How to Date a Girl With Daddy Issues (4 Simple Things to Do)

A girl with daddy issues sitting in a living room

You can date a girl with daddy issues without having many problems.

If you’re dating a girl with daddy issues, then you should follow the normal rules of being a good boyfriend. 

She has problems, but you know where they come from and you can learn how to handle them. 

Be open and honest with her because hiding information will only make her defensive. 

Honesty is the basis of all good relationships.

In this article, I will share with you how to date a girl with daddy issues. 

Read also: How to Date a Girl With Strict Parents (11 Things to Do)

Let’s go now!

1. Find out her triggers: Pay attention when her emotions start to change. 

A good way to find out what her triggers are is to write it down or keep a mental journal of what happens before she gets upset.

Here are things that can trigger a girl with daddy issues;

▪ When she feels rejected 

▪ When someone is unavailable to her 

▪ When someone threatens to leave or leaves

▪ When someone tries to control her (psychologically or physically) 

▪ When someone criticises her 

2. Keep her daddy issues just between you two: With all the interesting and drama-filled stories your girlfriend may have told you about her life revolving around her father figure, it may seem hard to keep your mouth shut. 

But believe me, it’s something you have to learn to do. Don’t tell your friends about her problem. 

3. Be consistent: He needs attention and will remember if you normally text her at night. 

If you suddenly forget to reply to her text, you will regret it. 

You must give her constant attention to make her happy. 

If the attention you give her drops suddenly, she will wonder what went wrong.

4. Work to earn her trust: It may be difficult to get her to trust you at first because the father figure in her childhood did not deserve her trust. 

Take your time and be patient. Before long, she will gradually begin to trust you.

Read also: How to Date a Girl Who Has Never Dated Before (13 Easy Ways)

What is It Like Dating a Girl With Daddy Issues

When it comes to dating, women with daddy issues are just like any other girl. 

The only difference is that you know where her problems come from. 

Now, isn’t that a breath of fresh air? 

But for the sake of transparency, here are the things you should expect when dating a woman with daddy issues.

1. Gaining her trust will be difficult: If you want a relationship with a woman who has daddy issues, you’ll have to jump through a few hoops before you get something emotional out of her.

2. She might push you away at first:  She might test your commitment by rejecting, dumping, and distancing herself from you to see if you’ll stay.

3. She will test you: Once you are in a relationship with her, you may not notice that you are currently engaged in a series of psychological tests.

Whether or not you pass depends on her.

4. She overcompensates: Whatever you need, she will do her best to provide it for you. 

This is because she wants to reward your affection, or at least buy it. 

This is only a good thing if you are willing to do your part in the relationship.

5. She will probably have sex with you on the first date…or, at least, sooner than you think:

This is where a woman who struggles with father-related issues faces difficulties.

She sees sex as a bargaining chip and she thinks giving up early will seal her fate as a girlfriend. 

Sometimes it succeeds, but often it doesn’t.

6. She will love you: She will be there when you feel sick or sad, and be more loving than your mother. 

And the sex will probably be awesome. 

This is because women with daddy issues tend to comply with men’s demands, just so they can feel wanted and needed.

7. She will flirt with other guys: It’s not that she wants to cheat. 

She just can’t get enough attention from men. 

If you can provide enough of that, she’ll be too distracted to flirt with other men.

8. Inconsistency upsets her: She knows when she’s getting enough attention and she knows when she’s not. 

You should be aware of how much attention she requires, or she may leave you.

9. It’s going to be a while before you meet her mother: Women with daddy issues are known to have even worse mommy issues. 

This is because their mothers aren’t able to support them as fathers. 

They’ll probably let things cool down with their moms before deciding to bring a guy home.

Read also: How to Date a Girl Who Has a Boyfriend (4 Unbelievable Tricks)

Can Girls With Daddy Issues Be Fixed

Yes, girls with daddy issues can be fixed.

Here is how you can help fix a girl with daddy issues:

1. Understanding and Empathy:

Example: Listen without judgment when they talk about their experiences and feelings. 

Inform them that you’re available to provide assistance and support.

2. Encourage Self-Awareness:

Example: Help them identify patterns in their relationships and emotions related to their upbringing.

3. Seek Professional Help:

Example: Suggest therapy or counseling to work through deep-rooted issues with a trained therapist.

4. Building Self-Esteem:

Example: Encourage them to pursue hobbies, interests, or activities that boost their self-esteem and self-worth.

5. Positive Role Models:

Example: Encourage them to seek out healthy role models who can provide guidance and support.

6. Self-Care:

Example: Promote self-care practices like exercise, mindfulness, and proper nutrition.

7. Patience and Time:

Example: Understand that healing takes time, and setbacks can occur. 

Be patient and supportive throughout their journey.

Read also: How to Date a Girl With Mommy Issues (5 Ways Forward)

What Are Signs of Daddy Issues (Girl With Daddy Issues Signs)

Here are the signs of a girl with daddy issues:

1 Sexual assault: Although women with daddy issues appear to be sexually aggressive, it’s not because they place very little value on sex. 

It’s the opposite, in fact; they are more likely to be aggressive because they think sex can make a man love them more.

2 Clinginess: Women with daddy issues will misinterpret their situation into begging for attention. 

Unfortunately, this usually backfires, as they are done out of desperation, rather than affection.

3 Excessive friendliness towards guys: Women with daddy issues are attracted to many men. 

You will notice that she will generally be warm and friendly towards men, but cold and distant towards women.

4 Defensive barriers: When a woman with daddy issues feels threatened by the possibility of losing you, she will subconsciously act by cutting you off. 

She might start a fight, break up with you, or even cheat, just to avoid getting cut off first.

5 Meet older men: This is the most obvious sign, but it is also the one that is often prejudiced. 

Younger women can date older men because they want to. 

A woman with daddy issues might date an older man because the guy looks, acts, and feels like her dad. Creepy, yes, but it’s true.

Read also: How To Date a Girl on WhatsApp (15 Proven Ways)

What Does a Girl With Daddy Issues Want

Here is what a girl with daddy issues wants:

1. Emotional Understanding: They want someone who can empathize with their emotions and be sensitive to their past experiences.

Example: A partner who listens without judgment when they discuss their feelings about their father.

2. Stability and Trust: They seek stability and trust in their relationships, as these have been lacking in their early experiences.

Example: Seeking a partner who is reliable and consistent in their actions and words.

3. Validation and Acceptance: They want to feel accepted and valued for who they are, regardless of their past.

Example: Desiring friends who appreciate their unique qualities and support their personal growth.

4. Healthy Communication: They prefer open and honest communication to help them navigate their emotions and experiences.

Example: Valuing a therapist or counselor who encourages them to express themselves freely.

5. Self-growth: They seek personal growth and healing from past experiences.

Example: Engaging in self-help activities, such as journaling or attending therapy, to work on self-improvement.

6. Healthy Relationships: They desire healthy, fulfilling relationships, whether they are romantic, familial, or friendships.

Example: Striving to build strong, mutually supportive connections with others.

Note: What a girl with “daddy issues” wants can vary widely from person to person, and it’s important to approach each girl with empathy and an open mind.

What to Say to a Girl With Daddy Issues

When speaking to a girl who has experienced challenges in her relationship with her father, it’s important to be empathetic.

Here are what to say to a girl with daddy issues:

1. Express Empathy:

“I’m here for you and want to know how you feel. If you ever want to talk about your experiences, I’m ready to listen.”

2. Offer Support:

“If you need my support, let me know I’m always available to help you. Whether it’s just being a friend or helping you find resources, I’m here.”

3. Avoid Judgment:

“Your thoughts and feelings are valid, and there is no judgment here. We all have our unique journeys, and I respect yours.”

4. Encourage Self-Care:

“Remember to take care of yourself. If you ever need a break or want to do something to relax, I’m here to help or accompany you.”

5. Respect Boundaries:

 “I know you may not want to talk about this now. Just know that whenever you’re ready, I’m here to support you.”

6. Ask Her to Share Her Feelings:

 “I cherish you a lot, and I want to understand your situation more. If you’re comfortable, could you share more about how your past experiences have affected you?”

7. Offer Help Finding Resources:

“If you’re open to it, I can help you find a therapist or support group that specializes in these kinds of issues. It might be a valuable step in your healing process.”

8. Reassure Your Presence:

“You’re not alone in this. I’m committed to being a positive presence in your life, and we can work through this together.”

Read also: 5 Things You Should Stop Telling Women (And Best 6 Ways To Talk To A Woman)

Is it Okay to Date a Girl With Daddy Issues

Yes, it is okay to date a girl with daddy issues. 

If a girl has daddy issues, it’s important to be supportive. 

It’s not fair to label or judge a girl solely based on her family background. 

What matters most is communication, mutual respect, and building a healthy and caring relationship. 

If you’re interested in dating a girl with daddy issues, focus on getting to know her as a person and support her emotionally.

Who Do People With Daddy Issues Date

People with daddy issues date these kind of people:

1. Older Partners: Some individuals with daddy issues are drawn to older partners because they seek guidance, stability, or a paternal figure in their lives. 

They may feel more secure with someone who reminds them of a father figure.

2. Emotionally Unavailable Partners: Some people with daddy issues unconsciously seek out partners who are emotionally unavailable or distant, mirroring the dynamics of their relationship with their father. 

They are accustomed to trying to win affection or approval from someone who is not fully present.

3. Controlling or Authoritarian Partners: In some cases, people with daddy issues might be attracted to controlling or authoritarian partners, as this mimics their relationship with a domineering or authoritative father.

Are Girls With Daddy Issues Attracted to Older Men

Yes, girls with daddy issues are attracted to older men, because older men are more patient and caring. 

Older men tend to understand their situation better than younger men, and they can help fix the problem. 

How Does Daddy Issues Affect Relationships

Here are how daddy issues affect relationships:

1. Attachment and Trust: Someone with unresolved daddy issues struggles with trust and attachment in relationships. 

They might have difficulty forming secure emotional bonds due to past abandonment or neglect.

2. Seeking Validation: People with daddy issues seek validation and approval from partners to compensate for the emotional support they may have lacked from their fathers. 

This can create dependency or clinginess in relationships.

3. Self-Esteem Issues: Daddy issues contribute to low self-esteem and self-worth, leading individuals to enter unhealthy or even abusive relationships because they feel unworthy of better treatment.

4. Repetitive Patterns: Some individuals with daddy issues unconsciously seek out partners who resemble their fathers, hoping to heal past wounds but often repeating negative patterns instead.

5. Communication Challenges: Difficulty in expressing emotions or setting boundaries can arise from unresolved daddy issues, leading to misunderstandings and conflicts in relationships.

Read also: Best Ways To Date Yourself (11 Things To Do Always)


One last thing that wasn’t mentioned: don’t let the girl you’re dating with daddy issues use you to her advantage. 

These types of girls often like to use their daddy issues to their advantage and play the victim. 

They can manipulate you by saying things like “My dad has always done the same things as you” to make you feel bad. 

Just be kind to her, but don’t let her manipulate you.