Marriage Vs Dating (What You Are Missing)

Marriage Vs Dating (What You Are Missing)

Marriage vs dating is seen to mean the same thing to some people.

I had a discussion with my youngest sister who is still single and dating. She told me that she wanted to get married to her boyfriend soon because they are seriously in love.

She is thinking that dating is the same as marriage. They are completely different. You can be successful in dating and fail in marriage.

In the other hand, you can fail in dating and succeed in marriage.

Marriage is a union between a man and woman to become husband and wife and become committed for a long period of time. It is meant to last. 

While dating is a period of intimate relationship between a man and a woman. 

In this article, I am going to share with you the difference between dating and marriage.

Read also: How To Marry Right And Stay Together Forever (My Experience)

How To Know That You’re Ready To Date

1. You are up to eighteen years: At this age, it is believed that you’re matured enough to make the right decisions 

2. You have a source of income: Dating needs some financial commitment. So find a way to earn some money before you start dating. 

3. You have been friends with the opposite sex: Before you start dating, be friends with the opposite sex so that you can make the right choice of who to date.

4. You can keep secrets: Everyone has secrets. Even the one you’ll date. If you can keep secrets it is a good sign that you are ready for dating. 

5. You can control your temper: You’ll get into arguments without your boyfriend or girlfriend some day.

If you cannot control your anger when they make you angry then, you are not ready to date.

6. You know what you need: If you still doubt the reasons while you want to date then, you need to pause and put things right before moving forward. 

I believe that the above points will help you to know when you are ready. Dating is not something to rush into. You’ve to take your time and make the right choice. 

Read also: How To make Your Partner Happy Again (The 10 Best Ways) 

How To Know That You’re Ready For Marriage 

1. You have found the right person: If you have found the right man or woman then, you should consider getting married soon.

2. You have sustainable sources of income: you need money to have a happy marriage.

Without money you won’t meet up with the responsibilities in marriage. 

3. You have built patience: You can’t stay long in marriage if you are not patient. Impatience  is one of the problems that cause divorce in marriage. 

4. You have healed from the past breakup or divorce: After breakup, it is recommended to stay at least six months before going into another relationship.

This will help you to heal from the past hurts and pains.

5. You are not living with your parents: It is advisable to rent an apartment so that you can stay away from your parents or family.

Living in the same apartment with your partner won’t give both of you the opportunity to bond and explore.

6. You are ready to have kids: Marriage comes with kids. If you’re not ready to have kids then, it is not the right time for you to get married. 

7. You are not medically fit: You must be medically sound before you venture into marriage.

But if you’re not medically fit, let your would-be partner know. And if he or she accepts to marry you like that, then you’re good to go. 

8. You have read some books about marriage: Everything in life has its own rules, and so is marriage. Without having knowledge about marriage you won’t succeed. 

9. You can forgive: Your partner must offend you. So you have to prepare your mind to forgive whenever the need arises. 

10. You are ready to serve: You must be ready to serve your partner at anytime. You should be ready to meet his or her needs.

These 10 points are the clear signs that show you’re ready to marry. And it will help your marriage to last. 

Read also: 12 Signs Why You Should Not Marry Him/Her (The Bad Pointers)

What Are The Qualities Of Good Relationship 

Below are the qualities of good relationship in percentage chart:






Care and attention……………………………………………10%

Intimacy (love making)……………………………………10%


Innovation (trying out new things)…………………5%

Playing games together………………………………………5%

The above qualities are what make a good relationship/marriage. You must be careful when choosing a partner if you are not yet married.

But if you have made the mistake already and you’re married to the partner that you wished you would never marry, don’t worry. I have few suggestions for you below:

1. Ask: If you’re married to a bad partner whose attitude you don’t like, ask him or her why he or she is behaving that way. Do this in his or her happy moments. 

2. Involve a neutral third party: It might be a marriage counsellor, pastor or a therapist.

3. Don’t be in a hurry: Remember that you need patience when dealing with a bad partner

4. Don’t do what he or she dislikes: Try to do what they like, it will help them to change fast.

5.  Be positive: Believe that the problem will be solved. Nothing change until you believe.

Read also: 6 Things Couples Should Not Do In Their Marriage (And 10 Things That Make Marriages Last)


Marriage doesn’t change people. A bad partner during dating cannot change in marriage.

And any person that lacks the qualities above won’t make a good partner in marriage.

Most times, people think that their partner would change their bad habits when they get married to  them.

But that is not true. Marriage doesn’t change anyone. Any attitude you see when dating your partner, is who they really are. Don’t expect them to change in marriage. 

Marriage is more stressful and difficult compared to dating. You need mental fitness to get married.