Annulment Vs Divorce (Which Is Better?) 

Annulment Vs Divorce

Annulment Vs Divorce are two different things. 

It is increasingly common, when a marriage does not work out, for both parties to file for divorce. 

However, in addition to divorce, there is also the possibility of marriage being annulled. 

In this article, I will share more tips about annulment and divorce.

Read also: What Year Do Most Marriages Fail – And Why It Is So.

Let’s go on now.

Here are the difference between annulment and divorce:

Divorce: It is the legal and definitive breaking of the civil marriage bond. 

With the end of this bond, the marital status of both becomes divorced and the process involves sharing of assets, alimony and child custody (if any).

Annulment: In case of annulment, the marital status of the spouses is revoked for single or unmarried, without generating material effects and property regime for any of those involved.

Types of offenses for annulling marriage

1. When one or both spouses have not completed the minimum age to marry; they are minors of marriageable age and there is no authorization from parents or legal representatives.

2. When a defect of will or consent occurs; when one of the spouses is incapable of consenting or expressing his/her will.

3. When the marriage takes place by proxy and the mandate is revoked by one of the spouses.

4. When the authority that celebrated the marriage has no competence.

Annulment attorney

Annulment attorney who is a family lawyer is needed during annulment.

When carrying out a marriage annulment, it is necessary to choose a specialized professional, who in this case is a family lawyer who inspires confidence.

It is very important to know how to choose the right professional. And one of the main guidelines for choosing a family lawyer is that he/she must specialise in family law.

The lawyer should know the processes related to family law clearly, in addition to being updated with all the news in this field. 

It is recommended that this professional has a multidisciplinary support network, being able to offer an integral solution.

The consequences of inadequate legal advice are horrible and can be much more expensive than hiring a good family lawyer.

When dealing with personal situations involving many feelings and emotions, the family lawyer must also be an empathetic person, who will listen and understand you! 

Trust is also very important here, this is going to motivate the couple to be free and open up through the process. Don’t pick an attorney who you don’t trust. 

How Long Can You Be Married And Still Get An Annulment

Most annulments take place shortly after marriage, although there are exceptions. 

After a certain period of time, many states will not approve a request for annulment. 

If the marriage took place within 72 hours of issuing the marriage license, a judge can annul it. 

There are some exceptions. Within less than 30 days of the wedding, the application for annulment must be filed.

The length of time you have when you marry to obtain a civil annulment is determined by a number of circumstances, including where you live, why you want an annulment, and your post-marriage conduct. 

As these rules differ greatly from one state to another, it is important that you review your state’s rules to know what is expected of you.

Who Is Most Likely To Remarry After Divorce

Men are most likely to remarry after divorce

Men have more opportunities to remarry after divorce more than women. 

There are several reasons why men remarry after divorce, which includes:

1. Men are more financially capable than women. Since most men can meet up with the financial responsibilities for the second marriage, they went ahead to remarry after divorce. 

2. Emotional weakness. Men are weak emotionally compared to women. This makes them look for another partner after divorce for emotional support. 

3. Men love sex. Due to the higher sexual urge in men, they remarry after divorce to satisfy their sexual needs.

4. For help: Some men remarry after divorce for support and help. 

Women on the other hand may find it difficult to remarry after divorce. This is because most women are happier after divorce. 

Do Divorced Couples Still Sleep Together

No, divorce couples don’t sleep together. 

After divorce, the couple separate and live apart from each other.

This is because the marriage has ended legally. 

Divorce is painful, the couple should live away from each other to heal fast from the hurt.

Living together after divorce is going to make the couple change their mind, and want to remarry again. 

Sleeping together after divorce is not necessary again, since they have ended the relationship. 

If you divorce, you can find a new partner and marry the person if you want to marry again.

However, if you continue to live and sleep together with your ex-partner, it will be difficult for you to meet new partners. 

Even though you have returned to being single and free, it is not a very good thing if sleeping together after divorce becomes an obstacle to remarrying.

How Long After Divorce Do Most People Remarry

The shortest is 9 months, and the longest is 10 years.

Everything will depend on the time frame of the divorce process, which in some cases may take a while.

So in the meantime it is possible for a person to start having a relationship with another and this is not a problem.

In addition, while the person is waiting for the divorce process, it is still possible to form a stable union with another person.

That way, we need to clarify that you don’t have to wait for any deadline to get married in civil court after divorce.

That is, from the moment the judge sentences or the notary draws up the deed, the person becomes divorced and can now formalize the new union.

Period from Divorce to Remarriage

        Period                                  Ratio

Less than 1 year                    13.1%

Between 1-2 years                    12.2%

Between 2-3 years                    10.7%

Between 3-4 years                    9.6%

Between 4-5 years                    7.7%

Between 5-6 years                    6.7%

Between 6-7 years                    5.4%

Between 7-8 years                    4.6%

Between 8-9 years                    4.0%

Between 8-9 years                    3.3%

10+ years                                     22.8%

According to the survey by Vital Statistics, 67.2% of men and 58.8% of women remarried in their 30s. 

13.8% of men and 22.5% of women remarry in their late 20s, which is slightly higher for women.

Why Are Second Marriages Happier

Here are the reasons why second marriages are happier:

1. Commitment 

There is more commitment in a second marriage and this makes it more successful. 

Committing to make the relationship work means staying with the partner during good and bad seasons. 

2. Economic stability

The older you are, the more likely you are to have a high income. Most couples become more financially stable in a second marriage.

3. Paternity and maternity

Another reason for success in a second marriage is that their children are no longer so young, which reduces the pressure and attention children require in their early years. 

This gives an opportunity to be more attentive to the needs of the couple.

4. Less social pressure

Reduction of social and family pressure for men remarrying is also a factor that reduces the divorce rate in second marriages.

5. Age difference

The age gap in the second marriage makes the second marriage better, since the difference is shortened.

6. Maturity

Divorced people tend to be more emotionally mature, an experience that changes their perception and attitude towards life.

7. They tend to be more compatible

Second marriages usually become more successful because they’re more compatible.

So there’s not a lot of pressure to negotiate every decision.

Are Second Marriages Harder

Second marriages are not harder because the couple have had the experience of marriage before. 

They have learnt a lot from their first experience which is going to make the second marriage easier.

First experience is harder than the second experience. 

In the second marriage, the couple are more patient, understanding and knowledgeable. 

They have outgrown their feelings at this time. 

They go to the second marriage without selfish intentions. And this makes their union easier than the first.

There are low chances of divorce in a second marriage because the couple have known their responsibility. 

They won’t want to suffer another heart break like in the previous union.

What Is Second Wife To First Wife

Second wife is a co-wife to the first wife. 

When a man marries two wives, the first wife is above the second wife because she came before her.

Second wife should respect the first wife.

This kind of situation is seen in polygamous marriage, where the man marries more than one wife.

There are several reasons why men marry more than one wife which includes;

1. Cultural reason: Some cultures allow men to marry as many women as they wish.

2. Religious reasons: Certain religious beliefs allow men to marry many wives. 

3. Infertility: If the first wife doesn’t bear children, the man may decide to marry another wife that will bear children for him.

4. Health challenges: If the first wife is not medically fit, the man may marry another wife who will be satisfying him sexually. 

Read also: How Do You Know If It’s Time For A Divorce (Sure Sings)


You can remarry and be happy after divorce. Second marriage is not hard. It is an opportunity for you to have another experience with your new partner. 

Don’t be afraid of remarriage. You may find greater joy in it.