How to Best Deal With Fighting Brothers and Sisters (Children Aged 6 Years and Older)

Two boys fighting each other

When one of your kids shouts, “Leave my room!” and they’re on the verge of a fight, you promptly intervene and say, “Stop!”  Logical thinking takes a backseat at this moment; it’s all about fight, flight, or freeze mode. We want them to apologize and talk it out, but their young brains aren’t quite there

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How Do You Deal With a Child Who Won’t Listen and Is Disrespectful? (6 Easy Tips)

Sad girl child

You can get your child to listen and respect you by consistently ignoring his or her disrespectful behavior and paying a lot of positive attention to the behavior you do want to see. In this way, the child learns that obedient behavior will lead to rewarding positive attention, and that oppositional behavior will not lead

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How Do You Parent a Difficult Child Who is Defiant (11 Easy Ways)

Angry girl child

Children can be defiant at times: displaying behaviors that challenge the authority of parents, and these prove to be complex for parents, teachers, and caregivers to manage.  However, it is important to understand that children can be defiant for many different reasons.  Therefore, addressing these situations requires a combination of understanding and behavior management skills.

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