How Well Do You Know Your Partner Quiz (Quiz For Couples)

Happy couple

How well do you know your partner? Take this quiz to find out!

Knowing your partner is very important in your relationship or marriage. 

It is a bad idea to be living with someone you know nothing about. 

It is your responsibility to get to know your partner, that’s, what they like and dislike.

Knowing all these will help you to bond well with each other and enjoy your union together. 

I will share interesting quizzes/questions that will help you know your partner better in this article. 

Read also: How to Live With a Spouse You Hate (7 Ways Forward)

Let’s get started now!

(Quiz 1) Quiz with Options:

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1. What is my favorite type of food among these options?

– Japanese cuisine

– Pasta and pizza

– Any type of sweet

2. When I want to relax, what is my preferred activity?

– To sleep

– Watch something I love

– Going out with friends

3. What do I love the most?

– Coffee

– Water

– Refrigerator

4. Which of these people knows me best?

– My father or my mother

– My closest friend or best friend

– You

5. If I went to a party right now, what music would I not stop dancing to?

– Electronic music

– Latin music

– Funk or pop

– Another type of music

6. What do you believe I appreciate the most in you?

– Your personality

– Your romanticism

– Your care for me

– The way you look

7. Among these destinations, where would I love to go right now?

– Europe

– Travel within the country

– Anywhere with a beach

– Any place abundant with lush greenery

8. What can’t be missing in my bag?

– Any beauty item (cosmetic, makeup…)

– Alcohol gel

– Credit card

– Tissue paper

9. Which of these situations would irritate me the most?

– Seeing someone being unfair to someone I love

– Waiting for someone who’s running late

– Overpaying for subpar food

10. Which of these situations makes me happiest?

– Spend a peaceful day by your side

– Traveling with friends

– Spend the day watching series

– Enjoy a day at the beach or in the serene countryside

11. Which of these options do I love when you do it?

– Affection on me

– Talk to me

– Make me smile

– Buy me food

12. What was the season of the year when we had our first kiss?

– Spring

– Summer

– Fall

– Winter

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(Quiz 2) Do You Know My Personality?

13. Am I gentle or more brutal?

14. Am I thick or cute?

15. Am I stubborn or flexible?

16. Am I shy or extroverted?

17. Am I addicted to social media or don’t I even care much?

18. Am I talkative or more quiet?

19. Am I quarrelsome or more appeasing?

20. Am I one to make friends easily or do I have few friends?

21. Am I jealous or am I calm?

22. Am I a sleeper or do I sleep little?

23. Am I late or do I always arrive on time?

24. Am I a good cook or do I prefer to be cooked for me?

25. Am I more into putting on makeup or more concerned about clothes?

26. Am I vain or not very vain?

27. Am I more into watching comedy or dramatic films?

28. Am I studious or do I not like studying?

29. Am I a good partner or do my parents always complain about my behavior?

30. Am I loving or colder?

31. Am I practical or do I dabble in doing everything?

32. Am I a boring eater or do I eat everything?

33. What is my date of birth?

34. What is my astrological sign?

35. What is my favorite color?

36. What are my two other first names?

37. Am I a believer or an atheist?

38. What is my phobia?

39. What is my favorite food?

40. What is my favorite dessert?

41. What is my favorite cuisine?

42. What is my favorite film?

43. What is my favorite series?

44. Who is my favorite actor or actress?

45. What is my favorite book?

46. Who is my favorite singer?

47. What are my hobbies and activities?

48. Am I more beach or mountain?

49. Do I prefer to live in the country or the city?

50. Am I more of a sea or pool person?

51. What food do I hate the most?

52. What food do I like the most?

54. Am I more sweet or salty?

53. Who is my favorite superhero?

54. What power would I like to have?

55. What is my dream destination?

56. What job have I always dreamed of doing?

57. How many children do I want to have?

58. At what age do I want to have children?

59. Would I rather have a girl or a boy?

60. Am I more of a cat or a dog person?

61. Do you want to get married to me again?

62. Do I want an intimate or grand wedding?

63. Do I want to get married in church?

64. Am I touchy?

65. What annoys me the most in others?

66. What do I look at first in others?

67. Do I hold grudges?

68. What is my worst character trait?

69. Am I the type to see the glass half full or half empty?

70. Am I introverted or extroverted?

71. Am I more Saturday evening cocooning or going out with friends?

72. What is one household chore that I hate doing?

73. Have I ever used drugs?

74. Do I know how to manage my money?

75. What is the thing I am most proud of in my life?

76. What would I do if I won the lottery?

77. Where do I see myself in 5 years?

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What is The Importance of Quizzes For Couples?

Here are the reasons why quizzes for couples are important:

1. Lasting relationship/marriage 

You will have a lasting relationship with your partner if you know more about them. 

This will help you to attend to their needs and please them without guessing. 

2. You will know your partner’s love language 

Without asking questions or taking a couple quizzes you won’t know your partner’s love language and what they hate.

3. It will be easy for you to please your partner 

Quiz for couples will help you to please your partner without much stress. 

You will know what to do and what not to do at any given time.

4. Couple quiz increases happiness 

If you know and understand your partner it will help your relationship to be stress-free and less boring.

A recent study revealed that 70% of happy couples know a lot about each other.

5. There will be less conflict 

Knowing what your partner doesn’t like helps to reduce quarrels in marriages and relationships. 


You have learned how to know your partner better through couples quizzes and also the importance of couples quizzes. 

Make sure you get this book to help you and your partner know each other better through questions/quizzes.

Read also: What To Do When Your Marriage Is Beyond Repair

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