Best Ways To Date Yourself (11 Things To Do Always)

Best Ways To Date Yourself

Do you want to know how to date yourself?

Dating yourself simply means being your own sweetheart. 

Before you can love someone else you should first of all love yourself. 

Self love is very important and if you can’t love yourself, no one else will love you.

Dating yourself is a great way to find your true self and discover how to receive love from someone else or from your future partner. 

It will be hard for you to know when someone is caring for you if you don’t date yourself first.

In this article, I will share with you the best ways to date yourself without regrets.

Read also: How To Know That You Are In A Fake Relationship (8 Sure Signs)

Let’s go on now. 

Best Ways To Date Yourself

1. Play the game you love: I guess you have a hobby that you love so much. 

Engaging yourself with games is a very refreshing moment to be with yourself alone. 

Find a game that you can play alone and enjoy playing it. 

This can be online or offline. You can get some good puzzle or riddle books on the Amazon store and spend some time alone solving the puzzles. 

2. Have leisure time: Leisure time is a free time you can create to be alone and have fun with yourself. 

You can do this by reading your favourite book, magazines or you can visit your favourite places. 

This is the best time to relax your body and get relief from work and stress. Include leisure time in your daily routine.

3. Prepare your favourite meal: Give yourself some special treats. 

Prepare your best meals, eat and enjoy yourself. 

It is very important that you prepare the meals by yourself.

Any time I cook my own food it has special flavours, because I control the ingredients and the quantity that I want. 

You can get good cookbooks on the Amazon online store depending on what meals you want to prepare. 

4. Reduce stress: Overworking yourself is not generally good for your body. 

You need to give your body some rest. 

If your job is too stressful you can change to another one. Stop doing anything that is giving you much stress.

5. Admire yourself in a mirror: Look at the mirror and start talking to yourself. 

Tell yourself all the good things in life that you are proud of. 

This is called mirror therapy. If you feel sad, go to the mirror and smile at yourself. 

I do this a lot. Anytime I look at myself in the mirror I must smile. 

It is a great way to bond with yourself and with your inner being. 

If you do this regularly your confidence and self love will increase. 

6. Visit a spa: Visit any spa of your choice to get a professional body massage. 

Giving your body this kind of special treatment is going to make you look younger and cute. 

Body massage is going to relax and stretch your nerves, and give you a tingling sensation. 

7. Watch your favourite movie: Watch any movie that you cherish. 

Watch the movies alone. I normally relax and watch my favourite movies and it gives me a great sense of connection to myself. 

8. Color your favourite images: You can get your favourite coloring book and color the images. 

You will connect with yourself more when you do this. 

I love coloring flowers, and I buy the books on the Amazon platform. It will make you discover what you don’t know about yourself. 

9. Find an online business: I love online business because it gives me the opportunity to stay alone, and work without any boss or someone pressuring me. 

I work at my own pace and schedule. You can also find any online business you love and work for yourself. 

10. Stroll around your environment: Move around your environment especially in the evening. 

You will enjoy the sweet evening breeze that refreshes the environment. 

Look around as you stroll and appreciate the work of nature. 

This will allow you to see the inner beauty of yourself through the calm environment. I get a lot of inspiration while strolling around. 

11. Sing for yourself: Sing any song that you love. 

It mustn’t be a popular musician’s songs, it could be songs that you formed by yourself. 

Sing them aloud. If you have any musical instruments, you can play along even if you don’t know how to play them very well.

Why It Is Important To Date Yourself

There are several reasons why you should date yourself. Let’s discuss about them below:

• To learn how to love others: How do you think you can love others without first loving yourself? 

You can learn how to love others by loving yourself. 

• To know what you want in a partner: 

If you want to date in the future, it will be easier for you because you have already dated yourself and know what you want and how you want it.

• To know how to receive love: Some people don’t know how to receive love because they have not dated themselves before. 

• To be happy: You find what makes you happy when you are dating yourself. There is joy in self love.

• To reduce stress of being with someone: Loving someone or being in a relationship is stressful and hard work. Dating yourself is less work. 

How Long Should You Date Yourself

There is no specific time for dating yourself. You can start anytime you want and end at any time. 

But I recommend that you date yourself before going into any relationship or before getting married. 

If you just broke up with your partner, you should date yourself for at least six months before going into another relationship. 

Dating yourself is the easiest way to heal from heartbreak or divorce. 

You can also get a dating journal for yourself, to write everything you want to do for yourself or what you have done for yourself. 


Dating yourself doesn’t mean isolating yourself from the public. 

You can still keep friends, but the whole essence of dating yourself is creating more time for yourself. 

It is the time to focus more on yourself than others. 

A time to appreciate yourself and learn more about yourself. So have it in your mind that dating yourself is all about yourself.