.

5. She compliments you on your appearance, achievements, or personality traits.

6. She shares personal information with you and opens up about her thoughts and feelings.

7. She sends you pictures or videos of herself to show you what she’s doing or where she is.

8. She uses flirty language or makes suggestive comments to hint at her attraction to you.

9. She makes plans to meet up with you in person or suggests activities to do together.

10. She responds positively to your advances and reciprocates your interest in her.

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How Do I Flirt With My Crush on WhatsApp

Here are you can flirt with your crush on WhatsApp;

1. Start with a lovely greeting: Begin the conversation by saying hello and asking how their day is going.

2. Use playful language: Use playful and flirty language to show your interest in them. 

For example, you can say, “Hey, I hope you’re having a great day. You’re looking extra cute today.”

3. Compliment them: Compliment them on something they’ve done or their appearance. 

For example, “I saw your Instagram post earlier, and you looked amazing in that outfit!”

4. Use emojis and GIFs: Add humor and playfulness to your messages by using emojis and GIFs. 

For example, send a heart-eyes emoji or a GIF of a cute animal.

5. Ask them questions: Show that you care about their life by asking them questions about their interests and hobbies. 

For example, “What do you like to do for fun?”

6. Share personal stories: Share personal stories and experiences to create a deeper connection with them. 

For instance, “Last weekend, I went on a hiking trip, and it was incredibly beautiful.” Have you ever been hiking before?”

7. Use suggestive language: Hint at your attraction to them by using suggestive language. 

For instance, “I keep finding myself thinking about you.”

8. Plan fun activities: Suggest fun activities or meet up in person to take your relationship to the next level. 

For example, “I heard there’s a new coffee shop opening up downtown this weekend. Want to check it out with me?”

9. Be respectful and observant: Be respectful and considerate of their boundaries and comfort level. 

If they seem uncomfortable with a certain topic or message, back off and change the subject.

10. Keep it light and enjoyable: Keep the conversation light and enjoyable, but also show your genuine interest in getting to know them better.

Avoid being too pushy or aggressive, and let the conversation flow naturally.

How Long Should You Chat Before the First Date

It is recommended to chat for about 7 days before the first date. 

This is to help you understand your partner better before your first date.

This period of chatting will help you to know what he or she loves and also to know what they hate.

If you chat for too long before your first date, you may lose interest. And your partner may also lose interest and find another person. 


As you have learned how to date a girl on WhatsApp, ensure that you respect her boundaries. 

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