How Marriage Works (in 10 Ways)

Newly wed couple

Marriage works in various ways. 

When two people come together to become husband and wife, they form what is called marriage. 

It is legal and is recognized in every culture. 

Some people have traditional marriage, court marriage, or church marriage. 

They are the popular ways to legalize marriage and this makes it official. 

My wife and I had a church wedding in Ohio ten years ago. 

In this article, I’ll share with you how marriage works. 

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Let’s get started now!

1. Commitment

Marriage is a commitment to a long-term partnership between two individuals. 

It involves a promise(vow) to support each other emotionally, financially, and in other aspects of life.

2. Legal and Social Recognition

In many societies, marriage is a legally recognized union, conferring legal rights and responsibilities on both spouses. 

It also often carries social recognition and acceptance.

3. Emotional Connection

Marriage is built on emotional connections, including love, trust, and companionship. 

These emotional bonds are important for a healthy and lasting marriage.

4. Shared Life

Spouses typically share their lives, living together, making decisions together, and collaborating in various aspects of daily life, from raising children to managing finances.

5. Communication(or dialogue)

Effective communication and dialogue are the keys to a successful marriage. 

Open and honest dialogue helps resolve conflicts, make decisions, and deepen the emotional connection.

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6. Family and Children

Many married couples choose to have children, and marriage often involves the responsibility of raising and nurturing a family.

7. Mutual Support and Understanding

Spouses support each other through life’s challenges and triumphs, providing emotional, financial, and practical assistance when needed.

8. Cultural and Religious Practices

Marriage ceremonies and customs can vary widely based on cultural and religious beliefs. 

These practices often play a significant role in how a marriage is conducted.

9. Legal and Financial Aspects

Marriage has legal and financial implications, including tax benefits, inheritance rights, and joint ownership of property.

10. Lifelong Partnership

Marriage is ideally viewed as a lifelong partnership, and many couples work together to navigate the ups and downs of life.

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What Are The Legal Effects of Marriage?

Marriage produces legal effects on the assets of the spouses, children, and alimony, I briefly mention them below:

Marriage Property Regimes

They are the agreements under which the contracting parties or spouses make the decision to govern the assets and the way of managing them, before the marriage, during the marriage, and after the marriage.

The property regimes of marriage are the separation of property and marital partnership.

Separation of Property Regime

In the property separation regime, the spouses will retain the ownership and administration of the assets that respectively belong to them, and consequently the fruits and accessories of those assets.

Marital Partnership Regime

This is a system where a married couple manages and shares something they both own together, which is separate from their possessions. 

Both spouses have ownership of these shared assets as long as the arrangement or partnership continues to exist.

Marriage Contract

For some states, marriage agreements are agreements that the couple enters into to establish the property regime of their marriage (which may be a separation of property or marital partnership) and the way to regulate the administration of property.

In other states, marriage contracts are the name given to the document in which it is stated that the parties agree to celebrate the marriage under the regime of conjugal partnership. 

This document establishes the assets that make up the marital partnership, the way of managing them, and the manner of termination of the marital partnership. 

That is to say, in those states, marriage agreements only refer to the marital partnership regime.

Marriage agreements can be granted before the celebration of the marriage, at the time of the marriage, or later, at any time during the marriage.

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Food in Marriage and Support of the Home

Both spouses are obliged to contribute financially to support the home and provide food for themselves and their children. 

The requirement or responsibility will be decided based on how the spouses agree to it and what they can afford. 

It depends on what they both think is fair and within their means.

The spouse who is unable to work or who does not have his or her resources is not obliged to contribute to the maintenance of the home, or to provide support to the other spouse, or the children; that obligation will be the responsibility of the other spouse.

If one of the spouses works at home or takes care of the children, the law considers that the performance of work at home or taking care of the children will be considered an economic contribution to the support of the home.

Characteristics of Marriage 

Marriage, as we understand it today in the modern world, is characterized by:

1. Be a voluntary and lasting legal bond

People can marry only of their own free will, and must do so through a series of legal (and religious, if desired) rites and ceremonies that attest to the validity and legitimacy of the act.

2. It can be civil and/or religious 

Everything depends on the beliefs of the spouses, although the only one valid before the State is the civil one, and the only one valid before the Church is the religious one.

3. Be monogamous

It involves only two people(a man and a woman), who commit to having an exclusive loving and sexual bond (fidelity).

4. It is traditional 

It is governed by the social, moral, and religious conventions and traditions of the community and the nation, so it can have marked differences from one region of the world to another.

5. Create a community of goods 

This is called “marital community”, it implies that all properties and capital obtained since the beginning of the marriage belong to both spouses equally, which implies a common distribution and the need for arrangements in the event of divorce.

What is The 7 7 7 Rule for Marriage?

The “777 Rule” for marriage is a simple guideline to help couples maintain a strong and romantic connection over time. 

It involves the following schedule:

1. Every Seven Days (Weekly Date) 

This part of the rule encourages couples to go on a date every week. 

These dates provide an opportunity for spouses to spend quality time together, away from daily responsibilities, and to nurture their emotional connection.

2. Every Seven Weeks (Monthly Getaway)

Every seven weeks, couples are advised to plan a night away from home. 

This can be a mini-vacation, a weekend trip, or even just a staycation in a nearby hotel. 

It offers a chance to break the routine, focus on each other, and rejuvenate the romance.

3. Every Seven Months (Romantic Holiday)

At least once every seven months, the rule suggests taking a more extended romantic holiday. 

This holiday allows couples to create memorable experiences together, explore new places, and deepen their bond.

The “777 Rule” aims to ensure that couples prioritize their relationship and continue to invest in their connection. 

Regular dates, getaways, and romantic holidays help keep the spark alive and maintain a strong and healthy marriage. 

You should be flexible with this guideline, adapting it to your circumstances and needs as a couple.

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What is The 2-2-2 Rule in Marriage?

The “2-2-2 Rule” is a guideline for maintaining a healthy and connected marriage relationship. 

It suggests the following schedule:

1. Every 2 Weeks

Spend quality time together as a couple every two weeks. 

This can involve a date night, a romantic dinner at home, or engaging in an activity you both enjoy. 

The goal is to keep the connection alive through regular one-on-one time.

2. Every 2 Months

Every two months, plan a getaway or a short trip together. 

This doesn’t have to be an elaborate vacation; it can be a weekend excursion or a change of scenery to break the routine and rekindle the romance.

3. Every 2 Years

Every two years, consider taking a more substantial and memorable vacation or recommitment ceremony. 

This is an opportunity to celebrate your love, create lasting memories, and reaffirm your commitment to each other.

The “2-2-2 Rule” encourages regular, intentional, and consistent efforts to nurture your marriage. 

It helps prevent couples from taking each other for granted and ensures that the relationship remains a priority in their lives. 

What is The #1 Rule of Marriage?

The #1 rule of marriage is love. Love is the center of every marriage. 

Without it, no marriage will be successful. 

Love helps the couple to understand, forgive, and tolerate each other during conflicts and difficult times.

Other things in marriages are built on love. It is the foundation of a successful marriage. 

Marriage starts with Love, continues with Love, and ends with love.

Any marriage that has no love has little or no chance of success. 

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Every couple has the rules that keep them going, any other rule is based on love. 

Different couples have what works for them. 

Don’t imitate anyone, find what works for you and your partner.