12 Signs Why You Should Not Marry Him/Her (The Bad Pointers)

12 Signs Why You Should Not Marry Him/Her

Do you want to know the 12 signs why you should not marry him/her?

Don’t marry any available person. 

It took me three years of serious searching before I met my wife, who is the right partner for me.

Before I met her, I had a series of failed dates. 

Almost all the women I dated in the past don’t have the same value as me. And this led to a break up. 

I would have ignored the red flag and married them, but that would have been a total disaster to my life and marriage. 

I am going to share with you 12 bad pointers you shouldn’t ignore when you see them in the life of someone you want to marry. 

Read also: 3 Most Important Things To Discuss With Your Partner Before Marriage 

So let’s go.

12 Signs Why You Should Not Marry Him/Her 

1. Stealing: Do you want to marry a thief? I guess your answer is no. 

Marrying someone that steals is a sure sign that your marriage is going to fail. 

If you are dating someone that is stealing I recommend you shouldn’t marry them.

My uncle, Ben married his wife when he got his first job in Germany. 

Uncle Ben never knew that his wife was a thief because they were in a long distance relationship before they got married. 

One day, his wife stole their neighbour’s computer that was worth about £400. 

They later found out that she was the one that stole the computer through a CCTV camera. 

Uncle Ben paid for the computer because his wife had sold the computer. 

His wife kept stealing from their neighbours, and uncle Ben was spending a lot of money in settling the cases. 

After a few months, he divorced her.

It was a bad time for my uncle with a lot of expenses. 

If you marry a partner who is stealing, they will put you into trouble.  

2. Nagging: One of my girlfriends, Tonia, always nags without any explanation. 

This caused a lot of quarrels between us. 

I found out that she can’t stop nagging so I broke up with her. 

A nagging partner is going to frustrate your life. 

Going home to meet them is like going to war. You will have no peace with them. 

If you find out that he/she is a nag, end the relationship for your own peace. 

What does it profit you to marry someone who can’t let you have peace.

3. Quick temper: This is the cause of domestic violence. 

A partner who cannot control his/her  temper may hit you when they become angry. 

Avoid them for your own safety. They are unpredictable, you may not know when they will get angry.

4. Unfaithful partner: If your partner is already cheating on you before marriage, there is no need to marry them. 

You will be heartbroken if you marry them. 

Don’t think that they will change, unless you want to be sharing your partner with other secret lovers.

And they may get sexually transmitted diseases in the process. 

5. Spendthrift: There are people that spend money unnecessarily without thinking about saving. 

These kinds of people can borrow just to spend and impress people. 

They are not financially disciplined. They may put you into trouble with their reckless spending. 

They are not the type of people you should marry. 

6. Late night keepers: Some people like to stay outside the home till midnight. 

If that is not what you want, don’t marry them. 

He/she May not have time for you and the family. 

But if you like late night clubbing, you can marry your kind of person.

7. Unaccountable partner: Accountability is very important in marriage. 

Someone that is not responsible will not put in the work to make your marriage and new family successful. 

These kinds of people are going to make things difficult for you. 

If you discover that the person you are dating is not accountable or responsible, don’t go on to marry them. 

8. No attention: If the person you want to marry doesn’t give you attention it means that they don’t  love you. 

Anyone that loves you will give you attention and care. 

Giving attention includes: calling you on phone regularly, texting you, checking up on you and going out on a date with you. 

9. Disrespect: Respect is  important in any relationship. 

If he/she doesn’t respect you now that you are still dating or courting, they may do the same when you marry them. 

They will take you for granted.

10. Lack of appreciation: I don’t like a partner who cannot appreciate me. 

There are things that I can tolerate in a relationship but not lack of appreciation. 

Your partner may be one of those who lack appreciation, you will struggle to please them if you marry someone like this.

11. Stingy partner: Love means giving. 

If they find it difficult to give you little things, you may find yourself in trouble if you get married to them. 

There was a lady I loved so much in the past, I bought several gifts for her.

But she never gave me anything in our eight month dating period. 

She was a doctor and was earning well also. I saw this as a red flag because the love was not mutual, and I broke up with her. 

Someone like her may not have a successful marriage because her partner won’t be happy.

12. If he/she is  keeping you away from family and friends: This means that they are not proud of you. 

If your partner is proud of you, they will be happy to show you off to their friends and family. 

These are the bad pointers that you shouldn’t ignore. Some people called these bad pointers “red flags”. 

Literally, we all know that red symbolises danger. And you shouldn’t jump into these dangers. 

When the traffic light turns red it is telling you to stop, and if it turns green it means go. It is the same in relationships.


If you notice any of these 12 bad pointers in the life of the person you want to marry, don’t go ahead with the marriage. 

Unless you don’t want a successful marriage. 

Don’t think you can change anybody if you marry them. 

Thinking this way is taking unhealthy risks which may lead to divorce in future.