How to Date a Girl With Strict Parents (11 Things to Do)

Strict parent with her grown up daughter

Can you date a girl with strict parents? Yes, you can date a girl with strict parents. 

My cousin’s girlfriend has strict parents. This made their relationship boring and unsuccessful. 

He reached out to me for help. I counseled him and gave him simple tips that helped him navigate through the problem. 

In this article, I will share with you some tips that will help you date a girl with strict parents. 

Read also: How to Date a Girl Who Has Never Dated Before (13 Easy Ways)

Let’s go now!

Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you navigate the situation:

1. Respect Her Parents: Show respect for her parents from the beginning. 

Be polite when you meet them, and follow their rules when you’re at their home.

2. Talk About It: Talk to your girlfriend about her parents’ rules and expectations. 

Understand what she’s comfortable with and what she’s not.

3. Plan: Plan your dates and outings, and make sure they align with her parents’ guidelines. 

This might involve curfews or avoiding specific locations.

4. Meet Her Parents: If you haven’t already, ask if you can meet her parents formally. 

It shows respect and that you’re serious about the relationship.

5. Honesty: Be honest with her parents about your intentions and feelings for their daughter. 

They’ll appreciate your sincerity.

6. Build Trust: Consistently demonstrate that you’re responsible and trustworthy. 

Keep your promises and maintain good communication with both your girlfriend and her parents.

7. Involve Them: Invite her parents to get to know you better. 

Suggest a casual gathering or dinner where you can all spend time together.

8. Offer Support: Be there for your girlfriend emotionally. 

Understand the stress she may be under due to her strict parents and provide emotional support.

9. Respect Boundaries: Always respect her boundaries and her parents’ rules, even if you don’t agree with them. 

Pushing too hard can strain the relationship.

10. Be Patient: It may take time for her parents to become more comfortable with the idea of you dating their daughter. 

Be patient and understanding.

11. Maintain Good Grades and Behavior: If you’re still in school, focus on your studies and maintain good behavior. 

This can help reassure her parents that you’re a responsible partner.

How to Be a Good Girlfriend With Strict Parents

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to be a good girlfriend with strict parents:

1. Communication with Your Partner: Talk openly with your boyfriend about your parents’ strictness. 

Make sure he understands your situation.

2. Don’t answer your boyfriend’s calls in your parent’s presence: Answer his calls only when your parents are not around. 

You can do this in your room if you have a private room. 

3. Create Limits: Establish boundaries with your boyfriend. 

Discuss what you both are comfortable with in terms of spending time together and physical affection.

4. Respect Your Parents’ Rules: Show respect for your parents’ rules and curfews. 

This demonstrates responsibility and maturity.

5. Create Trust: Gain your parents’ trust by being honest, responsible, and following their guidelines.

6. Meet Your Partner’s Parents: If appropriate, introduce your boyfriend to your parents and vice versa. 

This can help them see that your relationship is serious.

7. Plan Group Activities: Suggest group outings or activities that involve friends, which may make your parents more comfortable with your social life.

8. Discuss Long-Term Goals: Talk to your parents about your plans with your boyfriend. 

Assure them that your relationship won’t hinder your personal development.

9. Educate Them: If necessary, educate your parents about your boyfriend’s good qualities, values, and goals in life.

Read also: How to Date a Girl Who Has a Boyfriend (4 Unbelievable Tricks)

How Do You Deal With Strict Parents While Dating

This is how you deal with strict parents while dating:

1. Regular Updates: Keep your parents informed about your plans and whereabouts. This builds trust. 

As an example, “I plan to meet [partner’s name] at [location], and I’ll return home by [curfew time].”

2. Share Success Stories: If you have friends or family members with successful relationships, share their stories with your parents to illustrate positive outcomes. 

For example, “I was talking to [friend’s name], and they’ve been dating for a while now, and it’s been a great experience for them.”

3. Involve a Trusted Adult: If your parents have a close family friend or relative they trust, involve that person in the conversation. 

They might help mediate or vouch for your relationship. 

For instance, “Should we have a conversation with [trusted adult’s name] regarding this matter?”

They know [partner’s name] well and can vouch for them.”

4. Professional Guidance: If conflicts persist, consider seeking advice from a family therapist or counselor who can help mediate discussions and offer solutions that benefit everyone.

How to Date a Girl Who Lives With Her Parents

Do these if your girlfriend lives with her parents:

1. Don’t call her all the time: Let her be the one calling. This is to avoid calling her when her parents are around. 

2. Don’t visit her at her parents’ house without letting her know: Tell her in advance if you want to visit her at their home. 

She will let you know if it is possible or not.

3. Don’t go out with her at night: Go out with her only in the daytime. 

Her parents may not allow her to go out at night. 

4. Don’t push her to go against her parents’ rules: Encourage her to obey her parents. 

Don’t tell her to do what her parents ask her not to do.

5. Tell her before you buy her any gift: This is because her parents may not want an outsider to buy her gifts.

Read also: How To Date a Girl on WhatsApp (15 Proven Ways)

How Does Strict Parenting Affect Relationships

Strict parenting has both positive and negative effects on relationships, depending on how it is implemented and how individuals respond to it. 

Here are some ways in which strict parenting can affect relationships:

Positive Effects:

1. Discipline and Responsibility: Strict parents often instill discipline and a strong sense of responsibility in their children. 

This can translate into responsible behavior in relationships. 

For example, someone raised by strict parents may be punctual and reliable in their commitments to their partner.

2. High Standards: Strict parents may have high expectations for their children, which can lead to individuals striving for excellence in relationships. 

For instance, a person raised with high standards might put in extra effort to communicate effectively and resolve conflicts in a relationship.

Negative Effects:

1. Fear of Authority Figures: Strict parenting can lead to a fear of authority figures, including a partner. 

A person raised in such an environment might be hesitant to voice their opinions or make decisions in a relationship for fear of criticism or punishment.

2. Difficulty with Independence: In relationships, this makes individuals struggle with decision-making or rely heavily on their partner for validation.

3. Rebellion and Secrecy: Some individuals raised by strict parents engage in secretive behavior in their relationships. 

For example, they might hide aspects of their social life or activities from their partner to avoid conflict.

4. Difficulty with Conflict Resolution: Strict parenting may not provide opportunities for healthy conflict resolution. 

As a result, individuals raised in such environments might struggle to handle disagreements constructively in their relationships, leading to conflicts that escalate.

5. Emotional Suppression: Strict parents may discourage the expression of emotions, which can lead to emotional suppression in adulthood. 

This can hinder the ability to communicate and connect with a partner on an emotional level.

How to Impress a Girl’s Dad

Here is how to impress a girl’s dad:

1. Be Respectful and Polite: When you meet him, greet him with a firm handshake and maintain eye contact.

Example: “Hello, Mr. Smith. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

2. Show Genuine Interest: Ask about his interests, hobbies, and experiences to show that you care about getting to know him.

Example: “I heard you’re a big supporter of [his favorite sports]. How did you become interested in that?”

3. Dress Appropriately: Dress neatly and in a way that’s suitable for the occasion, whether it’s casual or formal.

Example: Wear a nice shirt and clean, well-fitting pants when visiting his home.

4. Bring a Thoughtful Gift: Consider bringing a small gift as a gesture of goodwill. 

It could be something like a bottle of wine, a bouquet, or a book you think he might enjoy.

Example: “As a gesture of gratitude for your hospitality, I’ve brought along a bottle of your preferred wine.”

5. Follow Up and Stay in Touch: After your initial meeting, send a thank-you message or follow-up to express your appreciation for his hospitality.

Example: “Mr. Smith, I wanted to thank you again for having me over. I had a great time getting to know you.”

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How to Convince a Girl With Strict Parents for Love Marriage

Do these if you want to convince a girl with strict parents to love marriage:

1. Meet her physically: Arrange a physical meeting to tell her about what you want. 

Don’t do this over the phone or through email or text.

2. Meet her parents: If you can’t meet the girl physically, go and talk to her parents. 

They will be happy that you have so much respect for them. 

3. Tell her parents why you want to marry their daughter: You need to convince her parents about marrying her. 

Share your vision and goals with them and tell them how their daughter fits into those visions.

4. Find out if the girl likes you: If the girl doesn’t like you, you won’t be able to convince her. 

If she doesn’t like you, let her go.

5. Don’t lie or manipulate her to marry you: You must be real when you’re trying to convince her. 

Don’t tell her what you are not. Don’t trick her into marrying you. Respect her personal choice. 

How Do You Convince Your Strict Parents to Let You Date

This is how to convince your strict parents to let you date:

1. Start by obeying them: If they ask you not to do a particular thing, don’t do it.

For example, if they ask you to clean the house make sure you do it promptly. 

This will make them happy and they will grant your requests.

2. Tell them to give you a dating rule: Let them tell you how to date your partner. 

For example, they may ask you not to stay up late with your partner. 

3. Share the importance of dating: Tell them the advantages of dating. 

This will make them listen to you and give you a go-ahead order.

4. Do extra chores at home: Make sure you do more house chores than others. 

This will make them like you. And it will be easier to convince them.

5. Practice what to say: Write what you will tell them in a journal or piece of paper. 

You can also practice what to say in front of a mirror. This will help calm your nerves. 

Read also: 10 Best Questions To Ask A Woman When You Are Trying To Know Her

How Do I Tell My Strict Parents I’m Dating Someone

Telling your strict parents about your new relationship is not so easy, but you should approach it with honesty and respect.

Here’s a step-by-step guide with examples:

1. Choose the Right Time and Place:

Example: “Mom and Dad, can we take a moment to talk?”

There’s something important I’d like to bring up.”

2. Be Prepared:

Example: “I’ve been seeing someone for a while now, and I want to be open with you about it.”

3. Share Positive Qualities of The Person You’re Dating:

Example: “They’re a kind, responsible, and respectful person.”

4. Explain Your Feelings:

Example: “I hold a deep affection for them, and I regard this relationship as profoundly meaningful and delightful.”

5. Address Concerns:

Example: “I understand you may have concerns, and I’m open to hearing them.”

6. Emphasize Your Responsibility:

Example: “I’m committed to balancing my relationship with my other responsibilities like school and chores.”

7. Share Your Future Plans:

Example: “I want you to understand that my long-term goals and aspirations remain unchanged due to this relationship.”

8. Ask for Their Input:

Example: “I highly value your opinion, and I’m curious to hear your thoughts on this matter.”

9. Be Patient and Listen:

 Example: “I’m open to hearing your perspective and addressing any concerns you may want to discuss.”

10. Respect Their Decision:

Example: “Finally, my goal is to earn your backing for my choice, while also cherishing your perspectives.”

Remember that this conversation may not result in immediate acceptance, so be patient and understanding. 

Your parents may need time to process the information and get to know your partner better.

What Age Are Parents OK With People Dating

A recent survey revealed that 16 to 18 years old is when parents tend to become more open to the idea of their children dating.

The age at which parents are okay with their child dating can vary greatly depending on cultural, individual, and regional factors.

Parents have the right to decide when their children can start dating. 

Read also: How To Stop Being Nervous Around Women (15 Secrets Revealed By Experts)

At What Age Should I Move in With My Girlfriend

The right age or time to move in with your girlfriend is 23 years.

Here are the things to consider before moving in with your girlfriend:

1. Relationship maturity: Ensure that your relationship is mature and stable enough to handle the challenges of cohabitation. 

Open and honest communication is key in gauging this.

2. Personal readiness: Are you emotionally and financially prepared to live together? 

Moving in together often requires financial responsibility and the ability to manage household tasks and responsibilities.

3. Long-term goals: Consider your long-term goals as a couple. 

Are you both on the same page regarding your plans, such as marriage, children, and career aspirations?

4. External factors: Think about external factors, like cultural or family expectations, and whether they play a role in your decision.

5. Legal and logistical considerations: Be aware of any legal and logistical implications of cohabitation, such as lease agreements or tenancy laws in your area.


As you have learned how to date a girl with strict parents, ensure you do things right and don’t make her disobey her parents.