Can I Divorce My Wife If I Don’t Like Her (What You Must Do)

Can I Divorce My Wife If I Don't Like Her

Do you want to know if you can divorce your wife if you don’t love her? No, you can’t divorce your wife if you don’t love her. 

That is not enough reason to divorce her.

My colleague Jasin wanted to divorce her wife just because he felt he didn’t love her again. 

They have been married for seven years. We advised Jasin not to divorce his wife. 

Jasin was admiring a lady who was just employed by our company then. Eight months later, the lady was sacked. 

Jasin felt he wasn’t thinking right by saying that he didn’t love her wife any more when the lady was sacked. 

He apologised to her wife and they continued living happily again.

In this article, I am going to share more tips with you.

Read also: Can I Remarry My Husband After Divorce (What You Shouldn’t Do)

Let’s go on now.

What Do men Do After Divorce

When divorced, men get more depressed than women.

Men are almost twice as likely to fall into a depression after divorce.

According to specialists, men express their emotions less. 

And there are cultural guidelines that make it more difficult for them to divorce, such as leaving the family home. 

They also suffer more from losing the routines they had with their children.

Specialists agree that divorce generates a feeling of loneliness in men. 

A new Canadian study confirms that, when a marriage dissolves, men tend to suffer more depression than women.

The data come from the National Survey on Population Health conducted in Canada between 1994 and 2005. 

The study indicated that men between the ages of 20 and 64 who had divorced were 6 times more likely to suffer from depression than those who remained as a couple.

While separated women were 3.5 times more likely to suffer from it. 

The conclusion was two fold: both men and women who divorce are at greater risk of becoming depressed, and men almost double the chances. 

Can A Divorced Man Fall In Love Again

Yes, a divorced man can fall in love again.

After going through a divorce, most people are not immediately looking for a new relationship.

But, although it may not seem like it at first glance, divorced men are more likely to fall in love again than divorced women. 

This is because men, in general, are more optimistic about relationships and have a greater desire to get back into one.

Here’s how to fall in love again.

• Take time to heal: Don’t rush into a new relationship immediately after divorce. Take your time to heal .

• Hang out with friends: Don’t stay indoors. Go out with your friends, have fun and meet new people. 

• Don’t think you’re old: Don’t mind your age, you can find love again at any age.

• Look good: Dress up well when going out. 

• Smile: Smiling face is always attractive. Smile when you meet women. You could find your love sooner than you expected.

What Does A Man Pay A Woman After Divorce

A man pays alimony to a woman after divorce. 

Alimony for the ex-wife is granted so that she can support herself. In the past, this type of payment was very common. 

Currently, this type of payment is used to pay child support.

Alimony must be paid when the ex-wife is unable to support herself after the divorce. 

In this case, the woman may file a maintenance claim. However, it is necessary that the ex-husband can afford this amount. 

Therefore, the judge will make sure that the husband pays the alimony to the ex-spouse according to his financial conditions.

The judge will take into account the age of the ex-wife. 

In this way, the payment will occur for a certain period of time, which will be enough for her to enter the job market again.

Be aware that there are situations where the benefit will be for a lifetime. 

Usually this happens when there is no longer the possibility of her going back to work.

Another reason is when the ex-wife is unable to return to work or is in poor health.

What Age Do Men Get Divorced

Most divorces happen to men in the middle age, over 40 years old.

According to the document “Statistics of the Civil Registry 2014”, released by the IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics), in November 2015, the average age of the man to divorce is 43 years old. 

In the case of men in their 40s, life is often centered on work, and it is common for men to leave household affairs to their wives.

If you do not participate in household chores, you will have to do all the cooking, laundry, cleaning, etc. yourself after a divorce. 

It will be a heavy burden to work and be doing household chores that you are inexperienced with.

Also, if you cannot get custody after divorce, you will not be able to live with your children. 

And if you do not make proper visitation arrangements, you may not be able to see your children after divorce.

When Should You Stop A Marriage

You should stop a marriage when there is violence or domestic abuse that is a threat to your life.

Deep down, everyone has an idea of ​​what is the right time to end marriage. 

When you no longer feel comfortable being in the marriage, living with your spouse and imagining a future with them is going to be hard. 

Even so, they find outrageous justifications for maintaining the relationship, such as:

“We have experienced so many things together”

“We had so many plans”

“We help each other in bad times”

“Is it worth abandoning everything we’ve already lived away?”

“Didn’t we try hard enough?”

“Can we change?”

Do these reasons and questions really make sense? 

You need to ask yourself if you’re just putting off something that needs to happen for you and your spouse’s sake.

Make an effort to leave your marriage if there is violence or abuse. Staying in an abusive marriage is dangerous, your life is at risk.

What To Do When Your Marriage Is Over But You Can’t Leave

Here are what to do when your marriage is over but you can’t leave:

• Determine to leave. You must make up your mind to leave the marriage since it has ended. 

• Focus more on the bad side of your partner. This will help you to leave quickly. 

• Find a job: Finding a job is going to help you to be financially stable. And you will have some money to take care of yourself when you finally leave.

• Stop considering your partner. Your partner may be begging you to stay, stop listening to their plea. 

• Find an apartment. Live apart from your partner. You can do this by renting an apartment that is far from where your partner lives.

You should think about the reasons why you can’t leave. 

There are three reasons why you may find it difficult to leave the marriage:

1. When you are emotionally attached to your partner.

You are mentally dependent on him/her, and you are not mentally blown away by the fact that you still like him/her. 

You already feel like family, and you think that you will feel lonely when you leave the marriage.

2. If your partner is so scared to end the marriage. 

This means he/she is still in love with you and doesn’t want you to leave them.

3. Because of the happy moments you shared together with your partner. 

You may find it difficult to leave if you have good memories together.

Who Has The Highest Risk Of Divorce

Here are the people with the highest risk of divorce rates based on their occupation:

Divorce rates by occupation:


1st – Service (38.1)

2nd – Construction and Mining (34.5)

3rd – Unemployed (32)


1st – service workers (36.7)

2nd – unemployed (20.8)

3rd – production process workers (factory workers, etc.) (17.3)

The reason for the high divorce rate in the service industry is that there is a misunderstanding between husband and wife due to irregular work days such as Saturdays, Sundays, early mornings, night shifts, and shift work. 

Reasons for this include conflicts, so it is easy for stress to build up and bring misunderstanding in the home.

Is It Better To Divorce Or Stay Unhappily Married

It is better to divorce than stay unhappily married. 

In an unhappy marriage, a divorce can actually feel like a relief, and also for the children. 

Research by Jonathan Gruber showed that children whose parents did divorce have a better level of education, a better income and a better marriage than children whose parents stayed together despite all the arguments. 

Happy parents (even if divorced) simply mean happier children.

You set a good example for your children. After all, you show that you can choose your own happiness and that it is good to draw a line.

Nothing is more harmful to your health than prolonged stress. 

Getting out of an unhappy marriage is therefore better for your health. You prevent cardiovascular disease, diabetes and depression.

You have time to find yourself and to fully focus on yourself again. 

Marriage, especially a bad one, can be quite a drain on you. 

In the long run, staying in an unhappy marriage will make you age faster. 

A divorce also means that you are in control again. You decide for yourself about your finances, household and happiness.


Divorce is perhaps one of the most difficult decisions in a person’s life. 

Because that decision is so difficult and also has major consequences.

Many people choose not to divorce anyway. In short, they get stuck in an unhappy marriage. 

But what are the consequences of postponing a divorce? 

Research has shown that if you are not happy in your marriage and postpone a divorce, this has a major impact on your health, among other things.