Best Quiz for Couples (90 Unique Quizzes/Questions)

Smiling and happy couple

Quizzes are a great way for couples to understand themselves better. 

Many couples don’t know much about each other even after living for a long time. 

This is because they didn’t have access to the best quiz for couples.

My wife and I used to have a lot of quarrels some years back, this was caused by a lack of understanding. 

We got better when a marriage counselor in Denver recommended a quiz for couples for us. 

This book helped us to grow in understanding and love.

I’ll share with you in this article the best quizzes for couples. 

Read also: How Well Do You Know Your Partner Quiz (Quiz For Couples)

Let’s get started now!

1. What would your perfect day be like?

This is a better way to know what you and your partner like most and the degree of rapport you can have in this regard.

2. What do you value most in a partner?

This will give you an idea not only of what your partner expects from you but also of their values: loyalty, fidelity, trust, support, and respect. 

In addition, it can also give you clues about what your ideal partner would be like and their beliefs regarding you.

3. If you had to make three wishes, what could they be?

You will get more out of it and your partner will undoubtedly talk to you about their values ​​(economic and material things, friendship, family…)

4. Do you want to have children?

This is the typical question to avoid if it is a temporary or recent relationship. 

If the answer differs from yours, think carefully about the viability of that relationship.

5. What would you change about your past?

This question gives you an idea of ​​whether your partner regrets something and to what extent it may have affected them

6. If you had to stick to just one hobby, what would it be?

Here you can discover their “passions” and see to what extent they are compatible with yours.

7. What do you like most about me?

This will tell you what your partner wants from you.

In simple terms, if someone trusts you, they might not ask a difficult question. 

However, when they inquire, “What don’t you like about me the most?” 

It can be a bit challenging, so get ready to give an honest response.

8. How and where do you see yourself in 5 years?

This will tell you if your plans align or come together.

9. What makes you sad? And 10. What makes you get high?

By asking these two questions, you’ll figure out how alike you are in this regard and whether you’ll often encounter these challenging situations together.

11. Do you prefer daytime or nighttime? 

This might seem unimportant, but it can lead to conflicts in relationships when couples have different daily schedules.

12. What is your biggest fear?

When someone asks what they don’t like about themselves, it can reveal not only their self-esteem but also any insecurities and how they value their appearance, personality, work, and lifestyle. 

Confidence is important when looking for a partner, and it’s often quite attractive.

13. What would you change about yourself?

Before asking this question, think if you are prepared for your partner’s answer.

14. What would you change about me?

Very significant for discovering the things you value most because of the emotions they bring you.

15. What has been the happiest moment of your life?

It can give you an idea of ​​each person’s ability to excel and their inner strength.

16. What has been the most difficult moment in your life?

This question usually connects with your deepest desires, without filters.

17. If money were no obstacle, what would you do?

This will tell you how you see and value money.

18. What has been your greatest craziness?

A curious way to find out how impulsive the other person is, or to what extent they are into “strong emotions.” 

And why not? Find out if any of those “crazy things” have been done in the name of love.

19. If there was a fire in your house, what would you save? (You can only save one thing)

Once again you connect with values ​​and what is truly important to others. 

This question can be very interesting!

20. What is love for you?

Very deep but interesting question if you are thinking about a long-term relationship. 

Knowing the ingredients of each other’s love will allow you to see to what extent you could make a good “pairing.”

21. What is your greatest hope?

Knowing what makes someone else happy is vital to getting to know your partner in depth.

22. What would you do or what would you change if you had one year to live?

When we think about death coming soon, it helps us understand what’s most important in life. 

Their answer to this might surprise you!

23. What are the three adjectives that best describe you?

This is not a job interview, so there is no need to “sell ourselves.” 

Let’s be honest and make it fun!

24. What is it that you can’t stand in others?

It was said that what bothers you most about others is indicative of what you don’t accept about yourself.

25. If you wrote your memoirs, do you think anyone would be interested? Because?

By asking this question, you can gauge your partner’s self-esteem (or if they’re overly self-absorbed).

26. What would be your favorite slogan or phrase?

Maybe you already know this from their WhatsApp status, but if not, it is very significant to know what they identify with.

27. What has been the moment in which you have been most embarrassed?

Interesting not only to know what it is, but how you experience it after time has passed. 

You know, yesterday’s drama is today’s comedy.

28. What was your favorite toy as a child? And your favorite cartoons?

Perhaps this question is not very revealing, but it will undoubtedly give you something to talk about and you will surely start a nice chat about what you were like as children.

29. What three qualities do you appreciate most in a person?

Having them will add points!

30. Who is your favorite person? Because?

This person can be someone you know in real life, a famous historical figure, or even someone you admire a lot. 

Let’s find out who you relate to in this question.

31. How do you get along with your family (parents, siblings…)?

This question can give you an idea of ​​how close and loving the person in front of you is and how valuable family is to them. 

Interesting information if you hope to start a family.

32. What is the most beautiful or special thing you have done for love?

You’ll find out how romantic they are, and there might be room for them to become even more romantic in the future!

33. What person has influenced you the most? Because?

This question will lead your partner to connect with their deep “I”…

34. Who is your worst enemy?

Hopefully, the person in question isn’t themselves!

35. What does success mean to you?

Ambitious? Need for recognition? Popularity? 

Or perhaps more focused on the inner world?

36. If you won the lottery, what actions would you take?

Again, it will give you an idea about the other person’s goals and aspirations, and perhaps also their values ​​(for example, if they would allocate part of the prize to help a friend or family member, or social work…).

37. What have you always wanted to do, but been afraid to try?

Dive into self-limitations…

38. How is your relationship with your ex-partners?

This information is not always revealing, but sometimes it can be interesting to know not only how they get along with their “exes,” but also how they talk about their old relationships: from hatred and resentment, from affection, from indifference…

39. What did you think when you saw me for the first time?

This will show what made them interested in you.

40. If I could feel something that you feel, what would you choose?

It can be very interesting to know what intense emotion your partner would share with you.

Be careful with this question! You may not like the answer.

41. What question would you like me to ask you?

Maybe they want to tell you something and don’t know how… 

Here’s their chance!

Best Quiz For Couples

Quizzes on Values ​​and Lifestyle 

42. When you’re having a bad day, what makes you feel better?

You will find out what makes your partner stay motivated after a stressful day. 

43. What are some of the most popular things on your bucket list?

You will know what’s on each other’s wish list. 

44. If you could acquire one quality or skill, what would it be?

The skill your partner wants to learn might be hidden but this question will help them discover it.

45. What do you think is your greatest strength in this relationship?

You will find out if your partner is willing to make more sacrifices in the relationship. 

46. What is one thing about your life that you would never change for someone else, including me?

If your partner has any bad habits he or she doesn’t want to change, it will be challenging to live with them, especially if they are abusive. 

47. Where is somewhere you’ve always wanted to travel?

You will know if you have the same travel destination.

48. Do you usually follow your head or your heart when making decisions?

You will know how your partner thinks and makes decisions in difficult moments.

50. If you could write a note to your younger self, what would you say in just five words?

This will reveal what your partner wished they had known earlier. 

51. What’s the one thing that makes you feel alive?

This question enables you to understand what excites your partner. 

52. Do you believe everything happens for a reason, or do we only find them after things have happened?

Some people believe that things happen based on luck while others believe in hard work.

53. What is a healthy relationship for you?

A healthy relationship is peaceful without unresolved issues. 

54. What do you hope to learn in the next year?

Some people are too rigid and not willing to adjust and learn. 

Find out who your partner is, by asking this question. 

55. If you could change anything about the way you were raised, what would it be?

Your partner may have an unhappy childhood experience, this is an opportunity for you to find out.

56. If you could change your life with anyone, who would you choose? And why?

You find out what they don’t like about themselves. 

57. What do you think was your most vulnerable moment in our relationship?

This will reveal how sensitive your partner is.

58. If a crystal ball could tell you the truth about yourself, your life, the future, or anything else, what would you want to know?

This is how to know what their worries are.

59. When did you first realize you wanted to be in a relationship with me?

You will know when and why they desire a relationship. 

Best Quiz For Couples

Quizzes About the Future 

60. Is building a family important to you?

This shows how they value family and family time.

61. How do you see our future as a couple, both separately and collectively?

This shows if your partner wants a divorce in the future or if they are thinking about it.

62. What do you want our future home to be like?

They may want a traditional or modern home.

63. How do you feel about having children?

If you want children, your partner may not want them. So you must find out.

64. Do you want to own a house one day?

If they want to remain a tenant or buy their own house is a great thing to know.

65. Is there a place you love that you would like to show me someday?

These questions may seem tricky. 

Your partner may tell you about their investments if they are honest.

66. Would you ever move to accommodate your job?

Some people value their job more than their relationship or marriage. 

67. What do you think works well together? How do we balance each other?

This will help you to think and work as a team to build a successful relationship. 

68. Is there something you’ve dreamed of doing for a long time? Why didn’t you do it?

You discover their fears.

69. What are your relationship goals?

You will know what he or she has in mind about your relationship. 

70. Do you have habits you want to change?

If they are willing to change their bad habit, it’s a good sign.

71. Where do you see yourself living when you retire?

You will see what their life will be like after retirement. 

72. What are your financial priorities and goals?

You can know their financial plan.

73. Do you have a secret suspicion about how you will die?

Some people have what they are afraid of about death or what will cause their death.

Best Quiz For Couples

Quizzes about Sex and Intimacy 

When it comes to love and relationships, sex is the crucial part and there is no shortage of bonding questions for couples. 

Here are some tests to do with your partner:

74. How and what did you learn about sex growing up?

This question will let you know where they learned sex or if they were taught about sex by their parents.

75. Where do you like and dislike being touched?

This is a way to know where they like to be touched and what stimulates them.

76. How do you feel about watching porn?

Some people are addicted to pornography. 

It is a problem if they can’t stop watching pornography.

77. What is your greatest fantasy?

Their sexual fantasy may not be what you expect. 

78. Do you prefer quickies or marathons?

Yes, you’ll know if they like slow sex or something fast.

79. What is your favorite part of my body?

You’ll know which part of your body they love and why they love it.

80. Are you satisfied with our chemistry and intimacy?

Ask if they’re satisfied with the sex you’re having. 

81. What have you learned about your body in the past year that could make your sex life more fun?

Some people don’t know their body well. 

If that is the case, you can teach them.

82. In what context do you feel sexiest?

You should know their triggers when it comes to sex. 

83. What’s one thing you’ve never done that you’d like to try?

Your partner may be shy, but this question will help them to be open.

84. How often per week do you want to be intimate?

The frequency of sex matters a lot in marriages. 

85. What is the best thing about our sex life?

You will know what they enjoy most.

86. Do you prefer to make love with the lights on or in the dark?

Your partner may like lights during sex or in a dark room.

89. As a couple, what are our sexual strengths and weaknesses?

This will help you to know where and how to improve. 

90. How do you see our sex life changing over the years?

They’ll be able to share their sexual expectations with you.


Try these questions to test your relationship, and also think about your partner’s questions so you can keep your connection stronger and more understanding.

Having a conversation where you discuss these couples quiz questions is a great way to improve your communication and love life. 

Why not begin asking each other some relationship quiz questions this evening?

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