7 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Get Married (With 5 Reasons For Marriage)

7 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Get Married

Do you want to know the 7 reasons why you shouldn’t get married?

I am a better cook than my wife, and she is better than me in personal finance management. 

She helps me with budgeting and she has helped me to be better with money. 

But I have something that she didn’t have, I can cook different kinds of meals. 

Cooking is her weak point. In 10 years of our marriage I am the one who cooks most of the time. 

Our differences made our union to be balanced. We compliment each other.

In this article, I am going to share with you 7 reasons why you shouldn’t get married. 

Read also: 12 Signs Why You Should Not Marry Him/Her (The Bad Pointers)

Let’s go on now. 

7 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Get Married

1. Unwillingness to help: If you find it difficult to help people, marriage may not work for you. 

If you want to get married, you must learn how to help. 

Nobody is complete, and marriage is a union of two incomplete people to help each other outgrow their weaknesses. 

If you think that you are complete and don’t need help from anyone, you shouldn’t consider marriage. 

2. For financial favour: 

If you need someone that can help you financially and you think that getting married to a rich man or woman is going to solve your problem, then you are completely wrong. 

Don’t marry someone just to inherit their wealth. 

Making money is easier in this modern time compared to the last three decades. 

There is the internet now and you can make a lot of money off it. 

Marrying for financial benefits is very wrong.

3. If you want to be alone: If you like being lonely without talking to anyone then you shouldn’t get married. 

If you get married you must be talking frequently with your spouse 

I am not talking about introverts here, introverts are people who don’t like being around many people. 

They like to keep a small circle of friends. I am an introvert and I married an introvert too. 

Our marriage is great. Being introverted is different from someone who loves being alone all the time. 

If you love being alone you may not do well in marriage. 

4. If you don’t like team work: Marriage is teamwork. 

If you can’t work with someone, marriage may not be for you. 

When you get married, you are going to be working together with your spouse to have a successful marriage or union. 

My wife and I usually have meetings on the last Saturday of every month. 

We do this to plan together about our activities and how to make things better in the coming months. 

My wife is the one writing everything down in our family journal during our family monthly meeting, while I raise the points, and we find the solutions together. 

We are doing this together as a team. And this has contributed to our success. 

5. Laziness: Marriage is hard work. It is not a resting place or retirement period. 

Your marriage will collapse if you are too lazy to put in the effort. 

Don’t think that marriage is where you come to rest because your partner told you that he/she loves you. 

It is serious work and there is no break. 

So if you think that you cannot meet the demand in marriage, you shouldn’t marry. 

Wait till you are ready for the hard work in marriage before you can marry. 

6. Infidelity: Cheating is a serious offence in marriage, which is going to break your spouse’s heart and may lead to depression. 

If you know that you can’t be faithful to your spouse, don’t get married. 

Don’t go into marriage and put your partner into emotional stress and pain. 

7. Pleasing other people: 

If your reason for wanting to get married is to make other people happy or to make them like you, you should stay single and work on your mindset. 

You won’t enjoy your marriage if you just get married to please others. 

The Reasons For Marriage 

1. To share your life with someone that you love. To have someone that cares about your needs. 

And someone who is ready to help you during difficult times.

2. To have good sex and kids. 

Sex is more enjoyable in marriage and your partner is going to learn everything about your body, and satisfy your sexual needs without having any guilt. 

3. Companionship. If you get married you will complement each other and help your partner to feel complete and happy. 

And they will also help you to fill any gap in your life that you cannot fill alone.

4. To kill boredom. You will be happy to have someone to talk to after a stressful day. 

Someone who understands your feelings and knows your challenges. Someone who is going to joke and laugh with you. 

5. To have someone that won’t judge you when you make mistakes. Your partner is going to be your best friend if you make the right choice.

And good friends correct each other with love.

6. To achieve your goals faster. Working together as a team with your spouse is going to help you to attain greater heights in your career or business. 

Because two is better than one. Your spouse is going to be the source of your encouragement. 

Many people get married for the wrong reasons. 

Marriage is not always about what you will get from your spouse, but what you are going to give. 

The major reason for marriage is companionship. This is where two responsible people come together to complement each other. 

If you can’t meet your partner’s needs, your marriage is going to be having serious problems. 


If you get married for the wrong reasons your marriage is not going to be successful. 

It is better to sit and ask yourself the reasons why you want to get married. 

You need to work on your mindset and you may also need to see a marriage counsellor before going into marriage.