Best Ways To Love An Introvert (Top Secrets About Introverted Partners)

How To Love An Introverted Partner

Do you want to know the best ways to love an introvert?

I am an introvert, and the way we want to be loved is different from the way extroverts want to be loved. 

Love has a different meaning for introverts. You have to study an introverted partner very well before you can learn his or her love language. 

My wife is an extrovert and our union seems like a perfect match. 

This doesn’t mean that two introverted partners can’t have a great relationship or marriage. 

Introverts are not difficult to love. You only need to understand him or her before you can get good results. 

In this article, I am going to show you how to love an introverted partner from my experience because I am one.

Read also: How To Find Love Again After Breakup (Where To Find Love)

Let’s go on now. 

How To Love An Introverted Partner

1. Create time for chats: Many people don’t know that introverts prefer chatting to face to face conversation. 

This is because they don’t like talking too much. When I was dating, I hardly arranged face to face meetings with my girlfriends. 

I prefer chatting with them on Facebook, WhatsApp and Twitter. 

I am more comfortable with chats than face to face conversation. 

If you really want to make your introverted partner happy, you must chat him or her up regularly. 

2. Build trust: Your relationship with an introvert will never work if you don’t build trust between both of you. 

They do well where there is trust. Make your introverted partner see you as a straightforward lover. 

3. Keep your promises: They hardly forget things. If you tell him or her that you will come around by 5pm, make sure you keep to your promise. 

I have never forgotten any appointments with my wife, and since she is an extrovert she usually forgets some of the promises she made. 

But we have a way of going around this. 

I told her to get a book and name the book; “My Promise Journal”. 

She did, and this is helping her to remember her appointments and the promises she made to me. 

You can keep a “Promise Journal” too to help you remember every promise  you made to your introverted partner. 

4. Give more attention: 70% of the introverted partners want attention more than any other thing. 

I have interacted with many of them and they said that attention is their top priority in a relationship. 

My wife knew this before we got married ten years ago, that I wanted attention more than anything in our relationship.

 And for the past ten years, she has been doing her best to make sure that I am satisfied. 

5. Build privacy: Introverts don’t like public attention. They like to do everything indoors. 

They like to be alone with their partner, because this gives them more confidence to talk, joke and laugh with them. 

It allows them to express their feelings with you. Most introverts are shy, and that is the reason why they don’t like public shows. 

6. Don’t share what they told you with others: They love secrets a lot. They will never trust you again if you share their secrets with others.

Remember that the easiest way to love an introverted partner is to build trust in the relationship. 

So whatever you discussed with them should not be known by others. 

7. Encourage your introverted partner: Most introverts need motivation to achieve whatever they want to achieve in life. 

Encourage him or her to build a successful career or business. 

Praise them whenever they do anything you love. This is going to help them to do more. 

8. Don’t accuse them of infidelity: Don’t say that they are cheating when they are not. They take words very seriously. 

9. Regular check ups: To love an introvert you must be calling and texting him or her frequently. 

This is the only way introverts bond with their partner. 

I love communicating frequently with my wife, without communication there will be no love. 

10. Have interest in what they love: Introverts are passionate about what they love. 

It could be their career, business or hobby. Whatever it is, show interest.

11. know their boundaries: Introverts don’t talk too much. They mean whatever they say. 

If you do what they don’t like repeatedly, they will get angry with you, and this will make them withdraw from you.

How To Know That An Introvert Love You

It may be hard for an introvert to express his or her love for you through words. 

This is because they don’t like talking. Let me show you how to know that an introvert loves you.

1. They will respect you: Introverts will respect you so much if they truly love you. 

They hardly disrespect who they love.

2. They will always want to be with you indoors: Introverts normally reject outdoor dates. 

They do this because they are shy. Instead they will want to be with you in the house all day.

3. They will reply to your text immediately: When they see your chat or text they will reply without wasting time. 

This shows that they love you.

4. They will help: Most introverts love helping people. 

If they are in love with you, they will go the extra mile to help you with anything.

5. They won’t get angry easily: When an introvert loves you, he or she will not get angry easily when you offend him or her. 

They are patient with the person they love.

6. They will joke and laugh with you: Most introverts are funny. 

They will randomly say something funny to make you laugh. 

I am doing this very well with my wife. I play and joke with her a lot.

7. They will care for you: The truth is, if an introvert doesn’t love you, you must know. 

Because they hardly pretend. They will care for you even to the extent of displeasing themselves just to please you. 


Loving an introvert is not difficult. The only problem they have is that they must trust you before they can love you. 

They don’t love easily. They are more faithful in relationships compared to extroverts who can cheat easily. 

Being in a relationship with an introvert is one of the great experiences you wouldn’t want to miss.