12 Signs That Someone You Are Dating Have Ghosted You (Real Life experience)

12 Signs That Someone You Are Dating Have Ghosted You

Do you want to know the 12 signs that someone you are dating has ghosted you?

My ex-girlfriend ghosted me when we were dating. 

I waited for her for about three weeks to see if things could change, but she continued ghosting me. 

So I ended the relationship and deleted her phone number. I was hurt because I loved her.

In this article, I will share with you the signs that show that someone you are dating has ghosted you. 

Read also: How To Break Up With Your Boyfriend/Girlfriend (10 Unbelievable Strategies)

Let’s go on now.

What is ghosting?

Ghost is when your lover suddenly cuts off communication without telling you why. 

Ghosting is intentional. It is never a mistake, they always plan it. 

Passing through this experience is quite painful. 

12 Signs That Shows That Your Lover Has Ghosted You

1. They avoid your calls: They won’t necessarily reject the call, they will intentionally miss your calls. 

You may think that they are busy and may call you back, but they won’t. 

2. They won’t reply to your texts or chats: My former girlfriend does this very well. 

She will see my message and won’t reply. 

3. They will give a lot of excuses: 

They always tell you the reasons why they won’t go out with you or assist you in doing anything. 

4. They will always find fault with you: 

They will complain about everything in your life; how you are not tall enough, fair enough, pretty/handsome enough and how you speak. 

They won’t see any good thing alone in your life.

5. They stop visiting you: They stop visiting you regularly or stop visiting you at all. 

If they normally visit you regularly before and suddenly stopped without any explanation, then you have been ghosted.

Read also: How To Know That You Are In A Fake Relationship (8 Sure Signs)

6. They will change to another route when they see you: 

If they notice you from afar coming towards their direction, they will hide or change to another route. 

They will do this to avoid talking with you. 

7. They will start gossiping about you: They will start telling people about you. And try to convince them to dislike you.

8. They will not wish you well on your special day: 

They will avoid celebrating your birthday, anniversary or other special days in your life.

9. They will stop liking your social media posts: 

When they come online and see your post they will ignore it, without commenting or liking them.

10. They will disassociate themselves from your friends and family members: 

They will stop talking with your family members and friends. 

11. They reply with short phrases: If they want to reply to your chats they will do that with short phrases like “fn” instead or “fine”. 

If you write a long sentence they will reply with “okay” alone without saying more.

12. They will make the relationship boring: 

If your lover suddenly starts to be dull in the relationship then they are ghosting you. 

They will stop bringing excitement into the relationship.

These 12 signs are the most common noticeable signs to look out for in your relationship when you start suspecting that your lover is ghosting you. 

Read also: How To Find Love Again After Breakup (Where To Find Love)

What To Do When Your Lover Start Ghosting You

You will definitely feel bad when your boyfriend/girlfriend start ghosting but you should stay focused and do the following things below:

1. Give them space: If you notice that they are ghosting you just give them space. 

2. Don’t beg them: Unless you offend them if not,  there is no need to beg. 

Don’t beg anyone to like or accept you into their life. Begging shows you don’t have confidence in yourself. 

3. Don’t comment or like their social media posts: 

This is not revenge. 

This is to show them that you’re happy and fine without them in your life. 

Don’t comment on their WhatsApp status, just view it and go.

4. Don’t go to their DM and start insulting them: 

It is very immature to do this. Just be calm and see how things turn out.

5. Don’t complain to any of their friends or family members: 

Don’t put yourself so low by complaining to anyone closer to him/her. 

You can tell people that are not closer to him/her but don’t do that to any of their friends/family members.

6. Consider breakup: If this continues for a long time you can break up with them and move on with your life. 

Why Do Your Boyfriend/Girlfriend Ghosts You?

There are several reasons why your lover can ghost you. Let’s talk about the possible  reasons:

1. They are no more interested in you: Maybe they have lost interest in the relationship and no longer have feelings for you.

2. They lack the courage to ask for a breakup: 

They may lack the courage to tell you that they are no longer interested in the relationship. 

3. They are dating another person: They might be in another relationship with someone they are more interested in. 

4. They may be depressed: 

Your boyfriend/girlfriend may be depressed and he/she may not want to disturb you with their problems and challenges. 

5. They may want some time alone: 

Even married couples do need some time in their marriage to be alone with themself.

6. You might be dating the wrong person: If he/she is not the right partner for you the relationship will never work.

7. They are not getting what they want from you: 

When they are not getting the exact thing they have in mind before going into the relationship with you, they will definitely ghost you.

Don’t feel so bad when your lover ghosts you. Be courageous and be patient. 

And if things are not working out for both of you, you can end things with them.

I won’t encourage you to stay with someone who is ghosting you for a long time. 

If they do that for about three weeks, end the relationship.

Read also: 3 Most Important Things To Discuss With Your Partner Before Marriage 


Don’t force your boyfriend/girlfriend to love you. It is wrong to manipulate anyone to love you. 

If you see any of the above 12 signs in your relationship it means that they are ghosting you. 

Never attack them for their behaviour.