How Do You Win The Heart of an Older Woman And Conquer Her? (16 Steps to Follow)

Happy older woman relaxing in her home

As women get older, they tend to become more mature and have a clearer idea of what they want in a relationship. 

This could be just having fun or finding a long-term partner for stability. 

At an older age, they’re not afraid to speak their mind, are more confident, and may be in their sexual prime. 

If you’re interested in an older woman, you can learn how to win her heart with some simple steps discussed in this article.

Read also: 22 Signs an Older Woman Wants You Physically

Steps to follow:

1. Have complete confidence in yourself

Older women are no longer fooling around. 

They are looking for a self-assured man who can overcome any hurdle or setback. 

Use your confidence to impress her.

2. Don’t brag about anything

To catch her interest, don’t boast about hookups or cars because it’ll seem immature and she might reject you. 

An older woman prefers a man who can discuss topics like health, books, music, or art – having some general knowledge will impress her. 

If these topics aren’t your thing, it’s better to talk about your projects or hobbies. 

If you’re significantly younger, avoid talking about your friends or mates; instead, focus on sharing your meaningful experiences.

3. Don’t compliment her constantly

Avoid giving her constant compliments because, as women get older, they don’t believe in their appearance as much. 

Instead, let her know what you genuinely like and appreciate about her. 

If you find her attractive, fun, or affectionate, express your admiration by highlighting her qualities without resorting to childlike compliments.

4. Never discuss age

It’s a good idea not to focus on the age gap or her age too much. 

If she asks you to guess her age, it’s polite to guess a bit younger than you think. 

Avoid saying something like “You look good for your age” because it might not sound nice. 

Being relaxed and not making a big deal about age can help you when trying to impress her.

5. Being independent is key 

An older woman likes a man who can take care of himself. 

Share your interests, business, hobbies, and how you enjoy your time, but show that you’re independent. 

If you talk too much about friends or family, she might think you rely too much on others for your life and personality.

Read also: How to Make a Shy Girl to Open Up (7 Proven Steps)

6. Go on a date

If you think she is interested in you, ask her to go on a date with you. 

Think carefully about where you are going to take her and what you want to do, because it is difficult to impress an older woman. 

The best is to invite her to eat, to have a few beers in the middle of the afternoon, to have a bottle of wine or an elegant cocktail. 

You will have to work hard to conquer an older woman. 

Remember: they want to have fun but they are more refined than young girls.

7. Be a gentleman

To attract an older woman, you need to be a polite and considerate gentleman. 

Pay attention to even the smallest things; this will get her attention. 

Simple acts like opening the car door or pulling out her chair show your thoughtfulness. 

Also, you must be punctual and make sure you look good when you first meet her; this will create a positive first impression and score you some points.

8. Use your age to your advantage

If you’re younger than her, don’t feel embarrassed about it. 

Instead, see your youth as a source of excitement for her. 

She might be seeking enjoyment or a change, so being with a younger guy can bring a fresh perspective to her life. 

Your energy and enthusiasm can make her feel rejuvenated and add excitement to her life.

9. Don’t sound cheesy

If you want to get a mature woman into bed, you should be open about sex, be very honest, and not be rude at all. 

With her experience, she will thank you for being clear about your intentions and she will probably be completely fine with having a good time with you. 

Forget about making a proposal that sounds cheesy, let your self-confidence ignite her passion. 

You might be surprised by her response!

10. Be in charge

If you manage to get her into bed, try to take the lead and be in control. 

Even though she is older, she will surely want to feel possessed by someone younger. 

It is also a good way to show that you are a confident man. 

Use both your and her experience to make the night memorable and fulfilling for both of you.

Read also: How Do Narcissists Act When Dating (10 Things Narcissists Do When Dating)

11. Leave her impressed and wanting more

Your aim should be to leave a lasting impression and make her want to see you again if you want to win over an older woman. 

After your first date, wait a couple of days before reaching out to her. 

Don’t pester her; instead, show that you also have an interesting and busy life, just like she does.

12. Make plans with her

One date isn’t enough to make an older woman fall in love with you. 

You need to spend more time together, like going on trips, having more dates, watching movies, or simply talking. 

After the first date, try to plan something else, even if it’s just going to see a movie. 

This shows her that you’re genuinely interested in spending time with her and not just looking for something temporary.

13. Ignore her flaws

If she has wrinkles or dark marks, don’t mention them or make her feel self-conscious. 

If you think she’s too fat, don’t suggest a diet; instead, do active things together if it’s a concern. 

Never make comments about her body. 

If her imperfections bother you too much, she might not be the right fit for you, so it’s better to move on.

14. Let her pamper you, but don’t abuse it (Try and reciprocate)

If she’s kind to you and wants to do nice things for you or spend money on you, don’t misunderstand her intentions. 

Appreciate her gestures and attention, but don’t take advantage of it. 

She might have better finances, but it’s important to reciprocate and share expenses when going out. 

It’s about fairness and equality in the relationship.

15. Don’t lie to her to impress her

A lot of men make the mistake of lying or exaggerating to impress women. 

But when she finds out the truth, she won’t be impressed; instead, she’ll feel let down and will not want to see you again. 

Being honest is the better way to go.

16. Don’t impose your time on her

If she’s older and has been married with kids, her schedule and priorities might be different from yours. 

Avoid pressuring her with strict plans because she might not be able to meet them, even if she’s really into you. 

Take her situation into account, and she’ll appreciate your understanding and consideration.

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How Often Should You Text an Older Woman

Text her three times a week. You should call her more than you text.

It’s a good idea to gauge her interest and respect her boundaries. 

Start with casual texting and see how she responds. 

Most older women prefer less frequent communication, they are not comfortable with regular texting. 

The key is to find a balance that works for both of you and to pay attention to her reactions.

What Should I Do If I Like an Older Woman?

If you like an older woman, you should invite her on a romantic date.

Forget about the age gap and gather your courage to ask her on a romantic date. 

Even if she’s more experienced, be straightforward about your interests and what you expect from her. 

Find topics you both enjoy talking about, make her laugh, and be a good listener.

How to Attract a Woman in Her 30s

Some tips on how to attract and conquer a woman in her 30s that we can give you are:

1. Be focused: At this age, women look for men who are clear about their goals in life and know how to make the right decisions.

2. Motivate her: Being 30 or over is synonymous with fulfillment for a woman, they already know what they want and feel that they can achieve everything they set their minds to. 

If you motivate her to achieve her goals, you will make her fall in love faster than you think, since she will feel supported and listened to.

3. Don’t rush things: She’ll want to get to know you a little more before opening up to you, so if you try to take things at your pace and not hers, she’ll probably kick you out of her life.

4. Give her new experiences: Take her to places she doesn’t know, surprise her with your knowledge, and show her that you are also capable of teaching her about life.

Read also: How to Date a Girl With Anxiety (5 Simple Steps)

How to Attract a Woman in Her 40s

Here’s how to attract a woman in her 40s:

1. Be romantic: Regardless of age, women like romantic gifts: give her a chocolate, a flower, a card, or a book for no apparent reason.

2. Don’t brag about what you have: At this age, women are self-sufficient and do not look for men to support them. 

If you have a good car or have good physical attributes, she will notice it without you telling her anything.

3. Show how sophisticated and mature you are: Women over 40 have already had bad experiences, so they are looking for someone mature, who doesn’t do drama, and who is elegant and sophisticated.

4. Be responsible: They look for a man who is responsible and knows how to face any obstacle that comes their way.

What Shouldn’t You Do When Winning an Older Woman?

You already know what you should do, but what should you not do to win over an older woman?

Here are they:

1. Don’t rush: Mature women have their own time and have other things to think about, they don’t act like young people in love.

2. Don’t act childish: If you are much younger than her, try not to act immature or childish. 

Pay attention to what you like, but don’t behave childishly.

3. Don’t be stingy, give her gifts: Older women will expect to receive gifts or compliments. 

If you don’t do it very often they will think that you have no interest in them and they’ll leave you.

4. Don’t be selfish: Do not be insistent on carrying out activities that only interest you. 

If an older woman expresses her refusal to a plan, it is not advisable to insist since they will not hesitate to turn their back on you if you do not yet have a relationship.

5. Be serious with her: Don’t treat her casually, you must be serious with her. 

They don’t like cat-and-mouse games, either show your interest or they won’t be interested in you.

6. Don’t despair about money: Don’t make yourself look like a man who wants her money and nothing else, that will immediately break up the relationship.

7. Avoid conflicts: Avoid generating conflicts, reproaches, dramas, or demands on her time.

Since older women are very clear about what they want and usually already have their lives established, they do not have time to pay attention to things that will not bring them anything.

Read also: How to Date a Girl With Autism (6 Real Ways)

How to Seduce Older Woman Over Text

Send her a sweet heartfelt text to make her want you more.

Here are some texts to send to an older woman to seduce her:

▪ “You should call yourself Google: in you, I find everything I need.”

▪ “I love traveling. My next destination is your house.”

▪ “In my life I have regretted doing many things and not doing many others. I don’t want to miss you. I’m begging you on a date!”

▪ “At this point in life it is best to get to the point: I like you.’

▪ “I like you more every minute.”

▪ “I’m not sure if we are right for each other, but a date will be enough for us to find out.”

▪ “I was wondering if we might have someone we know in common to set us up on a blind date.”

▪ If that’s how you are when writing, I don’t want to think about what you’re like when kissing.”

▪ “Mature love, good love.”

▪ “I spend the day thinking about you, but the rest of my life will be spent showing you how much I adore you. Yes, if you allow me.”

▪ “If you are going to talk to me, tell me that you miss me, that you love me with all your soul, that you can’t live without me. Will you talk to me?”

▪ “I’m surprised that you still don’t have a partner because with how beautiful you are, anyone would lose their mind.”

▪ “Your smile seduces me, your kisses touch me, and the more I look at you, my heart trembles.”

▪ “I would tell you my most hidden secrets if you give me a night with you, I would give you my entire life if you promised me eternal love.”

▪ “I adore you so much that I will accompany you until the end of my days. I will support you in whatever you need and my only goal will be to make you feel like the most special woman in the universe.”

▪ “There are those who claim that years kill love, but with this time-stopping machine, you will no longer be able to expel me from your heart.”

▪ “This kiss is going to be so long that you will never doubt my love for you again.”

▪ “Your heart is the most valuable asset I’ve ever had in this life. I store it in a safe that I protect all day because I don’t want to lose you. I’ve had feelings for you since before I met you.”

▪ “First love is achieved with words because those who are truly in love know how to find the right words.”


In this article, we explained the 16 steps to win the heart of an older woman and conquer her. 

We explained everything you should and should not do in addition to telling you their important characteristics. 

Remember to always keep in mind the advice we gave you and everything will go very well for you in your relationships with an older woman. 

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