How To Make Your Boyfriend Happy (10 Easy Ways)

How To Make Your Boyfriend Happy (10 Easy Ways)

Do you want to know how to make your boyfriend happy? Yes, you can make your boyfriend happy through these 10 easy ways below.

My former girlfriend Jennifer knew everything about making men happy. I was so happy because she always do the right thing at the right.

In this article, I am going to share with you what Jennifer did that made me loved her so much.

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For your relationship to keep moving smoothly and strong, there are certain things to do so that your boyfriend will be happy and cherish you more without thinking of leaving you.

Making your boyfriend happy is not difficult. It is not something to worry much about.

But remember that men are totally different from women. What make men happy is different from what make women happy. 

Let’s discuss those things that will make your boyfriend happy. 

How To Make Your Boyfriend Happy (10 Easy Ways)

1. Respect him: Men fall in love with any woman who respects them. If you disrespect your boyfriend he will not be happy with you.

Don’t try to challenge him in any way. If you challenge a man you are dating, he will likely leave you for another woman and you will regret that later.

Jennifer was so respectful. But the only reason why we broke up was our career choices. She wanted to marry doctor.

2. Call him regularly to check up on him: It is not left only for him to be calling you all the time.

Care for him also, ask about how his day went and what challenges he is having.

Most men don’t normally tell their girlfriends about what they are going through.

You have to be sensitive and know when he is disturbed or when he is not happy. Try and find out what is happening in his life.

Read also: 10 Best Tips For Maintaining Faithfulness In Your Relationship 

3. Support his vision: Men are goal oriented. They love any woman that encourages them to pursue their dreams.

Give him some words of motivation to keep him going. Get some good tips about his career or business on the internet and use them to advise him.

He will be happy and he will love you more.

4. Don’t talk about your past relationship: Some girls and women talk about their exes whenever they are with their boyfriend.

This is totally wrong. Men hate it when you start comparing them with your exes.

Men believe that they are unique and better than the other person. So comparing him with another man is discouraging. 

5. Get him gifts on his special day: Get him gifts on his birthdays, Valentine’s day and any other special occasions in his life.

It will show him that you throughly care for him. Gifts create wonderful memories.

Don’t get him something he will only use once. The gift mustn’t be expensive. It could be a wrist watch, shirt, shoes and other jewellery. 

6. Don’t cheat on him: A faithful girlfriend is priceless. Never cheat on your boyfriend for any reason because if he finds out he could break up with you.

Cheating is the major cause of break up in many relationships. And I know you don’t want that.

7. Share your feelings and thoughts with him: Tell him what you feel about him. Even if you are not happy, tell him about it.

Men know that they are stronger than women, so if you share your problems with him he will be happy to help you in whichever way he can.

I love it when my woman shares things she can’t do on her own with me. It makes me feel like a leader and I make sure I help her out.

8. Don’t pressure him: Men hate to be pressured. Don’t pressure your boyfriend to do anything for you.

If you ask him for anything, be patient. He will do it if he really loves you.

Putting pressure on him will make you appear desperate and men don’t like desperate girls or women.

Just calm down and you will get anything you want from him unless he doesn’t love you.

9. Don’t depend completely on him: It is good to depend on your boyfriend but depending on him for everything is bad.

Have your own life, don’t call for everything especially for financial help. If you depend too much on him financially he will find you irritating. 

10. Try and be scarce sometimes: Being available every time doesn’t necessarily mean you’re making him happy.

You have more value when you are scare. Just try and give him excuses for not going on a date with him.

Don’t always reply his text immediately. Give him time to miss you and he will be restless about you.

Making your boyfriend happy is very important in your relationship.

If he is not happy, figure out what the problem is and revive your relationship again by following all the 10 steps above. 

Read also: 9 Qualities Every Man Want In His Dream Woman (The Gentleman’s Desire)

What To Do When You Have Tried Everything And Still Your Boyfriend Is Not Happy 

1. Ask him why: If you have done everything and still your boyfriend is not happy, you need to sit him down and ask him why he is not happy.

Communication is important in a relationship. He will definitely tell you what the problem is and you can fix it, and make him happy again.

2. Consider breakup: Breakup might be something he wants.

Some people normally find their partner irritating when they no longer want the relationship.

So if all your efforts are not bearing fruit you can end the relationship. 

3. Seek for help: Tell any of his close friends or family members to help you talk to him.

If any of these people talk to him it will definitely change things. Don’t keep things all to yourself. 

4. Give him space: Stop calling, texting and chatting with him for a certain period of time.

This is going to make him feel your absence and he will reach out to you.

5. Make yourself more attractive: Start improving in your dressing, make up, change perfume and take good care of yourself.

He will start desiring you again when he sees changes in your appearance.

Men are moved by what they see, so make sure you feed his eyes with new outlooks. 

And after doing all these and he is not happy, you can end the relationship. It means he didn’t want you any more.

And you don’t have to be wasting your time trying to please someone that doesn’t want to change.

You can’t force people to be happy, it is their choice to be happy. You can find another boyfriend but don’t be in a hurry. 

Read also: 12 Signs That Someone You Are Dating Have Ghosted You (Real Life experience)


You should be patience when you are trying to make your boyfriend happy.

First of all, discover what makes you happy before you can give happiness to your boyfriend.

Remember that you can’t give what you don’t have. And if you’re not seeing a positive result in your efforts to make him happy, move on.

There are many better men out there who will love and appreciate you.