How to Date a Girl on a Phone (5 Steps to Follow)

Asking a girl out on a date over the phone is probably the best option for someone who is shy, and asking someone out via email or instant messaging is probably not a good idea, because in those cases you only see text, the tone of voice says a lot about a person. 

In addition to being more polite, you’ll be more likely to do it over the phone or in person.

In this article, I will share with you how to date a girl on a phone.

Read also: How To Date a Girl on WhatsApp (15 Proven Ways)

Let’s go now!

1. Find out if the girl you’re calling doesn’t already have a boyfriend: You can skip this step if the girl you are calling is your girlfriend already.

2. Plan what you are going to say: Very often, most men call girls without really knowing what to say. 

If you’re not prepared, this could create very awkward moments of silence. 

Avoid this by writing down what you want to say and rehearsing it. But act naturally!

3. Be specific: Asking a girl out without knowing where to go could put you in trouble when the day comes and you feel less safe. 

If it’s about going to the movies or a concert, then mention the time.

4. Avoid the dreaded silence: If there is silence for more than 15 seconds, (of course, don’t count) then say something like “It’s okay if you don’t want to go” or “If you don’t want to tell me now, we’ll talk later.”

5. Accept that sometimes you will be rejected: If the girl says no, or if she wants to go out with you another time, don’t be discouraged and try again. 

Tell her you understand. Don’t get upset or rude.

How Do You Date a Girl for the First Time on the Phone

Here’s how to date a girl for the first time on the phone:

1. Choose a suitable time to call: You will want to ensure that she is not in a hurry to hang up when you call her. 

Try to do it when you have free time, like after school or work, or during lunch. 

If you just met her, don’t wait too long to call her. 

You’ll need to ensure that you’re still on her mind, so you can call her a day or two after you get her phone number.

2. Send a text message first: This can be helpful if you’re not sure when would be a good time to call her. 

You could ask her if she’ll be free later or tell her that you’ll call her in a few minutes so she’ll be aware of it. 

If she texts you for some reason and you are close to your phone at the time, you should take advantage of the opportunity. 

Send her a message to tell her you’ll call her in a few minutes.

3. Take a deep breath: If you like this girl and want the conversation to go well, it is normal for you to feel nervous before calling her. 

Do a deep breathing exercise to avoid beating around the bush when talking on the phone. 

This can help you calm down so you make the best impression.

4. Greet her warmly: You’ll need to make a good first impression when she answers the phone, so it’s important to have an effective greeting ready. 

If you know each other very well, it will be enough to say hello. 

If you have just met, you should say hello, then mention your name, and remind her where you met. 

For example, if you know her well, you could say, “Hi Kristy, I’m John. How are you?”

If you just met her, you could say, “Hi Kristy, I’m John. “We met yesterday at the library.”

5. Listen to her: You might be tempted to impress her by doing most of the conversation on the phone, but this can be a mistake. 

Allow her to speak and listen carefully to what she has to say. 

This will tell her that her thoughts and opinions matter to you.

Read also: How to Date a Girl With Anxiety (5 Simple Steps)

What to Text to a Girl on the Phone to Impress Her

Here’s what to text to a girl on the phone to impress her:

▪ “I can’t imagine my life without you”

▪ “You have the most expressive eyes I know”

▪ “My love for you falls deep in my heart and paints the walls with passion and joy”

▪ “No one can be compared to you”

▪ ” You are a goddess “

▪ “You are the angel of my life”

▪ “You are My Sunshine.”

▪ “If love is madness, may I never find reason again.”

▪ “You have a good heart, you are patient and caring.”

▪ “I love the person you are.”

▪ “You are today and all my tomorrows.”

▪ “If there’s one thing I know I want to do for the rest of my life, it’s love you.”

Remember to keep the text short and simple. 

How to Attract a Girl on a Phone Call

You can attract a girl on a phone call by what you said. Don’t use a harsh voice when talking to her.

Be honest with what you’re saying, most girls can read minds, they know when you’re lying.

Here are things you can tell her to attract and keep her attention:

▪ “You are all I see.”

▪ “When I’m with you, it’s like I’m in a whole new world.”

▪ “Thank you for everything you gave me.”

▪ “What can I do for you?”

▪ “I dreamed of you last night.”

▪ “You are my first thought every morning.”

▪ “How did you sleep?”

▪ “I love you and I like you at the same time.”

▪ “Without you, my life is much less beautiful.”

▪ “You are beautiful.”

▪ “I love you more every day.”

▪ “You are perfect.”

▪ “You are all I need.”

▪ “Our relationship is all that is good in the world.”

▪ “I want to be with you.”

▪ “Can I make you dinner this weekend?”

▪ “You treat me so well.”

▪ “I want to behave as well to you as you do to me.”

▪ “Thank you for being there for me.”

▪ “Thank you for taking care of me.”

▪ “Do you need something?”

▪ “Can I make you breakfast?”

▪ “I brought you coffee.”

▪ “Let’s go on an adventure.”

▪ “You are so sexy.”

▪ “I want to kiss you all night.”

▪ “I always look forward to our future.”

▪ “Thank you for the wonderful memories.”

▪ “You are such a good person.”

▪ “You always know what I need.”

▪ “You teach me what love is.”

▪ “You make me feel safe.”

▪ “I always want to protect you.”

▪ “You always make me laugh.”

▪ “No matter what happens, I will always try to make you smile.”

▪ “Let’s stay here tonight.”

▪ “Let’s go out tonight.”

▪ “I want to hear your voice.”

▪ “I miss you.”

Read also: How to Date a Girl Who Has Never Dated Before (13 Easy Ways)

How to Romance a Girl on the Phone

Since both of you are not physically together, you can only romance on the phone through your words and text. 

Girls love to hear sweet words from their boyfriends, so make sure you keep her wanting more by telling her these sweet words:

▪ “Let’s get sick today.”

▪ “Our love is the best love of all.”

▪ They should make a movie about our love story.”

▪ “I want to sit and write you love poems all night.”

▪ “You are my Everything.”

▪ “I want to make you happy.”

▪ “You made my life worth it.”

▪ “You are my soulmate.”

▪ “You are the highlight of my day, every day.”

▪ “Your smile melts me.”

▪ “You define beauty.”

▪ “I love your soul.”

▪ “Your soul shines every time you smile.”

▪ “You make everyone’s life worth living.”

▪ “You make me want to be a better person.”

▪ “Thanks for loving me.”

▪ “Thank you for seeing me for who I am.”

▪ “I will always care what you think.”

▪ “I am so grateful that our paths crossed.”

▪ “I like what we have.”

▪ “You make me dream.”

▪ “My life has been so full of hope since I met you.”

▪ “You are so adorable.”

▪ “I wasn’t like this before I found you.”

▪ “I finally understand what romantic music is about.”

▪ “You are my stars and my moon.”

▪ “I love you infinitely.”

▪ “I will always try to make you as happy as you make me happy.”

What Should I Ask a Girl on the Phone

Here are what to ask a girl on the phone:

▪ “What do you like to do most on the weekends? “

▪ “What would you like to do when you grow up? Any special career or trade?”

▪ “For you, what is more important: money, power, or fame?”

▪ “What is your favorite movie/band/book?”

▪ “If you had to choose one food to enjoy right now, what would you choose?”

▪ “What is your biggest phobia?”

▪ “When you’re at a party, are you more likely to find yourself on the dance floor, at the bar, or somewhere else?”

▪ “What would be your favorite destination to go on vacation?”

▪ “How do you think your friends would describe you?”

▪ “Would you like to take a trip in the future? Where to?”

▪ “What is your favorite childhood memory?” 

▪ “Where do you feel most comfortable at home?”

It is much better to avoid the quick approach with these questions. 

Be very careful and let these questions be answered calmly and pleasantly before diving into the depths of things. 

One thing in your favor is that you will already have an idea of ​​the chemistry, judging by the first set of questions.

Read also: How to Date a Girl With Autism (6 Real Ways)

How Many Calls Before First Date

3 to 5 calls is the best before the first date.

The extra effort of a phone call can show a girl that you’re interested and can make her feel loved.

Here are what you should have in mind when calling a girl before the first date:

1. Call from a quiet and private place: Girls will be more honest and open to talking to you if they know that no one can hear their conversation. 

Don’t call her when you’re with your friends and don’t put her on ‘speakerphone’ without her permission.

2. Leave a sweet voicemail: If she can’t answer you and your call goes to her voicemail, leave her a short, sweet message. 

She will appreciate that you were thinking about her and will enjoy hearing your voice.

3. Avoid topics that ruin the dynamics of the conversation: You want to be honest with the girl, but you don’t want to offend her or make her feel uncomfortable. 

Gauge her enthusiasm during the conversation. 

If she sounds excited about a topic, explore it further. 

If she remains silent or unsure and says “I don’t know,” “maybe,” or “I guess” several times, then you should change the topic of discussion.

Should You Text a Girl Everyday

No, you shouldn’t text a girl every day.

Give her little space and time in between to miss you.

This will make her want to hear from you soon.

If you text her every day, she will get bored and may leave you for another person.

Read also: How to Date a Girl With Trust Issues (6 Proven Ways)

How Can I Be Seductive on a Call

To seduce over the phone you need to prepare your voice, intonation, breathing, and, above all, your words. 

To prepare well, you need to train well with your sister or in front of a mirror.

– The voice should be warm, serious, happy, and sensual. 

Many women fall for men without having seen them thanks to their voice. 

Certain women could change their minds upon hearing your voice. 

This doesn’t mean you should change it, just improve it.

– The intonation should be lively, dynamic, and strong, with a smile that is also felt on the phone. 

If you speak to her with a dull intonation, without confidence, she will not like it. 

Be confident. Talk to her a lot, loudly but without shouting so that she understands you well and doesn’t have to ask you: “What are you saying?”

– With breathing, before calling, you should do exercises by inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth. 

On the phone, at the same time as you speak, breathe in and out slowly, with your nose this time. 

– Finally, the conversation. You should have at least one sentence prepared for when she picks up the phone and another two to be able to continue. 

Despite that, don’t prepare everything you have to say because as soon as the conversation changes, you will be out of ideas. 

You have to know how to recover the conversation.

What to Text a Girl That Likes You

Here is what to text a girl who likes you if you like her too:

▪ “I promise to make you feel wanted, loved, and needed every day.”

▪ “The best part of the morning is that I’m thinking about you, but the worst part of this morning is that I’m away from you.”

▪ “You are my song. You are my love song.”

▪ “People say a picture can tell you a thousand words. For me, a photo of you can only say three of the most important words: “I love you!”

▪ “Look into my heart and feel what I say, because my heart speaks the truth and the truth is that I love you.”

▪ “Your beautiful smile and joyful laugh attracted me to you, but your loving and caring heart is the reason why I want to spend the rest of my life with you.”

▪ “You worked so hard to make our relationship the best it could be and you showed great strength even in the most difficult times. You are always patient, kind, and caring for me”

▪ “Every day, every night, every hour, every place I go, I always think of you.”

▪ “Every time I see you, I feel like I’m looking at the most beautiful angel on earth.”

▪ “If you’re wondering if I’m thinking about you or not, the answer is yes.”

▪ “I need you like a heart needs a beat.”

Read also: How to Date a Girl With Mommy Issues (5 Ways Forward)

How to Make a Girl Call You Everyday

Here’s how to make a girl call you every day:

1. Send her text messages just to establish communication: Use text messages to let her know that you are interested in talking to her. 

Don’t let text messages become the usual way of communication between you.

2. Remind Her Who You Are: If she doesn’t have your phone number, she may have no idea who you are when you text her for the first time. 

Try saying “Hello, Cristina. It’s me, Luis. We will talk on Monday.”

3. Let Her Know That You’re Interested in Her: Remind her that there was a spark of interest when you met.

4. Don’t Remind Her About the Negative Things:  Stay away from the negative things that happened when you met her. 

If she was upset in the long line at the Department of Motor Vehicles, don’t remind her of the upset feeling.

5. Always thank her for talking with you: Tell her how great it was to talk to her. 

She will be happy and expect your call next time with enthusiasm.

How to Flirt Over the Phone With a Girl

Here’s how to flirt over the phone with a girl:

1. Deepen your voice: If you are going to try to flirt with her, you will have to sound confident. 

It will help if you lower your voice a little so that it doesn’t sound squeaky or timid. 

However, you will have to speak loud enough so that she can hear everything you say.

2. Speak clearly and slowly: You might have a habit of talking quickly when you’re nervous. 

However, if you want to sound flirtatious, try to speak more slowly and clearly. 

This will make you sound more confident, which is important when flirting.

3. Give her compliments: Make her feel good about herself. 

Compliment her about what you like about her, but be honest and try not to sound too cheesy. 

Don’t just compliment her on her physical features. 

If you have been impressed by her sense of humor, her intelligence, her kindness, or her other qualities, you should also let her know.

4. Use casual topics: When trying to flirt, it’s best to avoid serious topics, like your sick friend or layoffs at your job. 

Instead, talk about fun, happy things, like your new cat or your recent visit to the amusement park.

Read also: How to Date a Girl With Daddy Issues (4 Simple Things to Do)

How to Ask a Woman for a Date Over the Phone 

Here’s how to ask a woman for a date over the phone:

1. Call at a decent time: Although you can’t predict her schedule, call at a time when she’s likely to be free. 

Call her in the afternoon on the weekend or between 6:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. on weekdays. 

If she is not available, apologize and ask what time you can dial back. 

If she’s available, ask her if she has time to talk.

2. Talk to her before asking her out if she has time to talk: Find out what you have in common and talk about it. 

Finding out her interests allows you to get to know her and gives you an idea about places to go out or activities she would like.

3. Make her laugh: Women like men with a sense of humor. 

Use your natural sense of humor to your advantage. 

If you’re not that familiar, tell a story about a funny incident or talk about a funny movie. 

Keep a light and humorous tone during the conversation.

 4. Ask her if she wants to continue the conversation over coffee or lunch: This simple little date is simply the continuation of the phone conversation and your opportunity to talk to her face to face. 

During this date, ask her to accompany you to an event that is of interest to her.

How to End a Phone Call With a Girl 

Here’s how to end a phone call with a girl:

1. Tell her you enjoyed talking with her: When you get ready to end the call, you’ll want to make sure she knows that you value the time she spent talking to you. 

Let her know that you enjoyed her conversation and that you would like to talk to her again another time.

You may say something like, “Talking to you was so much fun, let’s do it again.”

You can also say something like, “This was a great conversation. Could we do it again tomorrow at lunchtime?”

2. Finish all plans: If you called her for a specific reason, you’ll need to mention the details before ending the conversation. 

For example, if you have invited her on a date and she has accepted, you will need to know when and where you are going to meet. 

Even if you don’t have a date or haven’t made plans, it’s a good idea to ask when you’ll see her again before ending the call. 

You could say something like, “I’ll probably see you this Saturday at Tony’s birthday party. Let’s talk more there.”

3. Offer a sincere farewell: You will have to say goodbye at the end of the conversation. 

Depending on the time, you could end the call by saying, “Have a good night” or “Have a nice day.” 

You can also be more casual and say “See you later” or “Take care.” 

Just be honest, so she can believe your words.

4. End the conversation before it loses its spark: It’s always better to say goodbye while you still have things to say. 

You will both look forward to the next conversation. 

Suggest any interesting topic you can talk about on your next phone call.

5. Make her smile when you say goodbye: Say something nice right before you hang up that you know will make her happy. 

Make a joke that only you both understand, tease her with a nickname she likes, or compliment her to make her blush.

End the call with:

Bye, Beautiful!

Good night, beautiful!

A good night’s kiss!

Read also: How to Date a Girl With Strict Parents (11 Things to Do)

How Long Should You Talk to a Woman on the Phone

The duration will need to be between three and five minutes. 

If the conversation is deep you could go up to ten minutes, it will depend on the moment. 

You can say: “Listen, I like our conversation but I can’t talk to you any longer, I have work to finish, if you don’t mind, I’ll repeat the call another time.” 

I’m sure she’ll appreciate your thoughtfulness.


One more thing to note; Don’t call her more than twice in a day, do that only if you’re trying to find out when she might be available to talk.

Don’t call her more than three times a week. Allow her to find a time to call you back.

Read also: How to Date a Girl With Anxiety (5 Simple Steps)