How To Talk To Any Girl And Win Her Over Even If You Lack Confidence (My Strategy)

How To Talk To Any Girl And Win Her Over Even If You Lack Confidence

You can talk to any girl and win her over even if you lack confidence.

I tried to talk to a lady when I was in my early 20s, but I found myself stuttering and fidgeting before her. 

This made me lose this beautiful damsel. Women have foresight, they can sense when you are not confident. 

Women dislike timid men 

Most men find it difficult to talk to a lady they admire. 

You don’t need money to win a woman’s heart. Winning her over with money means that you don’t trust yourself enough. 

Money doesn’t keep women, your masculinity does. 

In this article, I will share with you how I built my confidence and dated many women. 

Read also: 7 Effective Ways To Make Your Girlfriend Happy (The Real Secrets)

Let’s dive in and discuss about how to talk to any girl and win her over.

How To Talk To Any Girl And Win Her Over Even If You Lack Confidence

1. Be confident: You can never win any girl’s heart if you don’t have confidence. 

You can improve your confidence by talking in front of a mirror as if you are talking to her. 

This strategy helped me to improve myself. And I can talk to any lady today no matter her class.

2. Be neat: Nobody likes a dirty person. Women are so sensitive, they can easily notice your unkempt hair, rumpled clothes and dirty shoes. 

They usually notice all these at a glance. Make sure you wear clean clothes and shoes. 

They like men who dress well. One of the girls I was asking out before told me that she loves men that have  good sense of dressing. 

This doesn’t mean wearing expensive clothes or shoes. Just make sure that the ones you have are clean.

Read also: How To Stop Being Nervous Around Women (15 Secrets Revealed By Experts)

3. Don’t try to impress her: This is where most men fail. You think that trying to impress her will make her accept you?

This is not true. Be yourself, if she likes you she will definitely accept you.

 Don’t borrow expensive clothes, wrist watches, jewellery or even cars just to look wealthy before her. 

She is going to find out. Remember that women are observant and can discover secrets easily. 

4. Start the conversation with something related to the environment: What I mean here is, if you meet her at a shopping mall ask her about a product she is checking out.

For example start the conversation this way; Hey pretty girl, is this candy good for smart guys like me? 

This will make her look at you, smile and give you a response. And you can go on with the conversation from there.

5. Don’t be boastful: Don’t tell her how nice you are or how loving you are going to be. 

She doesn’t care about that. Telling her about what you have, whether a business or property is not necessary at early stage. 

What you need at this stage is to get her attention and make her listen to you. 

6. Don’t tell long stories: Keep everything short and simple.  

Remember that girls usually meet different men on daily basis who talks a lot. 

You should be different and go straight to the point. Talking for a long time won’t make her like you.

7. Smell nice: A girl has told me before that my breath smells. This was very shameful and discouraging to me.

 Make sure you clean your mouth before talking to any girl. I normally go out with sugar free mints or bottled water to keep my breath fresh. 

8. Use good perfumes: Make sure you are not using female perfume. 

If go to any store to buy perfume, tell them to give you perfume made for men. 

This is going to make her perceive your masculinity and not the other way round. 

Women can like you just because of your smell. They use their nose perfectly. 

9. Add humour: During your conversation with her, say something that will make her laugh in between. 

Women like funny guys. For example; you can look at her eyes and say, “oh I wish you could give me those beautiful eyes. They are beautiful”. 

This is going to make her laugh out loud. 

10. Ask for her phone number; As soon as she starts laughing at your jokes, the next thing to do is to ask her number. 

Since she is happy and relaxed she will give you the number. 

11. Look into her eyes when talking to her: I was so shy in my early 20s. I found it difficult to look directly into any woman’s eyes. 

And if they notice that I am shy they won’t talk to me again. Though some women like shy guys but majority don’t. 

Talking to any woman shouldn’t be a big deal for you as a man. She either says yes or no. 

And you don’t lose anything when she rejects you.

Read also: 15 Traits Every Woman Want In Her Dream Man (Best Qualities Revealed)

What To Do When A Girl Give You Her Phone Number

1. Don’t call her the same day: Call her two days after collecting her number.

 If you start calling her the same day she may think that you are desperate. 

2. Don’t send her money at the early stage: Even if she asks you for money, tell her that you don’t have. 

If you do, she will see you as a helper and not a lover.

3. Don’t call frequently: Give some space before you call her again. 

You can text her more than calling. It is wrong to call during working hours. 

4. Don’t talk about sex: If you start talking about sex with her at the early stage she will think that you come for sex and she will ghost you.

5. Ask her relevant questions: Don’t start asking her unnecessary questions. It is wrong.

 If there are no relevant things to discuss with her, don’t call her.

Here is a sample conversation of how I started talking to a girl I met at the church;

Me: Hey pretty, do you get that bible passage pastor John read? 

She: Oh I did.

Me: Wow you are very intelligent. I forgot to write it down on my note pad.

She: Ahh, no problem I can give it to you.

Me: I wish I could borrow your brain.

She: Started laughing….

Me: Can I have your phone number?

She: Yes 

Do you see the short conversation I had with the girl? Very simple and straight to the point. 

No long stories. You can tell her the long stories later but not now.

 It is not hard to start a conversation with any girl. 

Just start with the relevant things in the environment that two of you meet.

Read also: How To Love A Single Mom And Make Her Fall In Love With You (My Auntie’s Experience)


Don’t be afraid to talk to any lady that you like. The highest thing she can tell you is no. 

She won’t arrest you. Build your confidence and you will win her heart easily.