How To Check Sexual Compatibility With Your Partner Without Having Sex Before Marriage (The Proven Strategy)

How To Check Sexual Compatibility With Your Partner Without Having Sex Before Marriage

Do you want to know how to check sexual compatibility with your partner without having sex before marriage?

Recently, I discovered that most couples don’t check sexual compatibility for the reasons best known to them. 

Sex is very important in marriage and lack of sex may bring quarrels, fights or even lead to divorce. 

Sex is not something to be overlooked in marriage. 

You can’t know if you are sexually compatible with someone by having sex with them alone. 

Especially if you haven’t married them. Having sex before marriage to check compatibility is wrong. 

How many people will you have sex with before you find the one who you are sexually compatible with? 

In this article, I am going to share with you how to check sexual compatibility with your partner without having sex before marriage. 

You don’t need to have sex with anyone to check compatibility. Don’t be deceived. 

Read also: Is It Good To Check Your Partner’s Phone? (5 Top Secrets Revealed)

Let’s go on now. 

How To Check Sexual Compatibility With Your Partner Without Having Sex Before Marriage

• Talk about sex with them: Find a way to make them feel comfortable to talk about sex with you. 

This is going to help you to find out what they know and what they don’t know about sex.

• Find out if they were sexually active in the past: Some people believe that there is no need to talk about things that happened in the past. 

There are exceptions to this. You have to ask them about their sexual activities in the past. 

This will help you to know what to expect.

• Find out if they masturbate: Masturbation may affect the way they will be having sex with you. 

People who are addicted to masturbation may find it difficult to enjoy sex with their partner. 

Check this by asking them if they masturbate, and how regular they masturbate. 

If you think that you can’t cope with someone who masturbates, then don’t marry them.

• Observe how they react when you are discussing about sex: If they frown when you are discussing any topic about sex it may be that they don’t like sex. 

If you like sex you so much, should marry someone that likes sex too. 

• Find out how frequently they want sex: Someone may like to have sex every day while the other doesn’t. 

If you are the type that wants frequent sex make sure that the person you want to marry wants that too.

• How they react when they are around you: Watch their reactions when they are with you. If they find you irritating, don’t marry them. 

It shows that you won’t have an amazing sex life with them.

• If they want to have sex with you: Be observant and see if they have the urge for sex when they are around you. 

If you feel the same, then you are sexually compatible. 

• They admire your appearance and body: If they tell you how handsome/beautiful you are, it means they really desire to have sex with you. 

If you have the same feeling it shows you are sexually compatible. 

• If they want to hold your hands when you are together: If they do this, it is a sign that they desire you. 

And if you have the same desire, you are good to go.

Don’t Do This If They Tell You About Their Sex Life

• Don’t use their past life against them. If you don’t like what they did in the past you can leave them.

Don’t convince them to accept what you like. If you do this it will affect you negatively in the marriage. 

Don’t blackmail them. Remember that they were honest with you by telling you about their private lives. 

Note: If the person you want to marry is a virgin, he or she may not know what they want during sex. 

And if you agree to marry them, it is your work to teach them about sex if you have the knowledge. 

If you don’t have the knowledge, both of you should learn together and adjust. 

Why Is It Important To Check Sexual Compatibility Before Marriage?

There are many reasons why you should check sexual compatibility. Let’s discuss them below.

• To know your partner’s sexual fantasies. Different people have different sexual fantasies. 

In fact, everyone has sexual fantasies. 

Before you marry, make sure to know how your partner wants to be satisfied sexually. 

• To know their sexual expectations. People have their various expectations when it comes to sex 

If you don’t meet their sexual expectations they may start cheating on you. 

• To have an idea on how to satisfy them. Everyone wants to be satisfied during sex. 

Having an idea on how to satisfy them is going to make things easy for you.

• To know if you can cope with their sexual needs. Knowing about their sexual needs is going to help you to know if you can go on to marry them or not.

Reasons Why Some People Shy Away From Checking Sexual Compatibility

• For religious reasons. Some people are too religious, and they may be taught that discussing about sex is sin.

• If they are still virgin. They may not know what to talk about if they have never had sex before. 

• If they don’t like sex. They may not want to talk about sex if they dislike it.

• They had bad experiences in the past. If they were sexually abused or raped, they may not want to talk about sex again. 

• They may have sexual challenges. They may be battling with sexually transmitted diseases and they may not want to talk about it.

• If they don’t trust you. Lack of trust may be the reason why they are shying away from talking about sex.

• They don’t want to marry you. This may be a sign that they don’t want to marry you.

• They are not comfortable about it. Maybe they are not comfortable talking about it now.

• You are forcing them to talk about it. Don’t force them to talk about sex if they don’t want to. 

Let them do it at their own time and pace.

You may not find someone that is 100% sexually compatible with you. 

If you can compromise and satisfy him/her by doing what they told you about their sexual desires, you can go ahead and marry.

You will patiently figure out what turns them on, where they want to be touched and their most preferred sex position as time goes on. 


Sexual compatibility is very important in marriage. 

Because sexual incompatibility may lead to divorce or cheating, and I know that this is not what you want. 

If the person that you want to marry refuses to talk about sex with you, then both of you may see a sex therapist or a marriage counsellor.

 Don’t check your sexual compatibility with the person you want to marry by having sex with them. It doesn’t work that way, communication is more vital in this case.

Remember that they might not like sex and will pretend that they are enjoying it with you just for you to marry them.