How To Love A Single Mom And Make Her Fall In Love With You (My Auntie’s Experience)

How to love a single mom and make her fall in love with you

Do you want to know how to love a single mom?

My aunt Emma, was a single mom before she got married to her darling husband recently. 

They got married after eighteen months of dating. 

Emma told me that she fell in love with her husband for a few reasons, which I am going to share with you in this article. 

Single moms are great and very romantic when it comes to loving a man. 

They love with their whole heart. They don’t normally cheat on men who love them. 

And they know how to please men because experience has taught them great lessons.

Read also: 7 Powerful Ways To Seduce Any Woman Of Your Choice Without Spending Money 

Let’s go on now. 

How To Love A Single Mom And Make Her Fall In Love With You (My Auntie’s Experience)

1. Loving her kid: My aunt had a boy child from her previous relationship. 

She said that her husband loves her son so much and that made her start developing feelings for him. 

If you want to win the heart of any single mom, love her kid(s) more than you love her. 

This is going to make her believe that you care so much about her. 

Joke and play with her kid. Single moms love their kid(s) so much. 

2. Buy gifts for her and the kids: If you want to buy any gift for her, make sure you buy a gift for her kid(s) also. 

You don’t have to spend so much money on gifts. 

Just get any small gifts for the kid(s) along with hers. 

Emma said that her husband bought her a Turkey gown that cost around $300 and bought a $20 pair of shoes for her son when they were still dating. 

She said that this was the first gift her husband bought for her as his girlfriend then. 

What made her to cherish the gift more was that he remembered her son. Only a few men can do this.

3. Don’t judge her past life: Don’t judge her because she had a child. 

Doing this will make her dislike you, and it is going to break her heat too. 

Remember that women are so emotional and you shouldn’t tell what will make her cry. 

No matter how angry you are, don’t do this. You may ask her what led her to break up with her ex, but don’t use it against her.

4. Celebrate her kid(s) birthday with her: Note her kid’s birthday and celebrate it with her. 

If she is organising a party for the kid, help her out and also be present at the party. 

5. Compliment her body: Some single moms do think that men will not appreciate their appearance again. 

Tell her that she looks cute. You can do this when you are together or you can send it as a text to her. 

This will bring her confidence back again and she will love you so much.

What Can Make A Woman To Be A Single Mom

There are various reasons why some women become a single mom, it could be their decision or as a result of failed relationships. 

Let’s see some few reasons that could possibly cause this:

• Her choice: Some women deliberately decide to have kid(s) before getting married. 

• Failed relationship: It could be that her ex denied the pregnancy and ran away.

• Divorce: Maybe she divorced her husband due to some problems in the marriage. 

• Unprotected sex: She may have slept with someone without using any protection and she got pregnant.

• Rape: May be someone raped her in the past and she decided to keep the pregnancy, and gave birth to the child.

• Disappointment: Someone might have promised her marriage which didn’t happen. 

The above points are some of the few reasons why some women are single moms. 

If you want to date or marry a single mom, ask her the exact reason why she had a child or children. 

How To Make A Single Mom Regain Her self  confidence Again

Some single moms have low self confidence due to their past experience. 

But you can help her to become confident again if you truly love her. 

Here are some ways that you can help her regain her confidence again:

1. Register her at a gym: Going to the gym will help her to be happy and also put her body back in good shape again if that is the case. 

2. Tell her how much you love her kid(s): This will show her that you appreciate and care for her kid.

3. Give her attention: Always check up on her and her kid. She will be glad that you are there for her.

4. Go out on a date with her and her kid: You can do this once a month or more depending on your time and budget.

5. Tell her stories of successful women: Give her real life examples of women that overcame their challenges and became great. 

You can check the internet for these stories. 

6. Tell her how much you love her: Express your love for her. 

You can do this by sending her flowers, holding her hands when you are with her, and giving her a light kiss on her forehead. 

7. Buy her good books: You can give her motivational books as a gift.

8. Watch movies together: Find out the kind of movies that she loves and watch the movies with her.

It is not easy to be a single mom. Don’t make her life more stressful. 

Help her to grow and become the woman she wants to be. 

Loving a single mom is not easy, but you will enjoy it if you can love her and her kid(s). 

They are more mature to be with.


Her kid(s) is her greatest treasure. 

If you want a single mom to love you with all her heart make sure to love her kid(s). 

That is the easiest way to win a single mom’s heart. 

But if you are not willing to love her kid, don’t date her either. 

If you don’t love her kid she will find out and withdraw herself from you or she may ghost you. 

Women are so sensitive especially when their kids are involved.